Bruce Banner: Search For The Incredible Hulk

The seeds they're so small doctor... can we save them?



Especially this little guy


I don't know nurse but if the guys @Weed Seeds Express say they are viable then dammit we have to try!


All we can do now is wait... and hope to God for some miracle.
Yeah, waiting on my Bruce now. Thank you for showing me what they look like bruh. Now what do they look like. I'll hang out to see how she do.
She is looking good.
Thanks Tok... I'll let her know you said that. ;)
Yeah, waiting on my Bruce now. Thank you for showing me what they look like bruh. Now what do they look like. I'll hang out to see how she do.
Grab a seat... this is a first time for me growing Bruce Banner so bear with.
I'm growing out a Bruce Banger freebie. It is looking great with a 28 day veg. In week 7 of 12/12. Are they close to the same?
Sounds about right... let me check tho :hmmmm:

My oldest were put into flower on 6-11 but I kinda did something wrong and they've been pouting ever since. The more sativa dominant flowers decided not to fill out so I'm contemplating a few plant murders if they don't recover (mercy killing of course).

Luckily I took the clones and put the knowledge I gained from the original plants into them and they seem to be thriving so far. Had to double top them to get them to stay short... originals I only topped pre flip and they wound up about 3' off the soil... I prefer no taller than 2' myself. Topped the clones pre flip and when they hit the 6" mark during stretch I topped again and they have remained a decent size with the tallest only about 2' currently while the less sativa dominant are around 12-16".
Thought I'd post a pic of #5. She is probably the most sensitive of the banners I have going. The original showed the very first signs of yellowing up. She is also the fastest bloomer (more indica dominant :hmmmm: ). This one was flipped on the fourth of July right when I flipped the sativa dominant #3 above as well though this one has developed significantly more bud in that same time even though nutes, lights, water are all the same.

She suffered a slight yellowing back when I figured out I was killing the originals but she has since greened back up (as much as she will I suppose) and has started to bud out nicely.

SaugaView :laughtwo:
Fresh organic tomatoes from out of the yard... grew em myself


Nice Burpee genetics for some great flavor and won't make your joints ache!


Just filling in the time. :thumb:
Fresh organic tomatoes from out of the yard... grew em myself


Nice Burpee genetics for some great flavor and won't make your joints ache!


Just filling in the time. :thumb:
That's what its all about.
Follow it up with a nice bowl of organic ice cream... heaven on earth.

Well I can't seem to find any truly organic ice cream but you know what they say

I can dream about you
If I can't hold you tonight
#5 clone is still showing signs of deficiency and has also begun to develop a few red pistils early in bloom. I'm going to have to reformulate my fertilizer to "hopefully" correct the situation.


Closeup of redhairs
Cutest little groundhog living under my shed... funny since I live in the suburbs.

Just caught him tonight with his back to me so I sat and watched to see what he was eating... turns out it was my organic grass (who knew groundhogs eat grass). I only fertilize the yard with organic amendments as I feel it helps the animals (lots of critters eat the grass and the insects that live in the yard make great bird food, squirrels love it too).

My yard is really coming to life now that I've stopped using chemical fertilizers (at least outdoors).
And no runoff of water soluble fertilizer to pollute the environment with toxic chemical waste.
There's a dead zone in the Gulf from it now... impact the fishing industry they say.
Anybody ever see a UFO in real life?

one of my friends lives where there's been a lot of odd stuff. a few of us were hanging out in his hot tub one night when we saw some stuff. i asked wth it was, and the locals just said its a ufo, flat as ever, like it was stupid i wouldn 't know.
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