Beginner amateur grower

az autóra gondolsz?
az üzem dönt. nincs kontrollod felette.

fényképpel te irányítod.

ha az auto megint úgy dönt. nincs kontrollod felette.

fotónövényeket a 4. vagy az ötödik csomóponttal lehet megfordítani. fordítva is futtathat egy fényképet 12/12-ben magról, a legtöbb fotó így fut, mielőtt a legtöbb autó befejezné, de ezek csak úgy készülnek, mint egy autó, tehát kevesebb, mint amennyit egy fotón kaphat.

a fő probléma a hozammal a hely lesz. az a tér csak annyit fog produkálni, akár automatikus, akár fényképes. nem hiszem, hogy különbséget fogsz tapasztalni a kettő között a hozamban. nem olyan nagy a hely.

a gyakorlatban az általam növesztett törzs bármely automatikus változata mindig kevésbé volt hatékony, mint egy ezzel egyenértékű fénykép. ez az autó genetikája, ezt nem tudod megjavítani vagy megváltoztatni.
Mint mondtam, nekem most nem számít a hozam, de így is szeretném kihozni belőle a maximumot. Kezdőként ez inkább a tanulásról szól. És hogyan tudok most a lehető legdiszkrétebben bánni a növénnyel. Az áramköltség nem lehet olyan magas. Ez hazánkban tilos. Szeretnék több fajtát is kipróbálni. Tudom, hogy sok mindentől függ, de szerinted mi a legjobb hozam ezen a 40x40x120-as helyen?
)Maybe you can recommend a faster, more creative, conversational sativa to start with?😀
As I said, the yield doesn't count for me now, but I still want to get the most out of it. As a beginner, it's more about learning. And how I can now deal with the plant as discreetly as possible. Electricity costs should not be so high. This is prohibited in our country. I would like to try more varieties. I know it depends on a lot of things, but what do you think is the best yield in this 40x40x120 place?
My autos average around 2oz/50g but I have grown Big Bud and Heavy Grapefruit strains that yielded up to 4oz/200g
Maybe you can recommend a faster, more creative, conversational sativa to start with?😀
Sativa grow tall - you will end up cutting the top off when it reaches the light
Look through my signature links below, they are all strains that can be kept compact and produce a good yield
Welcome OP!

Don’t stress about getting a humidifier in that space. Your plant and container will most likely keep it humid enough on its own and that light doesn’t look like it’ll be very hot. For your ventilation, you want to get to whatever CFM will allow you to fully exchange the air every 5 minutes. Your CFM is typically equal to the volume of your space.

Your box will be enough to get one good sized plant that will give you a decent size yield. Even more so once you’re a bit more experienced and can really train them good.

You’ve already got experts helping you on the other stuff. Good luck!
do you mean auto ?
the plant decides. you have no control over it.

with a photo you control it.

if auto it decides again. you have no control over it.

photo plants can be flipped by the 4th or fifth node. conversely you can run a photo 12/12 from seed, most photos run that way finish before most autos do, but they only produce like an auto, so a less than you could get in a photo.

your main issue with yield will be space. that space will only produce so much whether auto or photo. i don't think you'll experience any difference in yield between the two. the space is not that large.

in practice any auto version of any strain i've grown has always been less potent than an equivalent photo. it's the genetics of an auto, you can't fix or change that.
Some members have great success with Auto’s but I only got Pygmy plants. I wouldn’t waste my time trying to grow another one. CL🍀
Hi! What size cabinet do you grow in? Can you tell me more about the training? Or where can I find the link? Thank you colleague
My cabinet is an over/under. Up top is the flower box, 1m wide and high, half that deep. The bottom is for seedlings, clones and veg and is 1m wide and about half that deep and high. Not a lot of space.

The Quadlining link is in my signature at the bottom of the post along with others that I favor, but I'll give it to you Here as well.

As Bluter said, with an auto you have no choice in when it flowers or how big it is. With a photo period you control when it flowers by changing the lights-on period to around 12 hours from 18 typically.

To determine when you should flip the lights, if you want to maximize your grow space, you need to account for the stretch the plant will go through in the 2-3 weeks after you switch from 18/6 to 12/12. So, start from your light and subtract the distance the manufacturer suggests you keep it from the plant. That is your total head room. Plan on the plant's height doubling (sometimes more) during the stretch and so subtract the pot height from what you have left and flip when the plant height is 1/2 to 1/3 of what you have left.
Hello! First of all, thank you for being a new member. I'm an absolute beginner. I started building a box from a 50x50x140 freezer. 😄I would like to micro-grow in this. I am very interested in growing discreetly in a small place. I would be interested in the scrog technique. As far as I know, you can get more out of the flower in such a small space. If anyone is interested, I can show you how the project is doing with a few pictures. I also have quite a few questions, I would need some advice. If there were more experienced colleagues who could talk about the topic, I would be very grateful. Until then, thank you for being here again.
Welcome aboard fire away with the pictures and questions 👍
Thanks for the reply and the information. I was wrong then. The scrog technique requires a wide space. Should I use the Lst technique? I don't want to profit from the yield, but I want to get the most out of the flower. I want to grow it in the ground. My actual space is 40x40x100. I can place the lamp 100 cm high. This is the maximum. I am attaching a few pictures of how the box is in case you have any comments or useful advice. I still have to solve the air circulation. And a small humidifier. I would like to heat it with a pipe or a carpet. My light is a viparspectra p600. I welcome any useful advice or criticism. Thanks bro


The fridge came up well 😁
Üdvözöljük OP!

Don’t stress about getting a humidifier in that space. Your plant and container will most likely keep it humid enough on its own and that light doesn’t look like it’ll be very hot. For your ventilation, you want to get to whatever CFM will allow you to fully exchange the air every 5 minutes. Your CFM is typically equal to the volume of your space.

A doboza elegendő lesz egy jó méretű növényhez, amely megfelelő méretű hozamot biztosít. Még inkább, ha egy kicsit tapasztaltabb vagy, és tényleg jól tudod őket képezni.

Már vannak szakértők, akik segítenek a többi dologban. Sok szerencsét!
Thanks for the useful advice. So you're saying that you don't need to think about humidifying equipment in particular? By the way, the meter in the closet currently measures between 55-70. So empty. It has two vents on the box. In our country, I think the humidity is basically not bad, although I am ignorant about this. The box will be outside under a covered shed. A semi-open space. There is a lot of green and humid air around. So I think good air can flow into the box. It also evaporates from the wet soil from the pot itself. Maybe we should think about a smaller dehumidifier? Thanks for the info
I grow mostly autos for several reasons:

I don't have space for a large plant
I want a fast turnaround
They are equally potent
I am not trying to grow a maximum yield
Don't need to worry about light leaks, which helps with ventilation at times, I can leave the door open
They will do fine in small pots & 12/12 light cycle which saves on money and excess heat
God bless you!
Maybe you can recommend a faster, more creative, conversational sativa to start with?

sativas are a time investment, even decent auto sativas will take forever to finish. the last auto sativas i grew went a good 3 months in flower alone. auto sativas in particular can be prone to hermie when they run long. i recently had some that did exactly that.

though more stable i've grown photo sativas that went over 120 days in flower alone. that time frame only allows for two grows a year once seedling and veg time are factored.

a lot of growers run photo sativas on a 12/12 schedule right from seed. this makes them flower as soon as they are mature enough. they run almost like an auto in that method. there are few sativa strains that are recommended to grow that way. golden tiger from ace seeds is a semi-famous one.

Thanks for the useful advice. So you're saying that you don't need to think about humidifying equipment in particular?

i'd be more focused on making sure you have enough ventilation. both the temp and rh are going to spike in a space that small. ventilation will be the key. your set up looks pretty good to me from that perspective.

i can't see you needing any extra humidity added. your probably gonna want to scrub some if anything.

The box will be outside under a covered shed. A semi-open space.

an outdoor shed changes everything, you'll be tied to the seasons the same as growing in the open, unless you insulate and develop the shed. go have a look at @Bill284 's set up. his shed is climate controlled and insulated with heating, air conditioning, and a humidifier. not a cheap proposition. it's essentially a small cabin.

you might get away with it but it would be far better to have the grow box indoor.
sativas are a time investment, even decent auto sativas will take forever to finish. the last auto sativas i grew went a good 3 months in flower alone. auto sativas in particular can be prone to hermie when they run long. i recently had some that did exactly that.

though more stable i've grown photo sativas that went over 120 days in flower alone. that time frame only allows for two grows a year once seedling and veg time are factored.

a lot of growers run photo sativas on a 12/12 schedule right from seed. this makes them flower as soon as they are mature enough. they run almost like an auto in that method. there are few sativa strains that are recommended to grow that way. golden tiger from ace seeds is a semi-famous one.

i'd be more focused on making sure you have enough ventilation. both the temp and rh are going to spike in a space that small. ventilation will be the key. your set up looks pretty good to me from that perspective.

i can't see you needing any extra humidity added. your probably gonna want to scrub some if anything.

an outdoor shed changes everything, you'll be tied to the seasons the same as growing in the open, unless you insulate and develop the shed. go have a look at @Bill284 's set up. his shed is climate controlled and insulated with heating, air conditioning, and a humidifier. not a cheap proposition. it's essentially a small cabin.

you might get away with it but it would be far better to have the grow box indoor.

About 10 grand not including labor or any of the @VIVOSUN equipment.
No worries about a fire though. ;)

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks for the useful advice. So you're saying that you don't need to think about humidifying equipment in particular? By the way, the meter in the closet currently measures between 55-70. So empty. It has two vents on the box. In our country, I think the humidity is basically not bad, although I am ignorant about this. The box will be outside under a covered shed. A semi-open space. There is a lot of green and humid air around. So I think good air can flow into the box. It also evaporates from the wet soil from the pot itself. Maybe we should think about a smaller dehumidifier? Thanks for the info

That’s good enough rh as it is. Adding the plant and container in will raise it up slightly. I wouldn’t bother with a dehumidifier. As @bluter stated proper ventilation is the most critical. Make sure you’re properly ventilated and have good airflow.

I would get a small fan for the box, either a clip fan or something you can move around a little bit. This will help prevent any sort of issue from the rh and will make your plant stronger. As long as you have good airflow, you won’t have to worry very much about any of the humidity related issues like bud rot. Stagnant air is your enemy more than the rh of it.
That’s good enough rh as it is. Adding the plant and container in will raise it up slightly. I wouldn’t bother with a dehumidifier. As @bluter stated proper ventilation is the most critical. Make sure you’re properly ventilated and have good airflow.

I would get a small fan for the box, either a clip fan or something you can move around a little bit. This will help prevent any sort of issue from the rh and will make your plant stronger. As long as you have good airflow, you won’t have to worry very much about any of the humidity related issues like bud rot. Stagnant air is your enemy more than the rh of it.
Are you saying the humidity is good enough? There is a 100mm hole behind the two white grids for air flow. These grates can be opened and closed anyway. Of course, it lets in all the air even when completely closed, but it can still be regulated. For air circulation, I thought of two 120x120x 25 mm computers for the server fan, which I would do so that the rotation of the blades could also be regulated. These hang very slightly in the lamp. I would try to place it on both sides somehow. I don't know if it would be worth putting another one above the lamp?

Are you saying the humidity is good enough? There is a 100mm hole behind the two white grids for air flow. These grates can be opened and closed anyway. Of course, it lets in all the air even when completely closed, but it can still be regulated. For air circulation, I thought of two 120x120x 25 mm computers for the server fan, which I would do so that the rotation of the blades could also be regulated. These hang very slightly in the lamp. I would try to place it on both sides somehow. I don't know if it would be worth putting another one above the lamp?

Hell yeah brother 👌👌 looks great! Can't wait to see your chosen lady to fill that out! Have you chosen what strain you will like to grow first?
A 4" extractor in that space will exchange alot of air so I think that with your small fans will be ok. possibly dehumidifier in flower but plenty of time untill then.
Amikor a növény néhány hetes, és 3-4 pár levele van, csípje ki a csúcsot a felső pár levél között
Két új csúcs fog kinőni onnan, és ezzel egyidejűleg az oldalágak a tetejével megegyező magasságba nőnek
Ez az összes virágzó ágat megközelítőleg azonos magasságúvá teszi, így mindegyik nagy rügyet növeszt a középső felső rügy helyett


Amikor a növény néhány hetes, és 3-4 pár levele van, csípje ki a csúcsot a felső pár levél között

Két új csúcs fog kinőni onnan, és ezzel egyidejűleg az oldalágak a tetejével megegyező magasságba nőnek

Ez az összes virágzó ágat megközelítőleg azonos magasságúvá teszi, így mindegyik nagy rügyet növeszt a középső felső rügy helyett


Have you thought about pinching off the top of the plant? At this point?

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