Mountaingoats First Time Indoor Soil 200 Watt Grow


New Member
So time to post a journal. Growing the plants inside Mountaingoat's Growbox 200w low energy light

Currently 4 pots growing 2 of Red Cherry Berry, 1 of Amnesia Lemon and 1 of Liberty Haze
Currently in Vegetative stage.
The soil used was: Compo Sana which has perlite in it and is an universal grow medium.

It says on the bag that the ph is between 5 - 6.5 and that it contains : 200-450 mg/L N , 200-500 mg/L P and 300-550 K.
Using a normal brand of nutrients with NPK of 8-8-8.
Watering whenever needed usually around every other day.
The temperature within the box is kept between 25-28 celcius.
Humidity is kept around 40-50.

Germination was done inside a pluggbox

This was done in-order to give a strong root system before transferring the plants to the big pots.

So lets introduce the family.

Celestine: Red Cherry Berry
Lill-Steph: Red Cherry Berry
Gordon: Amnesia Lemon
Apollo: Liberty Haze

These pics were taken 2 days after planting seeds into the pluggbox.

First in the top left corner is Celestine. Red Cherry Berry

Then top right corner is Lill-Steph. Red Cherry Berry

Bottom left corner is Gordon. Amnesia Lemon

Bottom right corner is Apollo. Liberty Haze

Here is the gang just before replanting them into the big pots about a week into the grow.





They got some discoloration on the leaves but after some more water was added it became better.
Whole family:

These are the plants 3 weeks into the grow. Added a CO2 generator inside aswell. Currently having some problems with some discoloration on the leaves of the plants everyone except Apollo. Thinking it can be lack of nutrients causing it. The lack may be due to bad PH in the soil or the fact that stronger nuts are needed.





So this is what is going down currently. Stay tuned for more! Also please give comments and suggestions.


"Please note: as Mountaingoat is a totally fictional character none of these things has actually happened and is completely fake."
After having some problems with browning tips of the leaves some counceling of a certain Guru was made and water was the thing that was decided to be the most probable cause. After checking the PH of the water used it appeared to be up as high as 8. This was nowhere near the desired 6-6,5. A swift trip to the pet-store for some PH down solution and the plants became within just one day allot happier.

This is then the family about 3.5 weeks into the grow.





"Please note: as Mountaingoat is a totally fictional character none of these things has actually happened and is completely fake."
Alright so they have been in vegetative state now for about 4.5 weeks and topping has started to get them really nice and bushy. Also got a 3 part nutrient solution instead of the previous generic supermarket 8-8-8 one. Got some inspiration from a guru.

The residue which was left from the supermarket one did not look attractive at all so this bio set up should be allot better. Also a stealth growbox Mountaingoats Stealth CFL PC-GrowBox has been built which will be used for flowering some clones and learn how to properly do that. So they have all been flushed before giving the new nutrient mix which seems to be doing wonders especially for Apollo.





Then there was the time to top, also thank you 420- for the amazing topping guide. Topping Rep to tulip





There you have it please feel free to give comments feedback and suggestions. Also check out the other mountaingoat threads if there is some spare time in your day.


Mountaingoats Stealth CFL PC-GrowBox

Mountaingoats First Time Indoor Soil 200 Watt Grow

Mountaingoat's Growbox 200w low energy light

"Please note: as Mountaingoat is a totally fictional character none of these things has actually happened and is completely fake."
The topping went really well only took the plants two days to sprout out again. Pics will come soon. However got a new dilemma got a CFL light on this grow and a really large box, was thinking about letting the plants grow into large plants and hopefully get a big crop, still the use of CFL limits this as the light will have a hard time to penetrate and therefore reduce the amount of buds. Therefore the question is, would it be possible to grow large crops with a CFL or rethink the plan and just grow small ones until a new light is added.

What do you think?

Monster plants and take clones which will be flowerd in a small box and let the other plants grow large.

Cut the losses grow the plants a bit larger then flower and crop out earlier.

"Please note: as Mountaingoat is a totally fictional character none of these things has actually happened and is completely fake."
Hey there, your ladies are looking pretty good. CFLs do have their limitations but you can still grow a damn nice plant with them. If penetration seems to be an issue, look into different defoliation methods. You can make some cool stuff happen depending on how and when you cut things. You may do best by allowing the plant some time in veg and then chop all but say 2 or 3 branches and switch to flowering. This will concentrate the plants energy on just those two or three branches. Thus cutting down on the crowding in the box without shaving much off yield. Generally you would repeat the chop about a week or two into flowering. Scrog might also be an option for you, it's another training method.

what happens when you use that method I mentioned.


In this I chopped off most of the branches and then stripped the branches of bud sites that didn't receive direct light or significant amounts. With this you don't need much light penetration because almost all of your sites are in a decently thin layer of growth. In hindsight I would have chopped more branches.


Once flowering (keep in mind there are two plants right next to her ;P)

hope that makes sense and is of some use
Defiantly, great to see some nice pictures, was thinking about scrogg but as the box where they are growing is quite big it feels like a waste to scrogg in the space, therefore the first method seems like a good choice. Recently a bit scared been seeing some sexing of the plants and they are supposed to still be in vegetative state.

Here is Lill-Steph

"Please note: as Mountaingoat is a totally fictional character none of these things has actually happened and is completely fake."
Alrighty so 3 days has passed since the topping was performed and the results are very nice indeed. As stated in the previous post there are some pre-flowers showing on Lill-Steph which has caused some concern hopefully more wise growers may give some input. The plants also got water with an increased amount of nutes yesterday and seems like they are enjoying it.

Here is the family

Apollo from a far

Apollo up close

Celestine from a far

Celestine up close

Gordon from a far (which used to be the laggard of the group but now is really kicking it)

Gordon up close

Lill-Steph from a far

Lill-Steph up close

Lill-Steph showing herself off

So this is what is going on so far please give some suggestions and comments

"Please note: as Mountaingoat is a totally fictional character none of these things has actually happened and is completely fake."
Don't be worried about the preflowers, they are just telling you that the plant is one, a female, and two, sexually mature enough to be flowered. It's a good thing!
Hey MG, looking good. CFL's are honestly a waste of time. You need to order them online to even get the right size, and they still yeild popcorn nuggets. I've seen some heavy duty CFL setups that yeilded less than a 150w HPS. Your better off getting one of those, its only $100 at the most for the hood. That includes the light, ballast and power cord also. A beginners best friend. Ditch the CFl's bro :roorrip: and get some HID lighting in there. And as much as i hate to be the bearer of bad news you may want to look into the Sierra Natural Science product line. Seems Lil Steph has some powdery mildew...Picture right before topping link shows it clearly.
Hey MG, looking good. CFL's are honestly a waste of time. You need to order them online to even get the right size, and they still yeild popcorn nuggets. I've seen some heavy duty CFL setups that yeilded less than a 150w HPS. Your better off getting one of those, its only $100 at the most for the hood. That includes the light, ballast and power cord also. A beginners best friend. Ditch the CFl's bro :roorrip: and get some HID lighting in there. And as much as i hate to be the bearer of bad news you may want to look into the Sierra Natural Science product line. Seems Lil Steph has some powdery mildew...Picture right before topping link shows it clearly.

On the light choice, it does seem like the HID is the choice of champions however I would prefer to finish this grow see if it pans out or if its a complete fail, possibly it may add to evidence for or against the use of CFL. Also the heat may become an issue im affraid with a HID light. But for this grow it shall be CFL. As I will move within the year of 2013 and will not be able to travel with the big box I will probably just pass it on to another European grower... But anyway for now CFL positivity!

The powdery mildew is...hopefully not mildew as its no longer there... Sometime ago an experiment of feeding the plants on top of the leaves was conducted, as the tap-water where the grow is located is not the best it may have been residue from minerals and other junk that they put in the drinking water. Hopefully this was the reason, also the humidity is quite low inside the box to keep mildew and mold from forming. However lill-steph and the others will be under close watch to see if something may be lurking within the box. Still many thanks for the tips and comments! :Namaste:

On a happier note the clones which were taken from the Apollo plant (Liberty Haze) are really hauling ass with the root development, was a bit afraid since its a hybrid strain with a short flowering time (read somewhere that they are hard to clone). The grow journal for that will pop up on Saturday hopefully as they will move into the PC-growbox.
:popcorn: Im in. Is this your first grow? Looks like your doing a fine job so far. :thumb:

Thanks small :thanks:, yepp its the first grow of many hopefully!
got me a seat right over here:)
Al-right work stuff got a bit hectic so haven't posted update in a while. So what´s new? Changed to the Gas Lantern Routine, really kicked things off they are growing like crazy saw results of the GLR in just 2 days. All of them except Apollo are getting very bushy so thinking about doing some defoliation to get the light through a bit easier, what do you think?

Without further adieu here is the family:


Celestine (got some burns on-top of the leaves so raised the light a bit)



Things are speeding up rapidly (thanks to the GLR) however the family will have to be left to their own devices for about 1 month, got a neighbour which will check in on them once a week but thinking about building a irrigation system. Any tips or thoughts?

Thank you for reading :thanks:
Alrighty, so there has been some defoliation and I must say that it really perked all of them up, they got super happy. Thinking about doing more but still doing it a little by little.

Here is the whole family

Apollo, no defoliation done since he has such scares leaves already

Lill-Steph (AKA Koalalicious) after defoliation

Celestine after defoliation

Gordon after defoliation

This is how much was cut off but thinking about doing more as it seem to have really increased growth in just one day

Planning on growing in veg until they reach the height of the light as it hangs in this picture then flip them

Any comments thoughts?

This is a good read I found concerning the defoliation
Defoliation.pdf download - 2shared

As long as the pots are big enough, once a week should work, but keep in mind, your plants will drink more and more the bigger they get. I can't remember if these are fem seeds or not, but if not, will your neighbor be able to cull any males once they show sex? Forgive me if they already have shown sex, or are fem seeds, I'm following a bunch of journals ATM. Good luck, keep em' green!
Hehe yeah its pretty cool, well just got a automatic watering set-up too keep em happy while ill be gone. Gonna re transplant to bigger pots before its installed, pics coming up soon. Took 4 clones took safe-keep so that another grow can start as soon as this one is done.

Apollo is the Liberty haze which apparently has a short flowering period. should be cool to see if that might be the reason for the leaves having such a different size and position.

More updates coming up! will leave the plants alone on Sunday. so the updates might run a bit dry in-between but on the other-hand its a great way to see how the automatic watering system will work out. They will have the neighbour look in every once in a while but ultimately they will be lonely.

happy turkey dat MG:peace:
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