700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

So it was a very tight fit lol but job is done.900w led light added to the grow day 18. middle light with side lights combined 1600w led power.now lets play lol;) here some pics
.maybe my plants just look small cause the pots are so big.either way they will enjoy themselfs.happy growing every1;)
Depri thanks mate mazar is on the left a slow starter been topped once.will let grow abit them begin lsting my structure on both plants;)
hey there beast!
been meaning to pop by earlier but got sick and didn't get on much, anyway finally made my way here and glad i did, got an awesome setup with all those leds them plants are gunna love life haha hope you've got some height to work with :)
is that 1600watts of actually draw watts? either way its good and im keen to watch this come along :thumb:
Welcome bud mate and no thats not actual draw i wish ha ha.maybe 1 day lol.the middle light is 900w and side lights are 340w each.and in this space i can not let my plants get over 4 foot or il.be in trouble.il try my best.time.will tell.happy growing every1;)
Good day all auto update time.plants 21 days old today.3 weeks old.both doing good.i dont normally feed my plants this early but im.using cheap compost 4 pound for 70 litre lol.a self set challenge to keep them in great health;) so decided first feed was today here is the feed;)
.i put 2.5 ml each of sensi a and b.and 2 ml b52 and 1 ml calmag to 1 litre of water.so mixed up 2 bottles.a litre each per plant;) here is automazar responded well to topping she should really take off with growth now this week;)
and here is northern light blue automatic.been enjoying her life from day 1 growth has been vigorous.so a stong bean;)
and group shots;)
well thats all for now .happy growing every1;)
Looks real nice man :goodjob:
I was thinking of trying out them Dutch Passion seeds something in my head says anything over 8 euros a seed is to much even 8 is alot :rofl::rofl:
Puregreen good to see u mate welcome.i also have just returned to 420 mag been away about 3 month.had to rip everything down and i sold all my equipment mate and stopped growing.then i bought it all back when the air had cleared mate. Bit of trouble came my way dont know how as i keep all i do hush hush.so arnt sure but its all sorted now mate.just shows some ppl are right cunts and for what actual reason? World is full of them mate.some people just out for what they can get act genuine for what they can get from u or try to bring u down .not good mate.but im good now so onwards and upwards;) hope all.is going good for u mate .why have u had to do rip it all down mate? Pm me.happy growing every1;)

I was in a similar situation beast, Someone who I thought I could trust grassed on me to social services and housing, I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen so I ripped everything down and put it into storage till I start back up again, I was very lucky, because my kids are under social services they came a few days later with the police and asked to look around our house, garden, everywhere but they found nothing. Just got to keep quite for now and Your right there are some arseholes about, just got to be extra careful for now!!! Glad your back though, looking forward to seeing these grow mate)))
Looks real nice man :goodjob:
I was thinking of trying out them Dutch Passion seeds something in my head says anything over 8 euros a seed is to much even 8 is alot :rofl::rofl:
Herbies still has the DP Auto Mazar buy one pack get one free right now, so even a 3 pack comes out to less than 5 a seed. I grabbed the 21 pack and it came out to less than 3.76 per seed. Not bad for some of the best genetics out there.
21 of the same strain I like me some variety :p
LOL, that was just an example, the 3 pack would still be a good buy at less than 5 a seed. I was just pointing out that you don't have to pay high prices if you can get them on special. I sold a bunch of the 42 I got to friends that are afraid to order online for 6 a seed and traded some for other autos, so I still got some variety from the deal. Once I start breeding some of these with CS I won't be paying anything for seeds and can try to create some variety of my own. :rofl:
I was in a similar situation beast, Someone who I thought I could trust grassed on me to social services and housing, I had a gut feeling that something was going to happen so I ripped everything down and put it into storage till I start back up again, I was very lucky, because my kids are under social services they came a few days later with the police and asked to look around our house, garden, everywhere but they found nothing. Just got to keep quite for now and Your right there are some arseholes about, just got to be extra careful for now!!! Glad your back though, looking forward to seeing these grow mate)))

My issues did not come from another person. I won a couple of contests here. My problem, and subsequent cut, clear and hide was due to prize packaging coming in fully labeled with return address info that could have seriously fk'd me over. I was down for a while but now back at a bare-BARE minimum. No more contests for me and if I do, someone else can have the prizes.
Spart thanks alot mate. And there worth every penny mate.buy 1 mate and see.bet it grows bigger than any other auto u have grown.there genetics are strong.just awsome mate .u will like for sure;)
Puregreen damn sorry to hear that mate.a very close call.glad u and family are ok mate thats the main thing
No need for some people mate its the way the world goes round.but what comes around goes back around mate.thanks for the kind words;)
Hemi nice mate ur gna enjoy them for sure.automazar is the wildest auto iv come across so far.there gna go nuts for you.big plants and yields coming ur way for sure;) good job mate
Hemi good lad thats the way to do it
Dutch passion offer is still on mate and u can buy mixed packs in the offer.there offers are usually very good mate.like that u sold some and swapped about to get se variety.good job.and u are making auto seeds mate? I hope it works out mint for u mate.as u say free seeds a growers dream lol;)
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