2 x 600 Watt Tent Set Up - 12 x Cali Connection Plants/Strains - 1st Indoor Grow

If your looking to grow bushes I would start now with topping/ fiming and as soon as they start to branch do a defoil. If your seedlings are anything like my clones they'll grow straight sideways. The adjustments to your circulation system look awesome.

Thanks northener! If I do decide to top/fim will I really see any sort of significant difference in my final harvest weight or is that just to keep the plants shorter and bushier?

Thanks for your help
I always have gotten more off multi grow tips not to say every strain works the same. If your doing sog with the plants at 6" centers or something like that toping would most likely not prove beneficial.
Got a 420 post. Should get a prize or something! Haha

Haha, nice! :cheer:

As far as doing any sort of cropping, I think I'm just gonna let the plants go naturally this time around because I have a lot of room and so that I have something to compare to if I decide to try out topping or lst or what have you in the future. I'll probably just do a little minor pruning, taking leaves here and there and lower, weaker branches as I see needed. Thanks for the help man, much appreciated!
I just wanted to post a quick update in the journal today. The plants have had their last mild nutrient feeding and will be watered again Friday with an increased dosage. The plants are looking good as they're coming up on week 4. A couple of them have leaves reaching over the sides of the pots now and the 818 Headband is already giving off a potent aroma that fills the tent. Is this normal for a plant so young? Whether or not it is, I'm sure it definitely means some very good things will be coming from that plant :). I'm looking forward to them entering the full veg. stage in the next week or so and start showing some explosive growth! I'm also excited to post pic updates Friday. I don't know about you guys, but this week has just been flying by for me. Overall everything is looking pretty darn good. That's about it for now.

Peace :peace:
Hey planetary, was wondering if anything changed for you with the legalization in your particular state. Haven't heard much since it came down the wire.

Nothing really major so far. In a lot of the cities though, including the one I live in, have already told the police to stop issuing citations for possession to people 21 older. So it's pretty much legal for adults now, but it's not like you can run down to the store and pick up your favorite strain. That won't be until a couple years down the road. I think the law officially goes into effect in early January.
WEEK 4 - Day 28 from Seed

@northener - I know what you mean. I've had my fair share of run ins with the law for simple possession that have amounted to various degrees of fines, court time, community service, pains in the ass, etc... So it is definitely nice to be able to breathe a little sigh of relief as a cannabis user. Now that there are 2 states with legalization I think you will be seeing more and more hopping on the bandwagon with each passing election.

@jon705 - Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate it. :welcome:. I was actually checking out and subbed to your journal earlier today. And I've just got to tell you your set up is amazing, absolutely beautiful plants. I'll definitely be on my toes waiting to see how great they all turn out. Seriously congrats! :bravo:

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! :) The plants are looking really good. They're showing quite a bit of more growth from last week. The soil wasn't dry enough to feed them with their increased nutes today so I'm thinking they will get it either tomorrow or Sunday. The tent is starting to smell very nice now which makes all the time I spend sitting in it staring at my ladies that much more enjoyable :).
That's really about all I have to update on now, so without further ado, here are the week 4 pics. Enjoy!



Critical Jack Herer

Julius Caesar
looking great man do u plan on doing firming and lsting to ur plants

As of right now I don't have any plans on doing any of that this time around. However, I might end up topping or lsting if the height of any of the plants becomes a problem. I'm going to do a very minor defoliation on Friday just to help increase air circulation in the plants and to get some of the lower leaves further off from the soil. Other than that any other sort of cropping or training on the plants will be done as I see needed. Also, since this is my first grow I want to be able to compare the final weights of plants grown naturally and of those that have been topped, fimmed, trained, etc.. which I will probably be trying more of in future grows.

WEEK 5 - Day 35

It's already the end of week 5 and the plants are looking and smelling great :). So today I did a very minor defoliation on all of the plants. It's kind of hard to tell on some but I get rid of a lot of just the weaker under growth. I also divided the plants between similar sizes and adjusted each light accordingly. They also got their first feeding with the just about the recommend max amount of nutes at 40mL/gal. The pics were taking before the watering so some of the leaves look a little droopy, but I'm sure they won't be like that for long.

Also today will be the last update (at least for photos that is) for the next 3 weeks until January 4th. I am leaving town for the holidays and won't be returning until the 1st. I've already made all the arrangements for my ladies to be taken care of while I'm away. I can't wait to see how much they've grown when I get back :loopy:. Other than that, I hope everybody has a great holiday season and a very happy New Year!!:party:


Before Defoliation

After Defoliation
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