2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Here's some good weed (but not great weed) ;)

Big Buddha Seeds - Blue Cheese
Total harvested dry weight (after 4 fatties): 1.45 oz. :)


A few after feeding pics:


Free Tibet:




Here's a Girl Scout Cookies bud, macro'ed, but the flash didn't come up on auto.


Same with the cool looking nug.....


I turned macro off for this shot; the rest look like this. Soon Chimphopper, soon..... :Namaste:


Going to get to work; just smoked my last Ice doob but got a reveg starting. Bye!
OOOo AHhhh OOOo! real nice my simian friend! real nice!
you got me looking at how much stash I have left 2 1/2 maybe 3 zips. so now I am starting to panic!
may have to switch early.:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm::bitingnails::bitingnails::bitingnails:
you got me looking at how much stash I have left 2 1/2 maybe 3 zips. so now I am starting to panic!
may have to switch early.:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm::bitingnails::bitingnails::bitingnails:

In chimp land that would last about a week if he was skimping!! :cheesygrinsmiley: might last me 2
you got me looking at how much stash I have left 2 1/2 maybe 3 zips. so now I am starting to panic!
may have to switch early.:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm::bitingnails::bitingnails::bitingnails:

If all you got is one plant growing still not in flower and 3 OhZeeze it is a good time to panic. :)
By the time this GSC grow is done I got about 4 or 5 clones until this G13 and I didn't even put that grow into 12/12 yet. It might get an early start.....

Next up after my CDDBX3 grow is Chocolope, White Widow IBL, Liberty Haze, and Tangerine Dream (I'll start another thread).


ooh ooh ooh
thank you! very reassuring. your the best P.C.:) I mean Buck:)
In chimp land that would last about a week if he was skimping!! :cheesygrinsmiley: might last me 2
So glad you could find another to help you get over this devastating news.
you are a strong chimp to so easily get over the loss.
Carry On P.C. carry on.
just remember that the last bowl is like a handful of noodles that haven't been fried yet. and the fingers are ready for grazing on puffer fish. if you know what I mean (wink wink nudge nudge) OOOHHH!
Batgirl will help me get over it. Until then I'll try to get a pic of my Old Timers Haze grow up. I laugh every time I see it; if it don't smoke good at least it'll make a nice hula skirt :)

P.S.: The Chemdawg D runneth low oh woe is me..... :(
JUst remember we are here for us:)I mean you:)
great weed to you P.C.:)
what would you consider to be a "Great Weed" P.C.?
A REALLY great weed?

The fourth toke and you're seriously considering asking the person you're smoking with to get you to the emergency room, then you're head calms down after about 15 or 20 minutes, you realize that you're not going to die, and you trip for about four hours even though everything seems a bit scary. Then you pretty much grow and smoke this for the rest of your life. When I get to a great weed I'll let you know what it's name is. :)
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