My heads definitely manic to say the least. Before i was growing i was in a real bad place. Working shitty jobs for shitty people. I USED to be an intelligent person until i stopped using my brain. I was lazy in school... cos i was bored as shit so i ended up doing badly. Aced my exams but did zero course work so just got a passing grade. My brain wasnt meant to be in a factory doing the same shit every day. Then i started growing. My perspective and wellbeing changed instantly. I no longer wanted to hurt myself or the people around me... tbh i didnt care what i was doing cos my brain was with my plants lol. I do now have a good job though that i love and i am very happy but if i was still in that frame of mind i dont think i wouldve lasted long enough for this job to become permanent. 420mag helped me the whole way!
feel free to talk anytime... Happy Days ahead
wow thank you !! Cus I just watered for the first timne with 6.3 .... 6.5 is how I started but i saw a video I was silly to change it but I dont think they minded to much.. I will for sure Raise it back on my next feed.. Thanks again

6.8 is best. That gives you room for a natural drop. Remember to raise slowly like two points at a time. Raising or lowering to fast causes plant stress which can be seen on the fan leafs ends they will twist if Ph jumps up or down to much at one time. Your next water I would say move to 6.5 then next after that 6.7 then 6.8. You can stay 6.7-6.8 and your plants will love you big time.
where is the http Duh I have know idea... And I am growing Lord have mercy....

Very top of your screen on your browser. It will say hhtp: // / community/ threads/ almost-40s-sun. copy that whole link and paste that in the signature box.
6.8 is best. That gives you room for a natural drop. Remember to raise slowly like two points at a time. Raising or lowering to fast causes plant stress which can be seen on the fan leafs ends they will twist if Ph jumps up or down to much at one time. Your next water I would say move to 6.5 then next after that 6.7 then 6.8. You can stay 6.7-6.8 and your plants will love you big time.
You are so right My first week I did not use my Bluelab ph Reader.. I think I stunted the clones growth.. Then I got my water spot on then they thrived.... PH is EVERYTHING I know that now... Only happened 1 time and it wont hasppen agaim
feel free to talk anytime... Happy Days ahead
Thanks Sarah. Im good now though been in a good place for a long time. Still get a hiccup from time to time and wanna go old school on people but such is life, I think about my misses and daughter take a breath n it goes away... the breath usually has a touch of thc in the mix but there ya go lol
Soil...... Michigan water Only

PH..... 6.3 pH

Ideal H20 Water Filtration Hose...

Planet Earth Compost Tea Blend / Liquid Concentrate 60 ml to a Gallon
That is all I am giving the Ladies In Veg...

Now I flipped my clones to 12/12 just so I could play with them After some LST & Topping...
I am trying to figure out the best way to grow my Ladies with the amount of space that I have.
Plus I am a Noobie So I am learning from all of you...

2.... 6 in Radiant HPS Lights for flower 12-12

1... 4+6 6 Bulbs HTG T5 For veg..... 18 - 6

Bud Ignitor 7 ml to a Gallon

Mother Earth Sugar Load..... 15 ml to a Gallon

4 foot carbon Filter....

BlueLab PH Reader...
BlueLab Conductive pen.... I just Got Today :high-five:

2.0 MEGA-PIXEL USB LED DIGITAL MICROSCOPE...... I LOVE IT !!!!! :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

I am watering by feel for now... Each one of my Ladies all like different care I started with 7 Different Stains I will be going down 2 after I run my clones. I do not care for clones. I prefer 1st generation from seed...
I can't believe I have not had any problems other than Miss Sun Set Sherbert She does not like any extra in her feed..
So I think I am doing it Right ...

I watered today The Ladies On 12/12...
60 ml ? Gallon 'Planet Earth" Tea
7 ml / Gallon "Mothet Earth" Sugar Load
2ml / Liter "Bud Ignitor" Advanced Nutrition"
I Wrapped plastic around my rolling floor.. I hope it help to bring up the HR..... I need to tuck and LST My smalles.. I am trying all types of way to figure out the best way to grow...[/QUOTE]


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