Welcome to the forums. Your little girls are lookin good ! You lack of education hasn't hurt your ability to grow from what I'm seein. I've been to the top of the mountain and back. After returnin from Viet Nam I could only find work in the lowest of jobs first job digging diches second job workin in a slaughter house last job senior level manager for a fourtune 500 company. Ya I been around the block and then some.
I can't tell you how much growin means to me it change my life bein retied it gave me purpose a reason to get up every day and fulfillment the joy of bringin in a crop of beauties and peace and serenity from the use not to mention the pain relief and happiness.
Don't know why I just spilled my guts but I've grown some nice plants and I am here to help in any way I can I'll just grab a seat over here in the back with my pipe.
If you click on my signature you can see my current grow.

Good luck and Keep 'Em Green
That's awful I'm sorry for you and your father and friend. I had open heart surgery 9 years ago and I am doin fine. Modern medicine can help your friend live a good life. Your Dad's house can be rebuilt and you still have each other.
That's a lot of hardship in a short time. I hope your friend is all right.

My family's house burned down and we lost everything, our many pets and every scrap of artwork I had ever done were all gone. My mom kept copies of photos in her safety deposit box, otherwise we wouldn't even have those. I know what fire can do to a person. It changed me forever. I haven't picked up a paintbrush since.

Keep an eye on your dad and make sure he's processing this. It can be such a strain emotionally.

Make sure you are taking care of yourself too.
It is so much... he lived in the house for 30 years.... My brother that past away, all of his thing POOF GONE !! I have done property preservation But I never thought it could happen to my family... I am so sorry for your loss. My ex husband is a Tattoo artist. I also paint some. For carnival that come into town also pin stripping on boats and Car I feel so bad that you stopped painting.. Did you do your profile Picture.. Because I LOVE IT !!!
Soil...... Michigan water Only

PH..... 6.3 pH

Ideal H20 Water Filtration Hose...

Planet Earth Compost Tea Blend / Liquid Concentrate 60 ml to a Gallon
That is all I am giving the Ladies In Veg...

Now I flipped my clones to 12/12 just so I could play with them After some LST & Topping...
I am trying to figure out the best way to grow my Ladies with the amount of space that I have.
Plus I am a Noobie So I am learning from all of you...

2.... 6 in Radiant HPS Lights for flower 12-12

1... 4+6 6 Bulbs HTG T5 For veg..... 18 - 6

Bud Ignitor 7 ml to a Gallon

Mother Earth Sugar Load..... 15 ml to a Gallon

4 foot carbon Filter....

BlueLab PH Reader...
BlueLab Conductive pen.... I just Got Today :high-five:

2.0 MEGA-PIXEL USB LED DIGITAL MICROSCOPE...... I LOVE IT !!!!! :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

3-4-19... Tuesday Started at 10 am... Still going..... So much To DO... SEED & CLONES & LITTLE LADIES OH MY!!!!
I am watering by feel for now... Each one of my Ladies all like different care I started with 7 Different Stains I will be going down 2 after I run my clones. I do not care for clones. I prefer 1st generation from seed...
I can't believe I have not had any problems other than Miss Sun Set Sherbert She does not like any extra in her feed..
So I think I am doing it Right ...
7 Ml/GL "Mother Earth" Sugar Load
60 Ml/GL" Planet Earth" Tea
2 ML/Lt "Advanced Nutrients" Misted Them...
6.2 H2o.....
I water them by hand I use a 60 ml Injector... I dont know if I am giving them enoughf water.. 6 Cups they are in a 7 gl bag..
The 3 GL I only give 4 1/2 Cups...
Its is 79*F 52% RH in the Flower room..
I have some seed that are about to pop..
1 popped last night And it POPPED right out of its shell... Is that Ok ? I planted it in Great lakes Water Only....." Soil"
First Clones Ever
20190308_131422.jpg1st Babies Ever20190304_200031.jpg!st Time Popping Anything. Amazing !!!20190302_164330.jpgMarch 1st 20192018_0330_021233_001.JPGTo This.... :02018_0401_093051_019.JPGTrying to be Super precise....2018_0325_033421_001.JPG21 days old....


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In case you might not know. 6.3 is a low Ph level for soil. That is right where plants stop taking up cal/mag and can lead to problems. 6.5 lowest 6.8 best for soil.
In case you might not know. 6.3 is a low Ph level for soil. That is right where plants stop taking up cal/mag and can lead to problems. 6.5 lowest 6.8 best for soil.
wow thank you !! Cus I just watered for the first timne with 6.3 .... 6.5 is how I started but i saw a video I was silly to change it but I dont think they minded to much.. I will for sure Raise it back on my next feed.. Thanks again
If your asking about link in your signature. Copy your https: on this page. Click on your name top left corner of your screen, it will drop down options then click on signature. Paste your https: link in that box and click save.
You’ll figure everything out, when I first come on here I didn’t know how to do anything. It literally took me over a week to figure out how to post pics in my journal and that was with two or three people trying to explain to me how to do it lol. I finally got it figured out and I have learned a lot on here since then.✌
i have only been on 2 days... I am slowly getting the hang of it...
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