Acapulco Gold - Liberty Haze - Bubblelicious In Soil With 400 Mars II LED

They are looking nice, It's gonna drive you nuts later when the Gold doesn't know what it wants but it's fun trying to figure out what she wants. Mine seems to have stopped at about 31" but the bud production does not seem to be suffering yet :) If I can get 2 oz I will be content. Next up Amnesia Haze, Afghan Kush x Black Domina & auto assassin. One of my favorite so far was a auto bubblegum 12 weeks from seed 36 G, sorry, your Journal and I am ranting :)
They are looking nice, It's gonna drive you nuts later when the Gold doesn't know what it wants but it's fun trying to figure out what she wants. Mine seems to have stopped at about 31" but the bud production does not seem to be suffering yet :) If I can get 2 oz I will be content. Next up Amnesia Haze, Afghan Kush x Black Domina & auto assassin. One of my favorite so far was a auto bubblegum 12 weeks from seed 36 G, sorry, your Journal and I am ranting :)

Hey Cobra rant all you want, there's lots of room. i always like to hear about growin!
This is actually my secong grow. A couple years ago i grew 2 widow and one pure kush from greenhouse. I ended up getting a bit over 7 oz from the three. The quality was okay but i know i can do better. The ww was kinda weak with no taste. The PK was better strength and a weird but good smell. I grew them in perlite/vermiculite 50/50 with the technoflora starter box nutes and a cheap 400 hps. Atleast it was a succesful grow. Some say growing is easy and that may be true, but It seems growing top shelf herb takes some skill. I got some pics i will try to put up. Later
All is looking great, just chuggin along. Chooo Chooo
I am legend,
Death has no claim over me, illness cannot touch me. Look at me now and it would be hard to put an age upon me, and yet I was born in the Year of Our Lord 1330, more than six-hundred and seventy years ago.
I have been many things in my time; a physician and a cook, a bookseller and a soilder, a teacher of languages, a law abiding man and a thief.
But before all this I was an alchemyst. I was the Alchemyst.
I was acknowledged as the greatest alchemyst of all, sought after by kings and princes and emperors. I could turn ordinary metal into gold, I could change common stones into precious jewels. More than this: I discovered the secret of Life Eternal hidden deep in a book of ancient magic. But the greatest treasure in the book was just a simple potion, I thought. I spent 130 years collecting the rare bullwiggle worms, dragon urine, sharks teeth, neenerneener hair and oger toe lint. When the day came I mixes all the ingredients together and it startet to bubble and scream. The light and heat were like a tiny sun and I instantly couldn't move, but i felt so happy and relaxed! Then I tripped and fell against the pot of liquid magic and it crashed to the ground and landed on an old ragged weed. I put my hand out and the weed lifted a branch and and started weaving back and forth like a cobra ready to strike. I was hypnotized. Then the simple strait limb on the old ragged weed started to transform. It it instantly took the shape of my outstretched hand and even grew 5 fingers. To my amazement this thing started growing hair on it that looked incredibly like the hair on my own head. My wife and i could never have kids but in that momement i knew that this was my child. It is precious to me and I smiled at my perfect daughter and felt a love soo deep and pure, but alas, how can this last. Then the sky rumbled and a treesizes bolt of lightning came down and struck my precious. She started to burn. But I was not scared. For some reason this felt right. i took a deep breath and when I blew out a cloud of.

The narrator of this story has been temporarily incapicitaded, he wont get off the couch!! WEED is GOOD
I am legend,
Death has no claim over me, illness cannot touch me. Look at me now and it would be hard to put an age upon me, and yet I was born in the Year of Our Lord 1330, more than six-hundred and seventy years ago.
I have been many things in my time; a physician and a cook, a bookseller and a soilder, a teacher of languages, a law abiding man and a thief.
But before all this I was an alchemyst. I was the Alchemyst.
I was acknowledged as the greatest alchemyst of all, sought after by kings and princes and emperors. I could turn ordinary metal into gold, I could change common stones into precious jewels. More than this: I discovered the secret of Life Eternal hidden deep in a book of ancient magic. But the greatest treasure in the book was just a simple potion, I thought. I spent 130 years collecting the rare bullwiggle worms, dragon urine, sharks teeth, neenerneener hair and oger toe lint. When the day came I mixes all the ingredients together and it startet to bubble and scream. The light and heat were like a tiny sun and I instantly couldn't move, but i felt so happy and relaxed! Then I tripped and fell against the pot of liquid magic and it crashed to the ground and landed on an old ragged weed. I put my hand out and the weed lifted a branch and and started weaving back and forth like a cobra ready to strike. I was hypnotized. Then the simple strait limb on the old ragged weed started to transform. It it instantly took the shape of my outstretched hand and even grew 5 fingers. To my amazement this thing started growing hair on it that looked incredibly like the hair on my own head. My wife and i could never have kids but in that momement i knew that this was my child. It is precious to me and I smiled at my perfect daughter and felt a love soo deep and pure, but alas, how can this last. Then the sky rumbled and a treesizes bolt of lightning came down and struck my precious. She started to burn. But I was not scared. For some reason this felt right. i took a deep breath and when I blew out a cloud of.

The narrator of this story has been temporarily incapicitaded, he wont get off the couch!! WEED is GOOD

Love this. I recognized the name, of course, and thought it was a very clever choice of handle for our interest :) I like the pics and gifs, too.

I will now blaze my own -- hope all is well in your world!
Howdy partners,
I am going to soon make some compost tea in a 5 gallon bucket with airstone. I have read a looked around for a simple recipe for flower but i constantly find conflicting opinions and recipes. Here is what i got. Jamaican bat guano, earthworm castings, humic acid, liquid kelp, and molases. The recomended dosages on the bags per gallon are; 1 tbsp guano, 1 oz liquid humic acid, 2 oz liquid kelp extract, 1 bag biodynamic compost. And theni will put 2 cups EWC and two tbsp of molases in the 5 gallons bucket. How does this sound? Here are some pics of the products i have.
I was gonna say have you damaged the stem but then I read youd supercropped it. Careful not to split the stem when doing that, usually the most common damage

Herb :yummy:

Good call Herby. The stem did split after it dried a little but it has almost healed completely now.
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