CA215's Outdoor Session 1

Nice pics and killer color on her, but as Hiker said if she/he is already seeded and revegging may be worth i to let it ride and still harvest the seeds and maybe some new bud, It is always your choice in the end. Nice group pf plants CA can't wait for later in the year,Peace OG
I would love to be a bug on some chronic for a day, would be pretty interesting :laugh: I think the vote is unanimous, will pull her tonight and let her live her last few hours in the nice cool sunny breeze :surf: (Never used the surf smiley, felt like a good time) :grinjoint:

Went to water and check on the Sour Boggle, Pineapple, and Alien Dawg, and would like to say with one check a week they are looking fan-freaking-tastic! Can't wait to bring one of these girls back over after Big Betsy gets the chop, would like boggle back and take better care of it. Would like to pull at least 6 clones from her :Namaste: Hope you all have a splendidly hazy day :Rasta:

:peace CA215

Agree on that one my Sour Boggle is by far doing better than the Sweet Cindy,OG
CA those pics are righteous man,heck of a camera you got there:high-five:thanks for puttin forth such a great effort to share such treasures.:bravo:Im pretty sure i felt a drop of saliva dribble down my chin looking at them pics.:thanks:

Thanks otto! And no problem man all in the better of the MJ plant! :high-five: We should be having a lot more of that over here i'm sure of it.. We should have a couple more grow locations here to document in the upcoming weeks, should get fun around here :Namaste: :blunt: Have a good 1 otto! :peace: CA

It is always best to harvest after your dark period - more active THC.
Alright will keep that in mind. Thanks for the pointers Great, it is all welcome and appreciated, will hold off to give her the chop! Might even let here keep rockin' her weird self, who knows I always change my mind :rollit:
I'm confused. :hmmmm:
Why are you taking down that plant? :confused:

If she has started to reveg, why harvest now? I must have missed something as you're talking about a hermie. Did she hermie or something?

I'd almost always vote to save a plant, but I cull plenty myself.

Loving your outdoor ladies. Wish I could put some in my backyard. Someday... :Nmaste:

I'm kind of under the impression now that it could be in my best interest to chop her and get her replaced asap for my #6, and then again Idk if I want to risk her growing around my other girls. Big Betsy is a unknown bagseed so my bets are on a hermy as I had a few from my indoor bunch as well, hate to cut down a plant but, idk, really at a standstill for now LOL :tommy: Thanks for stopping in bro! :peace: CA

Being a Bud Bug Haiku:

Walking in the trics
Snacking on the amber ones
This must be Heaven

Sorry, Your thought caused my thought :) :)

No problem Spimp :goodjob: me being as blazed as I am I pretty much started day dreaming for a minute there, looking through the eyes of a bug roaming through the trichs, man, what a life right? LOL :tokin: CA
Nice pics and killer color on her, but as Hiker said if she/he is already seeded and revegging may be worth i to let it ride and still harvest the seeds and maybe some new bud, It is always your choice in the end. Nice group pf plants CA can't wait for later in the year,Peace OG

Yeah true. If so, the buds that have already formed are garbage at this point due to the color in the micros and trich count, she is BROWN! No brown in my lungs, nuhhh uhhhh.. Might as well leave the girl to just grow as my experiment plant, she started out and experiment and will live the rest of her days as a experiment.. I think I might start some weird training on her again, see what I can come up with :laugh: Thanks for stopping in brOG, hope everything is swell to the East :bong: CA215 (Btw hoping to take my boggle and pull a limit of 6 clones off here to hopefully do a nice indoor session at the new pad) Should be getting fun in here :thumb:
Great looking setup, and wonderful photos! I really like the way your Blue Dream is filling out, I hope mine starts too. :goodjob:

Thanks for stoppin' in & for the kind words slo :Namaste: I'm sure your bd will start kicking into gear, you got some giants in the ground :blunt:

Was able to get out this evening to snap some pictures of some of the greens. Sprayed all plants with Monterey insecticide as always, every single leaf, every stem, top soil, sides of buckets and smart pots, the concrete and lawn, I.. am...... at.... WAR! :headbanger:
Watered this morning with 10mL bpn micro/grow/bloom with SNS209, about 25mL per 4 gal and 20mL per 3 gal. Girls are looking good, although I think I am seeing signs of nute burn on the GSC T.M. Will bump her down a bit next watering. Was able to get some pictures of big betsy before doing some plucking and pulling. Man, I feel bad for the (girl/guy/guyirl), looking raggedy as heck on the lower parts, but the re veg growth looks freaking amazing.. but also very odd.. Anyways, here are some pictures!! Enjoy.

Here is the WW Experiment;

Next on the list is the less messed with WW;

Next here we will throw in the GSC Thin Mint clones, I enjoy bending all my plants in very odd fashions, dont judge :laugh:;

And a great growing/looking plants, the BD, might need to start training it soon, might let her grow as is and let nature take over;

Quick intermission, VEGGGIIEESSS;

Ok, Big Betsy is up to bat, brace yourselves for some horrid photos, she looks so beaten and used... :sorry:

That's it for now, will give it about a week before another picture update. May all your days & weeks be filled with ganja goodness :welcome:

:peace: CA215

Good looking girls there, CA. That Big Betsy may surprise you in the end they always look like shit when they go from flower to veg then they straighten themselves out so to speak. Killer grow Bro, just added the second cage to Madshack, Peace,OG.
Lovely ladies,
Your one lucky guy that you can do an outdoor grow. Good luck on MOTM, got my vote, think you could be looking at a win after all the hard work you've put in, you are absolutely everywhere on this site :welldone:
Good looking girls there, CA. That Big Betsy may surprise you in the end they always look like shit when they go from flower to veg then they straighten themselves out so to speak. Killer grow Bro, just added the second cage to Madshack, Peace,OG.

Thanks for stoppin in OG! I got my fingers crossed that she takes a turn for the best and starts looking a little better.. I will have to start tying her up soon, She is one heavy girl I tell ya! (Just have the 3 bamboo stalks holding her in place). The second cage thing you got going on is awesome, I can totally see how you like to train your plants now and see how you are pushing multiple lbs :cheer: Can't wait, 3 more months down the road and we should have some freakin' GIANTS :blunt the anticipation is killing me! :laugh:

Lovely ladies,
Your one lucky guy that you can do an outdoor grow. Good luck on MOTM, got my vote, think you could be looking at a win after all the hard work you've put in, you are absolutely everywhere on this site :welldone:
Thanks for the very kind words there dutch! I try my best to get around to different areas of the forum to leave a personal helping hand to everyone around here. I feel it lessens the tension with newer people, as I was a little iffy posting around & asking questions when I first joined, seeing all there hardcore members i didn't know what to do :blunt: The outdoor grow is coming together a lot better than I had ever hoped for it too, compared to my first outdoor sess I feel this one left it in its tracks after the first 20 gal was planted :laugh: These things might get a little too big for my back yard! Which is always a plus in my book :morenutes:

So Fathers day completely slipped my mind although I had made plans with my pops weeks ago, gave him an early morning call to get the a o k to pick him up to go get some killer breakfast! Wish pops still smoked, could have a nice wake and bake session, have some laughs over breakfast, then take his race car up to the lake. Guess we will just skip the wake and bake, eat and go rally around some crazy roads :popcorn: vroom vroooom, Thanks for drivin' by! Hope you all have an awesome day, :peace: CA215

So I didn't post before I left, pretty nice little breakfast I might say. Ended up making the whole feast for everyone this morning at my pops pad, bacon, eggs, biscuits, hash brown, oj, the works. Very tasty, would have went well with a nice jay at the table :high-five:

Thinking about making the trip to Sac and hitting up the doctors office for my renewal, possibly stopping by the closest dispensary on the way home to check out clones and seeds :Namaste: Good day, CA215
yae man im here.:high-five:

Sup otto!! Make yourself comfy, heres a nice doob :passitleft:

Nice going buddy. What size pots are all of them in?

We have the two White Widow and one Blue Dream in the 20 gallon smart pots, with an unkown bagseed and a girl scout cookie thin mint in the 5 gallons. Wish I would have put the damned gsc in a 20 gal as well, can see these plants getting huge!

All will work for the good ca215:Namaste:BTWSuper Crop looks good in the smart pot.:high-five:
Thanks bro they actually turned out good! They weren't intentional :laugh: I was moving them and ended up bending the girl on the Blue Dream but healed up great, and the white widow was my mistake of being a little heavy handed. After experimenting with my first grow I don't like to break the outer walls of the branch, I saw it delay growing quite a lot. I would rather twist the branch back and forth a bit and get the fibers loose, then lightly twist one section of your freshly twisted area, until you hear a pop, lets you move that thing anywhere you want, and in my mind, I think that's what I should have been shooting for in a super crop the whole time :laugh: :tokin:

Everyone, If you have a damn tolerance to bud and want a nice efficient way to clear your head, smoke some veg trim!! Holy hell, I tried this after reading about it on gleipnir's grow thread and am totally convinced.. Mine didnt taste the best, but it sure made my next joint and bong rip of some sour diesel a hellllll of a lot stonier!!! Don't take my word for it try it yo self :blunt:!! I feel so conservative smoking something that I though was going to be somewhat useless.. Pretty much noticing more and more every day that I want this plant to RULE!! Every dang thing can be used on it! :thedoubletake::clap:
Yo! Ladies looking hot, healthy and radiant.

I would say its a Nutrient Lock, flush that one and let her breath for some days :< PH' the water to 6.5 and its all good...

:Rasta::goodluck: Jah Bless, Irie.
Yo! Ladies looking hot, healthy and radiant.

I would say its a Nutrient Lock, flush that one and let her breath for some days :< PH' the water to 6.5 and its all good...

:Rasta::goodluck: Jah Bless, Irie.

That's what i'm thinking as well, Can you flush a plant in soil? I've just been letting her grow now, I could care less about that plant in the ground at this point, because I can confirm that all 3 of the 20 gallon are GIRLS! 2 white widow and 1 blue dream are fem! Hopefully... They could have the damn hermy tendencies, they probably do i'm just psyching myself into the best situation LOL. So if all goes as planned and everything survives till budding I should be working on a good variety of meds! WW, BD, GSC, ALIEN DAWG CHERRY, SOUR BOG, PINEAPPLE. Yum. Can't wait, been contemplating throwing the 4x4 up in the same location as last grow and getting all my clones cut and starting on their journey to root! I'm wanting to get into the strain trading game and see if any of my local closer' Californians would live to trade any cuts. Should get fun :) After making a few wrong pvc cuts on my damn aerocloner I have to start over LOL. Should be able to finish it within an hour just waiting for the hardware store to open. Heading to the local CC as well to see what they offer for horticulture/botany. Time to widen the horizon :Namaste:

That's all for now, picture update later in the week :peace: CA215
Just in case your question about flushing is not a level ;) Yes, 3x the size of the pot through it will flush it nicely. 1 gal pot= 3 gal flush. :) And I cant wait to see if you found some good stuff on your voyages today.
I can confirm that all 3 of the 20 gallon are GIRLS! 2 white widow and 1 blue dream are fem!

Awesome news!

Hopefully... I should be working on a good variety of meds! WW, BD, GSC, ALIEN DAWG CHERRY, SOUR BOG, PINEAPPLE. Yum. Can't wait, been contemplating throwing the 4x4 up in the same location as last grow and getting all my clones cut and starting on their journey to root! I'm wanting to get into the strain trading game and see if any of my local closer' Californians would live to trade any cuts.

Wish I lived closer... I would love to try the blue dream and GSC - they both look very good. I probably have something you would be interested in as well...

Should get fun :) After making a few wrong pvc cuts on my damn aerocloner I have to start over LOL. Should be able to finish it within an hour just waiting for the hardware store to open. Heading to the local CC as well to see what they offer for horticulture/botany. Time to widen the horizon.

If it wasn't for wrong cuts on PVC - I wouldn't have such a huge scrap pile to call upon when I need a little piece to fix something. You know, lemon... lemonade :high-five:

That's all for now, picture update later in the week :peace: CA215

Looking forward to the picture update as always my friend :thumb:
Thanks for stopping in Spimp & GreatLife!! :thumb: :blunt:

I am having a N issue with two of my 20 gal girls. I've been doing research for a couple days and think I have found the issue. When I feed my plants I tent to pH to about 6.3 sometimes 6.2, once nutrients are added pH drops another .1-.2, bringing us to a 6.0 maybe 5.9 at times! TOO LOW! Whilst browsing through pages and pages of info I read countless times that pHing your water to anything below the 6.5 mark is going to eventually start effecting the Nitrogen uptake/intake of your plants. With plenty of dying leaves towards the bottoms of my plants I really need to nip this in the bud. What I have on hand for N def plants is some Blood meal, or some urine.. Im reading that you need to mix 1 tsp/gal Blood meal and let dissolve for 2-7 days.. and then this could even be used in your watering or as a foliar spray.. I just gave my girls a very very light foliar spray of Neptunes organic liquid seaweed incorporated in with their Monterey spray last night to see if that would counter act any def. Looking at them this morning they are looking mad green, with lush new lime green growth, still with some yellowing leaves down low.. I begin to pick leaves every day now and feel it will get way worse as time rolls by. So my question for anyone following this grow, How do YOU fight a N def plant? What do you use? How do you use it? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and may be used to help the cause, thanks all for stopping by and leaving a helping hand :thumb: :Namaste: Im going to go mix up some blood meal water and see how that reacts. :peace: CA
Thanks for stopping in Spimp & GreatLife!! :thumb: :blunt:

I am having a N issue with two of my 20 gal girls. I've been doing research for a couple days and think I have found the issue. When I feed my plants I tent to pH to about 6.3 sometimes 6.2, once nutrients are added pH drops another .1-.2, bringing us to a 6.0 maybe 5.9 at times! TOO LOW! Whilst browsing through pages and pages of info I read countless times that pHing your water to anything below the 6.5 mark is going to eventually start effecting the Nitrogen uptake/intake of your plants. With plenty of dying leaves towards the bottoms of my plants I really need to nip this in the bud. What I have on hand for N def plants is some Blood meal, or some urine.. Im reading that you need to mix 1 tsp/gal Blood meal and let dissolve for 2-7 days.. and then this could even be used in your watering or as a foliar spray.. I just gave my girls a very very light foliar spray of Neptunes organic liquid seaweed incorporated in with their Monterey spray last night to see if that would counter act any def. Looking at them this morning they are looking mad green, with lush new lime green growth, still with some yellowing leaves down low.. I begin to pick leaves every day now and feel it will get way worse as time rolls by. So my question for anyone following this grow, How do YOU fight a N def plant? What do you use? How do you use it? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and may be used to help the cause, thanks all for stopping by and leaving a helping hand :thumb: :Namaste: Im going to go mix up some blood meal water and see how that reacts. :peace: CA

The urine will work the fastest, if you let that blood meal go that long you will smell it fifty yards away! If the plants haven't been using the N you put in the soil previously it's still there. Plants are actually able to take up nitrogen at a huge range of Ph. Hit em just one time with the urine and you will know within two days if they green up or stay the same. I have been thinking that my water has too many ppm of minerals....I'm on R/o now and gonna see if it helps. I hate the thought that if I did something different my plants would produce better!
I hate the thought that if I did something different my plants would produce better!

:laugh:! Just tried the blood meal mix, reading the packaging which says it is water insoulble, I don't believe that! But then again I don't want this stuff reaking up my garage of Porcine blood meal, yuck. Will try the urine technique. So i'm reading to dilute your water:urine mix 10:1, sounds about right? Figuring I should finish this cup of coffee and start hitting the h20 hard? Man, this is going to be odd :loopy::popcorn:

Edit: Got the camera charging up as we speak, going to get some pictures up of what im dealing with to get some feedback, photos within the hour :Namaste: CA
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