Bloodguy's GDP & KushnCheese Soil Grow Sponsored By MightyGrow 2017

Tomorrow is feeding day! Do they look hungry?
GDP is on the left, here is some more of her
I'm happy with her structure . Here is KnC
I think this plant has the widest leaves of any plant I've ever seen this young.
that's about 2.5 inches. She's a solid build too .
If 2morow is feeding day i wud wait till then but yea they look ever so slighty droopy which is a gud thing its letting u no tht ur drying the pot out between waterings and that will produce mre root growth more roots=bigger plant=bigger harvest=happy me lol but yea brotha man ur rockn the socks off this sponsored grow i jus had 2 toss 2 beans that didnt make it a black domina and a shoreline both of which looked very gud so kinda sad but its ok ive always had better luck growing clones then popping seeds lol and i got one of my black domina going now and i still got like 3 or 4 seeds left of shoreline that i hope to get atleast one started lol then i can clone her and jus keep my cloner bucket full of all the different strains i got going right now man i didnt no how hard it wud be to manage so many strains at once cuz not all the girls grow the same lol i figured id jus be able 2 give every 1 the same amount every feeding and jus do that but no not always some need more then others or more frequently idk but its sure fun havn these problems i love growing this plant its so kool how the same type of plant can have so many versions n each has its own personal smell taste look an everything idk i guess u cud say im pretty passionate about my garden an everything i get to do with them lol anyway great job brotha man lookn gud
If 2morow is feeding day i wud wait till then but yea they look ever so slighty droopy which is a gud thing its letting u no tht ur drying the pot out between waterings and that will produce mre root growth more roots=bigger plant=bigger harvest=happy me lol but yea brotha man ur rockn the socks off this sponsored grow i jus had 2 toss 2 beans that didnt make it a black domina and a shoreline both of which looked very gud so kinda sad but its ok ive always had better luck growing clones then popping seeds lol and i got one of my black domina going now and i still got like 3 or 4 seeds left of shoreline that i hope to get atleast one started lol then i can clone her and jus keep my cloner bucket full of all the different strains i got going right now man i didnt no how hard it wud be to manage so many strains at once cuz not all the girls grow the same lol i figured id jus be able 2 give every 1 the same amount every feeding and jus do that but no not always some need more then others or more frequently idk but its sure fun havn these problems i love growing this plant its so kool how the same type of plant can have so many versions n each has its own personal smell taste look an everything idk i guess u cud say im pretty passionate about my garden an everything i get to do with them lol anyway great job brotha man lookn gud
I'm with you on the droopage. But I figure tomorrow at breakfast I can water them thoroughly. I'm learning the water schedule as I go. Can't let it get too dry but need to be able to water on feed day. Still my favorite soil setup and veg nutes! Flower should be equally as exciting, I hope anyway. I hope your seed grow goes good! Let me know asap when I can order some blazinjones seeds! Best wishes brotha .
Today there was a problem. A problem of the mold variety. What could have caused it? What will we do? Fret not my friends, for it is our victories in these struggles that make the journey worth while. . . so I went in to give the feeding bright and early like a good flower farmer. Here's what I discovered
my new camera hasn't arrived yet but I think you can still make out the fuzzies. So I rolled a joint and thought (this step is key to avoid kneejerk reactions). I decided I needed to remove the lowest leaves to improve air circulation across the top of the soil.
found this dirty dog hiding under a big leaf that was touching the soil. I removed the mold that I could see. I still fed and watered. I believe this issue will now be resolved. I'm not sure if the MGO helped the mold grow but I'd say the major contributing factor was my failure to maintain proper air circulation at the soil surface. The lower leaves are gone and the fan has been adjusted
I'll be watching closely to monitor the situation. Two more weeks til we'll consider the flip to flower. Hope all is well with everyone's grows .
Today there was a problem. A problem of the mold variety. What could have caused it? What will we do? Fret not my friends, for it is our victories in these struggles that make the journey worth while. . . so I went in to give the feeding bright and early like a good flower farmer. Here's what I discovered
my new camera hasn't arrived yet but I think you can still make out the fuzzies. So I rolled a joint and thought (this step is key to avoid kneejerk reactions). I decided I needed to remove the lowest leaves to improve air circulation across the top of the soil.
found this dirty dog hiding under a big leaf that was touching the soil. I removed the mold that I could see. I still fed and watered. I believe this issue will now be resolved. I'm not sure if the MGO helped the mold grow but I'd say the major contributing factor was my failure to maintain proper air circulation at the soil surface. The lower leaves are gone and the fan has been adjusted
I'll be watching closely to monitor the situation. Two more weeks til we'll consider the flip to flower. Hope all is well with everyone's grows .

Yikes! Well that's a little unsettling.
Today there was a problem. A problem of the mold variety. What could have caused it? What will we do? Fret not my friends, for it is our victories in these struggles that make the journey worth while. . . so I went in to give the feeding bright and early like a good flower farmer. Here's what I discovered
my new camera hasn't arrived yet but I think you can still make out the fuzzies. So I rolled a joint and thought (this step is key to avoid kneejerk reactions). I decided I needed to remove the lowest leaves to improve air circulation across the top of the soil.
found this dirty dog hiding under a big leaf that was touching the soil. I removed the mold that I could see. I still fed and watered. I believe this issue will now be resolved. I'm not sure if the MGO helped the mold grow but I'd say the major contributing factor was my failure to maintain proper air circulation at the soil surface. The lower leaves are gone and the fan has been adjusted
I'll be watching closely to monitor the situation. Two more weeks til we'll consider the flip to flower. Hope all is well with everyone's grows .
Lol thts jus the beneficial bacteria at work i have tht white goodness in my los mix super soil its great and it wudnt hurt to increase air flow by removing lower growth but yea dnt wry its fade dwn u get this with good organic growing
Yikes! Well that's a little unsettling.
No actually thats a good thing check out my journal and wen i was mixing up my super soil and leting it cook i wud have like over an inch of that white fluffy stuff covering a 3foot long tote by 2.5 feet wide all over the top and as it goes on it will fade dwn its jus the bacteria doing there thang lol
Also dont no if u do this or not but wen i put the feeding pellets and stuff in i mix it into the soil n work it in like over an inch deep or well about as deep as half way between the first and second knuckle on ur pointer finger n work them in after u sread them on the soil and give a good watering after thts what i do anyways hope it hels brotha and gud luck lookn great
No actually thats a good thing check out my journal and wen i was mixing up my super soil and leting it cook i wud have like over an inch of that white fluffy stuff covering a 3foot long tote by 2.5 feet wide all over the top and as it goes on it will fade dwn its jus the bacteria doing there thang lol

Didn't know that. I'm a hydro guy. Cool!!
Lol thts jus the beneficial bacteria at work i have tht white goodness in my los mix super soil its great and it wudnt hurt to increase air flow by removing lower growth but yea dnt wry its fade dwn u get this with good organic growing
Mycelium fungus or something? I read about that. Makes sense. That's why we keep you around Jones! Thanks man!
Happy Independence day! Let's see how things are looking. We will start with KnC
she was looking a lil bunched up so I gave her some freedom
hopefully that'll help her out a little. Of course we also have the GDP
looking real nice but a lil freedom wouldn't hurt
no leaves or branches were removed, just repositioned. I hope everyone enjoys a good BBQ and some loud fireworks and of course several large doses of high quality home grown! . . . . . . .
Blaze is absolutely right about the "fuzz" just means that all the bennies are working and will not cause any problems, more like reassurance that the microbes in my products are rocking. The grow looks amazing, the girls are growing like crazy!
Happy Independence day! Let's see how things are looking. We will start with KnC
she was looking a lil bunched up so I gave her some freedom
hopefully that'll help her out a little. Of course we also have the GDP
looking real nice but a lil freedom wouldn't hurt
no leaves or branches were removed, just repositioned. I hope everyone enjoys a good BBQ and some loud fireworks and of course several large doses of high quality home grown! . . . . . . .

Lookn good brotha n hell no keep those birches reined in and strapped up just change the areas ur working on but keep those branches tied dwn n make em stretch and work for that light lol that way u have bigger longer branches for wen u flip to flower they will support some huge buds with out cliping over I jus had to tie up a pineapple skunk the other day cause she floping all over the place lol and take the branches n bend them lightly back n forth alil jus to strengthen them up alil jus alil advice cause u dnt want the problem I jus had with one of my outside girls the branches are really weak n 2 of them bent over in a rainstorm n had 2 be tied up if those wuda had buds on them they prolly wuda broke off so yea strengthen the branches early on n then that problem dnt happen not sayn u have a problem jus given u alil advice from a problem I had dnt wana see anything bad happen to those beauties man I can't wait till these hit flower ur guna have some monsters on ur hand lol great job man
Here's how we look now
GDP is on the left. Here she is up close
she definitely bounced back nicely! Here's KnC
her leaves don't stand up as pretty as the GDP. I'd like to let her soil get real dry and soak it but the MGO doesn't like dry soil. She doesn't look unhealthy at all I just dont get the super happy vibe I get from the GDP. The 4th veg feeding is this coming Monday. A week after that we will probably flip to 12/12. Id like to snag a clone or two off each plant just in case they turn in to something I can't live without. You know the deal, take a couple bottom branches that wouldn't develop into much anyway. Well, how bout if ALL the branches look strong and healthy and look like they will grow big yummy buds? What a problem to have!
Beutifully done BG! What was your training style again?
Nothing too extreme. Just tied the tops down until the side branches were even with them. I then untied until the tops got a lil taller then retired til they evened up. Other than that just some leaf tucking. Right now the GDP is untied. But I just did this to the KnC
now all her branches are tied down. I wish I could say it's some specific step by step process but honestly man I just do what I feel like the plant needs. MGO does the heavy lifting .
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