Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

Awesome info! Your setup is incredible.

Thanks Buds, the insight into temps/RH is really valuable info, as you say lots of stuff is perhaps from HPS days and therefore the advice isn't quite comprehensive. Very interesting to learn what kind of leaf temps I should be aiming for on my own grows :thanks:

So in flower you are aiming for around 68F for the leaf temperature specifically right? So around 73f in the tent should be about right? My biggest issue is having both a veg and flower tent in the same room so I have way lower temps in the veg tent so the flower doesn't get too hot. Unfortunately without AC it's hard to achieve under 78/80f for me with lights on at the mo but I'll be looking to pick up a portable AC like yours ASAP.

Does it have a hose to vent heat out into the room?
Awesome info! Your setup is incredible.

Thanks Buds, the insight into temps/RH is really valuable info, as you say lots of stuff is perhaps from HPS days and therefore the advice isn't quite comprehensive. Very interesting to learn what kind of leaf temps I should be aiming for on my own grows :thanks:

So in flower you are aiming for around 68F for the leaf temperature specifically right? So around 73f in the tent should be about right? My biggest issue is having both a veg and flower tent in the same room so I have way lower temps in the veg tent so the flower doesn't get too hot. Unfortunately without AC it's hard to achieve under 78/80f for me with lights on at the mo but I'll be looking to pick up a portable AC like yours ASAP.

Does it have a hose to vent heat out into the room?
Are you using an exhaust fan in your veg tent ? If yes, you could always turn it off if the room gets too cool from the AC in the Flower tent & let your lights keep the veg tent warmer. Very little cold air comes out of my tent when it's zipped up 90% of the way so it's probably not a big issue. Got to keep it open a little to have a peek every now & again.... lol.
Yes, somewhere around 72-73 should give you a leaf temp about 68F.
Are you using an exhaust fan in your veg tent ? If yes, you could always turn it off if the room gets too cool from the AC in the Flower tent & let your lights keep the veg tent warmer. Very little cold air comes out of my tent when it's zipped up 90% of the way so it's probably not a big issue. Got to keep it open a little to have a peek every now & again.... lol.
Yes, somewhere around 72-73 should give you a leaf temp about 68F.
Yeah I'm using an exhaust fan in both, that sounds like a solid plan and will mean the appliances aren't fighting each other as much saving me some energy costs. I still need to buy an AC it's the final (expensive) piece of the puzzle but I'll get there and then hopefully be able to maintain perfect conditions :D
Thanks for the tag Buds, I'm looking forward to seeing you grow this monster :)
I'm in Buds! Happy New Year!
Happy New Years to you too ! Glad to see you pop in. I know you are a busy lady helping everyone out so always a pleasure when you're able. I believe you're doing the Emerson Effect thing in your SIP journal.... correct ? I'm planning on trying that myself real soon. How you liking it ?
Happy New Years to you too ! Glad to see you pop in. I know you are a busy lady helping everyone out so always a pleasure when you're able. I believe you're doing the Emerson Effect thing in your SIP journal.... correct ? I'm planning on trying that myself real soon. How you liking it ?
No, Bruce Bugbee with Apogee Lights gave that name to describe the use of far red full time, because that is how their lights use this specific spectrum. All the Emerson Effect says is that there is extra photosynthesis when the red light is used.

I am in the camp who believe that full time far red produces plant reactions that we don't want, and this outweighs the little extra photosynthesis. This camp believes that this spectrum is better used as trigger lights for 10 minutes before and after the light period, to control stretch and to put the plants to bed much quicker. I am following up on the early work that Weezard was doing back in the day.
Highya Buds,

I've seen your name thrown around in the yard. Glad to get to know you. Love your setup. First class all the way. Pays to get good equipment.
I grow outdoors in garden soil (actually in the ground). Last year I grew my first 2 pounder! Very pleased. Was a Super Silver Haze at about 8.5 ft. Massive buds. I'd like to see a two pounder indoors. My quest through life has been to learn. About everything. Love it. I'm sure I'll learn a lot just being here! Thanks. Happy Smokin'
Happy New Years Buds! Thanks for the tag👊 Are you using synthetics or is this an organic LOS grow?
I'm not really a fan of organic stuff. I'm using Maxi-Gro & Maxi Bloom for this grow. I like the simplicity of the powdered one & two part stuff. I am adding a little Cal-Mag though. I use to use Mega Crop. It was all the rage around here for a long time. Unfortunately Mega Crop didn't know when to leave things alone. They kept changing their formula so you can never actually dial in the best way to use it. Got tired of that so trying different nutes now. It's my first grow Maxi-Gro & Bloom. Well kind of. I have a Gorilla Glue Auto that I've been feeding with it that's coming out pretty good so far.
Pics of the GG later today as I have it in the tent now. Also, dropping the seed today for the Runtz Punch this journal will be based on.
No, Bruce Bugbee with Apogee Lights gave that name to describe the use of far red full time, because that is how their lights use this specific spectrum. All the Emerson Effect says is that there is extra photosynthesis when the red light is used.

I am in the camp who believe that full time far red produces plant reactions that we don't want, and this outweighs the little extra photosynthesis. This camp believes that this spectrum is better used as trigger lights for 10 minutes before and after the light period, to control stretch and to put the plants to bed much quicker. I am following up on the early work that Weezard was doing back in the day.
Wow, I thought the Emerson effect was 10 minutes of the Blue before lights on & 10 min. of Red after lights off.
This is the way I planned to use them once I have them. I'll probably order them in the next couple of weeks for my next grow.
Highya Buds,

I've seen your name thrown around in the yard. Glad to get to know you. Love your setup. First class all the way. Pays to get good equipment.
I grow outdoors in garden soil (actually in the ground). Last year I grew my first 2 pounder! Very pleased. Was a Super Silver Haze at about 8.5 ft. Massive buds. I'd like to see a two pounder indoors. My quest through life has been to learn. About everything. Love it. I'm sure I'll learn a lot just being here! Thanks. Happy Smokin'
Wish my Super Silver haze would have turned out like yours. It was a Freebie seed I got with an order. It popped, grew a couple inches & stunted. I set it out on my porch & continued to feed it. It got 4"-5" tall & got one little bud on it.
Smallest yield ever.... lol.
Thanks for the tag! Definitely following along with this one.
Love the setup and tutorial!
Those shower clips are a new tools I’m adding to my belt as well and I love that little shelf thing you put up to hold your controllers and add structural support as well that’s something else I’m looking that I’ve never seen before but such a great idea.
Can’t wait to see what else I learn here thank you again!
This next part of my journal is mostly for any newbies that come along & want to know what kinds of things they'll need in order to have the perfect growing environment. However, I may or may not use all of it (because I don't follow all the grow rules). But I'll state what I've read about these things & the way I do it instead.
Obviously step 1 would be to assemble your tent or grow area. I'm using this 4x8x7 Gorilla Grow tent. I picked this up used for $150. The guy said he only used it for one grow. It's in perfect condition other than the Floor Tray Liner. I hope GGT sells replacements for it.
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Here's a pic of some things I use as Hanging Hardware. I use Shower Curtain Hooks for the lighter stuff. Sometimes I'll use 2 or 3 depending on how heavy something is. I also use 2" Solid Steel Rings to hang Heavier stuff like the Lights, Fans & Filters as you'll see in the following pics. I get the steel rings at Ace Hardware for 69 cents ea.
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Next I put up my Hanging Bars for the Light & Fan/Filter Combo. I always use the upper bars with the shorter hook ends for hanging these things so they have the extra support of the poles under it that have the longer hook ends.
I'm very big on extra support in my tents as I don't want anything falling.
I use the Shower Curtain Hooks & Ratchet Hangers to hold up my Tent Side Supports & then Zip Tie them to the poles.
This makes for a really solid tent. I use 12" wide Wire Closet Shelving for the Tent Side Supports. I like using this as it benefits me in at least 3 ways. First it gives extra support. Second it prevents your tent from being sucked in if you have negative air pressure. I don't usually have neg. air pressure since I use Intake & Exhaust Fans & just balance the 2 out. Third, the shelving gives you plenty of places to hang controllers & power strips so they're not on the ground where they can get wet if something were to go wrong.
Here's a couple pics.
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Once I figure out where my Light, Fan & Filter will hang I lift one end of the Hanging Bars off & slide my Steel Rings into place like this.
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Next I hang my Fan & Filter & run the electric for it. I try to keep all my controllers mounted closer to the front of the tent for easy access.
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Now I'm ready to run my ductwork out the window. I do the electric first as the ductwork gets in the way if you don't.
My window vent for my exhaust is just a 1/4" piece of wood cut to fit the window & 6" round holes cut in it to mount the starting collars. 6" Starting Collars are about $5 at your local Home Depot. I also have my Portable AC Window Vent under my Exhaust vent so I can run it through the tent vent hole before I push the tent back in place.
Here's a pic of it.
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Still got more so hold on. Can only put 10 pics per post.
Can I ask what the other hole in the wood is for?Another intake maybe? CL🍀
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