700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

Schtiggy sorry to hear that mate.ud think they would send prizes in plain packaging out of respect for the prize winner.;) glad ur back up and running mate good times;)
Hemi good lad thats the way to do it
Dutch passion offer is still on mate and u can buy mixed packs in the offer.there offers are usually very good mate.like that u sold some and swapped about to get se variety.good job.and u are making auto seeds mate? I hope it works out mint for u mate.as u say free seeds a growers dream lol;)
The two outdoors ones that the groundhog ate are coming back strong after just a week and at least one of them will be getting the CS treatment. One of them was completely topped and the other was stripped to the stalk but did not actually get topped. I figure the groundhog knew best so am leaving them grow from here just to see the difference between topped and not. Here is the 1 week AG (after groundhog) comparison.

Click for the original photos.
Top work mate shows how strong dutch passion beans are;)
They do have some amazing genetics. They have not shown any signs of flowering yet so I think I still have some veg time. I think the untopped one is still going to go for the sky when the stretch hits, but I have 7 feet of height in the greenhouse so should be okay. I'm thinking about getting the auto blueberry next from DP.
I have said these words before , then the genetics are no longer available via retail and that's that . if i find i like a strain i get a few extra i won't plant for a time. I Can always use willow bark tea or GA3 to start dormant seeds.

Starting dormant seeds? Are these seeds that anyone has had lying around but they can be grown? I got a load of seeds lying in a draw, tried to grow them last year but never sprouted at all. Had them for a few years but if you saying they can be grown using willow bark tea or GA3 then i may just do that.
Starting dormant seeds? Are these seeds that anyone has had lying around but they can be grown? I got a load of seeds lying in a draw, tried to grow them last year but never sprouted at all. Had them for a few years but if you saying they can be grown using willow bark tea or GA3 then i may just do that.

Will this method work on seeds that are about 7/8 years old? I think most are sativas so will not finish in this climate but could get something off them for next year and make some oil or bubble.
It should but a lot depends on how they were stored for those years. Something that is a bit more complicated but has been used for really old seeds, 20+ years in some cases, is to use tissue culture techniques. There are several available TC kits out there now than can be used at home. I have been considering TC for autoflowers but not ready to invest in that science experiment just yet. LOL
Good day all wednesday here in the uk today autos 25 days old today.3 and a half weeks old. Growth is going great plants super happy all is good.here is northern light blue automatic.a vigorous young 1 ;)
.and here is automazar enjoyed her topping;) growing quick now;)
.and group shots of the auto sisters;)
.also i have been letting these young ones soil dry up quite alot .want them roots searching for moisture and fill up these big pots .will help in some monster colas;) ha
Happy growing every1;)
Looking sweet nutty mate good job.i just been tying northern light blue auto in position .start of her lst structure.looks much better now and loads of under growth.this beans is a mighty 1;) here she is ;)
.happy growing every1;)
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