Blue Dream'matic Comparison Auto Grow Super Soil Vs Promix+ With LSD-25 Auto On The Side

I'm assuming you meant 3-4g of MC/gallon, yes? And why water on a schedule?

Yes grams. It's not really a schedule, my plants are about a week younger than his and I give them about 32oz and find them needing another dose about every 2-3 days. Assuming his environmental conditions are somewhat similar, I was just throwing out about how often they may be looking for liquid.
OK, so I started LST today. Perhaps a bit early, but we'll see. This is the part of the process where I feel the most lost. I have no idea what to tie down, but I'm going to charge ahead anyway. Please if anyone has suggestions, feel free to chime in. @InTheShed, my LSD-25 is going to be modeled after how you do LST, so let me know what you think. I didn't go too crazy at first with that one because I don't want to break it. I figure I'll pull it down bit by bit over the next day or three.

The Blues I am just grabbing whatever I can grab to open up the middle a bit. All the stems are fairly short still, so I can't grab the growth at the base yet.

Blue in FFOF/SS:


Blue in Pro Mix:


LSD-25 in Pro Mix:


That's it for today. The Pro Mix girls are fairly dry already, so I'll give them a drink/feed of week 3 nutes later today. The Blue in FFOF still has a pretty heavy feel to it and my moisture probe still shows wet from halfway down to the bottom, so it will wait a day for a drink.

Thanks for all who are following and happy growing to all!
Holy crap! Day 18 and the two Blues are showing pistils! This is only my second grow, but I didn't think auto's would start that so early. Everybody has recovered well from their LST yesterday. The two girls in Pro Mix were a bit dry and I had a half gallon+ of nutrient water mixed up, so they each got about 40 oz to drink last night. Blue in FFOF and super soil will probably get a drink this evening or tomorrow. Pic's in a bit.
The world around me is shut down this morning over 4 inches of snow. LOL, I love the south. I could open the office this afternoon, but nobody would show up anyway. So I'm bored and trying to leave the plants alone, so I figured I'd at least get a few pics before I start in on chatching up on paperwork (Ugh!)

So here are the girls this morning. New growth on all of them. The LSD-25 that is only getting LST has turned up to the lights and the two Blues are showing pistils!

Blue in FFOF/Super Soil:


Here are her early pistils:


Blue in Pro Mix:


She's got some sign of flower as well:


LSD-25 in Pro Mix:


Different perspective on the LSD to show the LST:


Hope everyone is doing well and happy growing!
My experience with Blue Dream'matic is that it will show sex around 18-21 days, so you're right on schedule.
Well if mine do half as well as yours did I'll be thrilled.
Day 19:

Not too much to report. The Pro Mix/Megacrop girls got a half gallon drink with week 3 feed (3gr MC, 3ml Pro-Tekt, 3 ml CalMag/gallon) this morning. I moved some of the tie downs and the Blue Dream in Pro Mix has a mangled leaf that I had tied down to open up the top. I removed that one. If the leaf recovers I'll leave it, if not, I'll snip it. She is a bit wilty from drying out. The LSD-25 had a brown spotted leaf that I snipped. Not too worried since it was the only one and it was one of the early leaves with the weird configuration. If I see more I'll worry. As of now, everyone seems happy and healthy. Lights are currently at 30K LUX for each plant.

Blue Dream'matic Auto in FFOF/Super Soil:


Blue Dream'matic Auto in Pro Mix with Megacrop:


LSD-25 Auto in Pro Mix with Megacrop:


So far, no signs of any deficiency or nute burn on any of the plants. They've been pretty easy so far. Hopefully that will continue. I know much can change when we get to flower, but I'm enjoying my second grow so far.

Happy growing to everyone!
I just noticed this morning that the LSD-25 has some clawing of the new leaves. I didn't notice it yesterday, but you can see it in the pic above. I don't know if this is a deficiency, an over fert, or an over water problem. The other thing is my LST pipe cleaner was right up against that growth tip for a few days, so I don't know if that is the reason. The rest of the plant looks ok, but this morning, there were just a bit of yellow tips on the new growth on both ProMix/Megacrop plants. The thing is, the Blue in ProMix had some significant growth/stretch overnight, so I think it's healthy. If you look at the new growth right in the middle of the pic of the LSD-25 (last pic above) you can see the leaf tips curling under.

Sorry for the shameless bump, but I’d love some input on my megacrop girls. I’m not too happy with the yellow leaf tips and the hooking tips, but I’m not sure what to change. @farside05 ? @InTheShed ? Anyone? Thanks!
I'm seeing some curling of the serrated edges of your leaves. Is this what you mean by hooking leaf tips? That would most likely point to environmental issues like high heat or high humidity. Low humidity you'll get the curled edges and the leaf folds in half like a taco too. If they are droopy and have curled edges, it can also indicate over watering. Look at those variables and you'll probably find your answer.

As far as yellow tips, I see a bit on the newest growth on the Pro-Mix girls. Just keep an eye on that as the leaves mature. The first sign of overfeeding nutes is the tips going light or almost translucent. That's an indicator that you may wanna back down the fertilizer a touch. On brand new growth, it is normally a bit lighter in color than more established leaves. If the color doesn't even out and get a bit darker as it matures, then it's time to be more concerned.
Here's a couple of better pics. The first shows the hooking ends of the LSD-25. This is not happening on all the new growth, but just at the apical node. Also on some of the older leaves on the LSD I'm getting brown patches as shown on the second pic. The Blue getting megacrop is showing yellow tips on new growth, but you can see it in my last post.


Day 21:

I have some questions in the text here that I would LOVE to get input on. I'm open to all comments and suggestions as always.

Things are moving right along despite some weirdness in the Promix/Megacrop girls. In particular, the Blue in ProMix is stretching a bit. At least at the top two arms. I'd like to keep the canopies even, but I don't know if I should tie those down or not?

LSD-25 in Promix/Megacrop still has those claw tips on the tip top group of leaves. She is still a good bit heavier than her sister, so perhaps it is too much water that is sitting in there. I would think the fabric bags and the good drainage of the ProMix would prevent this, especially since if I've overwatered it, it's not by a whole lot. She has gotten pretty much the same feedings as her sister and this plant is reputed to be a big drinker. Oh well, a day or two more to try out for her and see if that fixes things.

Both girls still have yellow tips. Not too bad, but their next feeding would be scheduled to be an increase in the Megacrop to 4g per gallon. Am I overfeeding?

Blue in FFOF/Super soil is still looking strong, but not stretching like her sister in the Promix. She has some upper leaves that don't seem to be opening up, but she's still putting out new growth and getting a bit taller, although not like the other Blue.

All the girls got their tie downs adjusted just a bit. None are getting watered/fed today. Todays pics are the first time out of the tent and not under the grow light.

LSD-25 in Promix:


Here is a better pic of her claws:


Blue Dream'matic in Promix:


Her yellow tips:


Blue Dream'matic in FFOF/Super Soil:


Questions? Comments?

Happy growing everyone!
The clawing you see up top in the supersoil most likely is the roots finding the pockets of good stuff down there and reacting to that a bit... they will adapt and you should only burn the micro tips with itsy bitsy dead triangles...and then it will be fine.

The MC plant is showing you much longer burning damage at the tips, significant damage. GLN instructs that when you see damage, back down the dosage. We could go into the nature of the damage and what it is saying to us, but that is not necessary. According to their instructions you still need to fine tune your correct dosage.

This is an interesting grow to watch because two completely different feeding systems are going to show completely different responses to the same environment and I like it that we have an organic grow there to be a sort of a standard as we watch.
So this is my second grow and my first journal, so whether it is grow advice or journaling advice, I'm open to all suggestions. I had been interested in doing a grow with super soil from Nature's Living Soil, but I also have been watching Farside05's grows with megacrop and seeing his success I decided to drop two beans of Fastbuds Blue Dream'matic. One will go into Promix HP and be fed with Megacrop, Protekt and CalMag. I will do my best to follow Farside's schedule. The second one will go into Super Soil that is mixed according to the directions.
I just happened upon your thread and love the fact that you're running a side by side with the Fastbuds strain that I am most interested in, and that you're running supersoil and megacrop, great stuff! I have only recently become aware of Megacrop and I'm currently growing in amended supersoil, so your project will be very interesting to follow.

Welcome aboard. I'm a newb at it, but learning from some of the master growers here. I'm hoping a few of them might check in as well. I can use all the help I can get. Here are my two plants from the last grow:
Wow. Pineapple Express and GSC, these are also all wish list choices that I put down when viewing what's on offer at Fastbuds, and I most keen to hear how they rated for you once curing was finishing and testing began.

OK, so I started LST today. Perhaps a bit early, but we'll see. This is the part of the process where I feel the most lost. I have no idea what to tie down, but I'm going to charge ahead anyway. Please if anyone has suggestions, feel free to chime in. @InTheShed, my LSD-25 is going to be modeled after how you do LST, so let me know what you think. I didn't go too crazy at first with that one because I don't want to break it. I figure I'll pull it down bit by bit over the next day or three.
I am currently running a 420 Gorilla Glue Auto. It is my first attempt at growing an auto. I also followed Shed's excellent tutorial and LST'd her. I am also growing 2 photos that I quadlined and I was also going to do the same with the auto but decided on LST as I was unsure of the higher stress training of topping an auto. However, as a growing friend also popped the same auto as me on the same day and his without any training appears to be 2 weeks ahead of mine. That is no problem as I presume the delay would potentially help my auto to 'build a bigger base' perhaps. Altho, given it still seems to have caused a slow down when compared to his. I think doing the same in a future grow I would probably Quadline as it is a single topping and perhaps easier to train the shape.

I have no experience growing indoors or growing Megacrop. With regard to your observations of leaf curl and yellow tipping etc, I really can't help in offering advice there, sorry. But I think in spite of these things your grow is still progressing well and probably only showing minor diversions from being optimum, I think @Emilya 's and @InTheShed 's comments make good sense and that you have only got some minor 'steadying of the ship' adjustments to uncover and make, and they will be going ahead great guns. The pics of your last grow look fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing these grows progress!:thumb:
I just happened upon your thread and love the fact that you're running a side by side with the Fastbuds strain that I am most interested in, and that you're running supersoil and megacrop, great stuff! I have only recently become aware of Megacrop and I'm currently growing in amended supersoil, so your project will be very interesting to follow.

Wow. Pineapple Express and GSC, these are also all wish list choices that I put down when viewing what's on offer at Fastbuds, and I most keen to hear how they rated for you once curing was finishing and testing began.

I am currently running a 420 Gorilla Glue Auto. It is my first attempt at growing an auto. I also followed Shed's excellent tutorial and LST'd her. I am also growing 2 photos that I quadlined and I was also going to do the same with the auto but decided on LST as I was unsure of the higher stress training of topping an auto. However, as a growing friend also popped the same auto as me on the same day and his without any training appears to be 2 weeks ahead of mine. That is no problem as I presume the delay would potentially help my auto to 'build a bigger base' perhaps. Altho, given it still seems to have caused a slow down when compared to his. I think doing the same in a future grow I would probably Quadline as it is a single topping and perhaps easier to train the shape.

I have no experience growing indoors or growing Megacrop. With regard to your observations of leaf curl and yellow tipping etc, I really can't help in offering advice there, sorry. But I think in spite of these things your grow is still progressing well and probably only showing minor diversions from being optimum, I think @Emilya 's and @InTheShed 's comments make good sense and that you have only got some minor 'steadying of the ship' adjustments to uncover and make, and they will be going ahead great guns. The pics of your last grow look fantastic. I am looking forward to seeing these grows progress!:thumb:

Thanks for joining in! I'm glad to have more aboard. I am a complete newb at training, so I'm still learning. Quadlining an auto would be great to watch. I hope you'll do a journal for that if you do! As far as the GSC, it is quite potent but even after 4 weeks cure it still makes me cough badly. I am a cougher though and despite being a daily smoker or vaper for 12+ years I still cough lot. However, the Pineapple Express is the smoothest smoking I have ever had. I really am quite a fan of it and I'm enjoying some as I type this. Thanks for your post and please continue to chime in whenever!
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