700/900 Watt Mars Hydro - Double 3x3 Tent - OG Kush - Chocolope - Urkle - NLxBB

And on this beautiful Sunday morning God said "Let there be LIGHT!!!


Went ahead and put them cages on the Chocolopes


And on this beautiful Sunday morning God said "Let there be LIGHT!!!

Genesis 1:3-5 and 11-12
God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning–the first day.

11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Jah is good. Jah is a stoner like us. :ganjamon:
And on this beautiful Sunday morning God said "Let there be LIGHT!!!


Went ahead and put them cages on the Chocolopes



Very nice, i like the chocolope for :joint:

And those cages are realy good idea,
Hey Sara!!! Love your lights :thumb: :circle-of-love:

:420::Namaste:High Atlien,thanks for loving our lights:thanks:

if you need more lights in the future,just feel free to contact me,haha
Like 3 feet. I need some more 5 gallon buckets to sit them on so I raise them up but Ill prolly buy somemore today. I really dont like moving them big ass LED lights. Should be at like 18-24 inches right?

18-24" sounds about right. My buds are currently 12-16" away from the light and they're doing just fine. And I agree with Supergroomer, just use the Yo-yo hangers. Sounds way easier than searching for more 5-gallon buckets.

Looking good, brother man. :goodjob:
Looking good. Just caught up. Your running a nice grow, from your last grow, you have researched alot great results. I'm watching so i can steal some pointers from you.

Thanks Gomab10,

That makes me feel good. I have a friend who has been growing 20+ years so Ive got plenty of good advise. But yea I basically just watched hours on top of hours of youtube grows and searching these forums for answers to my questions. This community is one of the best!
Now back to the core of this journal. THE BABIES :love:

Put improved names on the cups to make it easier for you guys to identify the different strains and phenotypes. The OG's and NLxBB have been out the ground for around 2 weeks and the Durkle's have been out a week. They all are alil light so I need to water them. Whats up with OG Kush #3 she just wont grow taller just spreading smh.......


Not sure what Im going to do with these OG Skywalkers yet. I think they have got roots now.


And last but not least momma Chocolope


So I was alil busy yesterday so I decided to flush my 2 DMB plants today after work. Both are on week 7 and I plan to take them 9 weeks so pretty 11 more days till these lovely ladies get cut down. Both are in 5 gallon smart pots so I used 8 gallons of water each to flush them. This is where having them in the tomato cages helped alot because my last run a had to string up most of the branches since they were so heavy so I ended up improvising and just fed them water there last 3 weeks since I couldnt move them to the bath tub.


Watered the Chocolope and OG Skywalker with PH'd down water mixed with Cal Mag and Humboldt County's Own G10 (Bud Hardner)


And Watered the Chocolopes with the little left of the General Organics Go Box


Watered the babies this morning


That is all for today :ganjamon:
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