420's Indoor Tent, TeddyTough, Grow Journal, 2018

Well you can’t just add mag with no nutrients at all the best bet would be Miracle grow and the cheapest. I don’t recommend it. But it will give you everything your missing. I don’t think the plant will produce much with no nutrients. Is it an auto or photo
Ok way late on nutrition then. They really only have 3 mouths to grow. I’d just give them a base amount of. Miracle grow and for 30$ you can get a starter kit of dyna grow from there website
Soil: Looks like those roots are going to be drowning from overwatering, perlite would fix this.
Puffy inter leafs (between each vein) suggest overwatering (likely from the lack of perlite so roots are drowning a bit)

*She's showing signs of iron deficiency, thats the yellowish look on the top of all the nodes and starts inside-out. Any sort of cal-mag additive would fix this.
*Yellowing between veigns is a magnesium deficiency, again another thing fixed by adding 1 tsp of calmag additive per gallon of water.
*I think that may be some tip burn, the nutrients in that organic soil may be too high in certain elements, but apparently not iron haha. Further looking at it i notice that large leaf with alot of tip burn (atleast i believe thats tip burn).

*Magnesium def. Fix: calmag supplement.
*I think i see some of those leafs edges taco'ing in a bit. Thats usually from the light being too close and the heat is getting to it. I believe you said you were using cfl's, how many watts and how's the heat if you put your hand over the top of the plant while the light is beating down on it?
I agree with the others, because they are auto's, you probably shouldn't top them, especially this late. Like was suggested, top at the 4 to 5th inter-node as its a small plant. If it was a photo plant, id say its safe to top easily with how they look.
Soil: Looks like those roots are going to be drowning from overwatering, perlite would fix this.
Puffy inter leafs (between each vein) suggest overwatering (likely from the lack of perlite so roots are drowning a bit)

*She's showing signs of iron deficiency, thats the yellowish look on the top of all the nodes and starts inside-out. Any sort of cal-mag additive would fix this.
*Yellowing between veigns is a magnesium deficiency, again another thing fixed by adding 1 tsp of calmag additive per gallon of water.
*I think that may be some tip burn, the nutrients in that organic soil may be too high in certain elements, but apparently not iron haha. Further looking at it i notice that large leaf with alot of tip burn (atleast i believe thats tip burn).

*Magnesium def. Fix: calmag supplement.
*I think i see some of those leafs edges taco'ing in a bit. Thats usually from the light being too close and the heat is getting to it. I believe you said you were using cfl's, how many watts and how's the heat if you put your hand over the top of the plant while the light is beating down on it?
I run x2 150w and 1 x 125w. They were given to me so I put them to use.
Soil: Looks like those roots are going to be drowning from overwatering, perlite would fix this.
Puffy inter leafs (between each vein) suggest overwatering (likely from the lack of perlite so roots are drowning a bit)

*She's showing signs of iron deficiency, thats the yellowish look on the top of all the nodes and starts inside-out. Any sort of cal-mag additive would fix this.
*Yellowing between veigns is a magnesium deficiency, again another thing fixed by adding 1 tsp of calmag additive per gallon of water.
*I think that may be some tip burn, the nutrients in that organic soil may be too high in certain elements, but apparently not iron haha. Further looking at it i notice that large leaf with alot of tip burn (atleast i believe thats tip burn).

*Magnesium def. Fix: calmag supplement.
*I think i see some of those leafs edges taco'ing in a bit. Thats usually from the light being too close and the heat is getting to it. I believe you said you were using cfl's, how many watts and how's the heat if you put your hand over the top of the plant while the light is beating down on it?
Yes it's tip burn. I have the Lights literally Centimetres from the top.
Now that i look at the first post again, i see the light setup. I'm not at all experienced with CFL's, only LED. I started straight with LED's haha.
I see the 2 side lights are further down to the smaller plants on the side. I think whats happening is the light on the sides were very close to that big leaf and what we are seeing is light plus heat damage on the leaf. I dont completely feel like its nute burn as its the only leaf with that bad of dmg. The other yellowish/whiteish tips on all leafs is definitely minor tip burn tho.
When do I even change the Light Cycle? Now?

What do you mean? With auto's, you never change the light cycle unless you're experiementing with finding what works best for you (18/6, 20/4, 24/0). I would never recommend 24/0, your roots develop more during lights out i believe. I feel like 20/4 is what everyone mostly does for auto's, but again zero experience with auto's :p

With photo's you run 18/6 all the time until you decide they are big enough for changing over to the start of budding via less light, so 12/12 and no more.
As for those lights, ya i believe thats way too close! If i recal correctly, many CFL's are well known to be as close as 3 to 4 inches from the plants without issues. Hopefully somebody more experienced with CFL's chimes in.

You're running PLENTY of watts for each plant! Generally you want 50watts per ft² for best results. Not sure how the umol's is for those lights tho but thats nothing to get concerned about until you lock in everything else and get that experience of your first grow under your belt :D Exciting stuff!
@vyserage @CavScout420 @Icemann420 @Pennywise
Hey Guys so after taking what you all said, I have done some self educating, and have found out, my water is soft, so they are holding on to water to try get more salt. So I'm sure that's why they look and are over watered. Have you ever heard of Cannagrow, I'm looking at getting some. So my PH is Low and needs boosting from.what I can gather. And they need a little help. Sound right to you guys?

Thanks for taking the time to help me out :)
Journal Day 5 Update


Plants Still Struggling from lack of feed. It's been ordered just waiting on delivery.

GSC Fem / Auto / 10 weeks old

She is Looking a little worse on the lower leaves. More White spots have appeared looks like she has a rash. Checked Soil, Still damp from last watering, so haven't watered, trying to get her to dry out, before the feed arrives. Top leaves Curling a little. But look a little better since raising the lights a couple inches.

I'm considering repotting her into fresh soil as I'm not sure she is water logged. Perhaps some advice on repotting at this age if you have it?

AH Fem / Auto / 7 weeks old

Unfortunately it's the same as above, lacking Nutes. The Lower leaves on Plant AH #2 are starting to yellow as well as spot. And it's going yellow between the veins. I believe these too are water logged and need repotting.
As above since raising the lights they have improved a little.

Water Update

I use Tap water. Let the chems evaporate before watering. I have researched the water supply and I have a soft water supply. So I can imagine I need to adjust the EC so the PH adjust correctly, so when I add her feed she will use them more efficiently. I also think that's why they are water logged as well. The lack of Salt from the low EC is making them hold water. Correct me if I'm wrong please! :)


My pots draining holes are not big enough.
Feed is needed urgently.
Ask questions when your stuck, it never hurts ;)
Apart from that my first grow ever and I'm happy with the learning process.

Until the next update God Bless, and grow happy.

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