Can someone help me with a question

@Hdinkleman , Maybe you should read my journal lol. For a first time Cannabis genetic seed grower and the pics above are only 3 weeks old don’t look to bad compared to a lot that’s been growing for years. It took a month for the seeds to come in from Gyo and I ordered late as well. But I still have 6 months of growing left, lol if I can atleast put 5 lbs on the plant then I’ll kiss your a**... Also do you know what defoliation is for? So in my limited space why would I want to waste energy on growing fan leave that take up value space? 2nd what is the goal to get possibly more production and to limit mold for outdoors, I would say more colas right? So by cutting all the fan leaves off what are you doing, promoting new shoots to grow? If I have topped and defoliated 2-3 times how much time do you think I have wasted and are they shooting branches everywhere? Plus I’m only under 23 watt cfl’s at 6500 kelvin, 6 lights to 9 plants in a tote. Idk from what I read and people have said that I’m using the lowest / weakest possible light source available but I’m still sitting here with mini trees with only 4 weeks of grow time and you haven’t seen pic of them right now.

I know there are going to be haters that tell me I can’t do something bc the training methods I’m using now aren’t what they agree too. It’s life and I want to thank you for commenting. I hope you find my journal and follow it and continue to give your feed back. I have 31 plants from seeds and 58 clone and my personal goal is over 210 lbs and hopefully I exceed that number by a long shot. But I know I will probably run into some problems along the way.

O and I’m not sure if I mentioned here, I haven’t event checked ph or gave really any nutes other than the soil has to offer. Maybe I’m the dumb a** but Life is about learning from your own mistakes and accomplishments.

Again thank you for your time and comments
Here is one sour diesel plant pic taken today April 16, take in a count I defoliated and topped 2 days ago. I counted on the plant 21 that have shoots will good foliage on them and there are over 40 new shoots coming in. Bottom is working on its way to the top and the top to shape that tree really nicely in my opinion. Maybe I don’t know what I’m doing but I do have monster mini trees right now in my opinion. And when I defoliate them my fingers are sticky as all can be when I get done, I can’t wait to see how sticky it’s going to be once it’s time to harvest.


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Lol I had to find a ruler, excuse me 4 1/2 inch tall. Some will take a bit longer to recover depending on what stage they was at when I defoliate. I do them all at the same time, once a week.


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And this is the one on the right of the pic with the ruler that looks like it’s a bit slower.

ok so i looked at this picture and am wondering if this is just a troll post lmao, like i said good luck with the 5lb plants buddy
sure you will, check out while youre at it lol
maybe youll find out what internode spacing is about once you get a flower under your belt

That why I asked for someone to help not tell me I won’t do this or that isn’t going to work.

Meaning post your opinion on how you think the plant actual state is and what you think is wrong with it. Other than the defoliation lol
6500k will grow a short compact plant, thats why your internodes are as tight as they are, either raise your lights gradually so they start to stretch for the light or maybe awitch to a redder spectrum 3000k or under to try to induce some height like that.
raising the light would be what i do if i was on a budget. if i had the money id invest in a cheap blurple type light to veg under if i had a 100$ to spend
now with that being said,a tall plant with long internodes is not what you want, you would be better off just taking care of the plant normally and then outting a happy healthy plant outside rather than to keep going hellbent on a single length to get you through. a tall plant with only a couple internodes is not going to produce any more than a short plant with 2 internodes
buds come from where the internodes and tops are.
and i stand by my point if you didnt already know these thjngs its going to be hard growing a 5 lb plant, theres a whole host of other issues that massmedman brought up that youll have to deal with. its not a crock pot set it and forget it outside. well maybe depending if you got a greenhouse and other stuff but i digress
I’m not necessarily on a budget, I do own a metal fabrication company with my dad that take majority of my time. But I do check and spend some hours with the girls.

I understand about the internodes and this might make you sick but I cut some of bc I trying to work the branches to spread out and not have to many before it stretches even more when it hits the sun. But I did raise my lights to help stretch them. Bc they are getting to compact, it’s helping. Once the stretch I will be tying them down outside and if the tops are too tall I will suppercrop them or ScrOG them just depends on timing and how they grow.

I think I have some 2700k cfls not sure on the kelvin’s. But I can switch them if you think it would help. That’s why I posted so I could get more opinions.
2700k means 2700 kelvin.
it will help stretch the internodes, its the spectrum you usually want to flower with.
if indoors people have talked about adding higher spectrum to limit this to get shorter internodes during stretch and getting fatter buds.

alot is determined by genetics though, addig this spectrum and that spectrum will only do so much to alter natures normal course.
i just posted on the difference i have currently between a 33 day old manifolded plant and a normal auto flower at 33 days.
manifolding and cutting stunts growth, you have cut off the majority of the plants solar panels. and then are trying to alter what the plant is instinctively trying to make itself do, which is grow more leaves lol.
its going to be a few before they start gaining any height now though.
personally i wouldve just let them grow straight up and then tied it back down if you needed to achieve a certain height. at that point then defoliate after the plant has an established root system and some bigger leaves.
I know that k = kelvin. And I hear ya I could of save some of the bottom leaves but I wanted my new shoots to get the light as well. I have some pros and cons about what I have done but that’s why my journal is about high stress training and defoliation with other training methods. But I hear what your saying and I’ll have to post a pic of the roots, they are established and I need to transplant the in the next two weeks so I don’t hit root ball stage. But I’m updating my journal I’ll be back later and check your journals out.
I get what you're doing-raising the lights,or using lower wattage bulbs should help with the stretch-
It's just kind of unusual-most people want to avoid stretching,but now that I understand what you're trying to do,it all makes sense-your plants, your methods, whatever works for you...

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If you think you're getting 5lb plants I'd like to get some of the grass you're smoking. Grow them for a year, YOU, won't get that dry weight. Good luck. You sound knowledgeable but your plants sure don't show it...... I know, it's early... ;) Good luck.

I guess you’ll have to follow my journal and find out if I can pull this off. I haven’t even hit them with nutes yet and the sun is a powerful source. If I fork up 750.00 for the vortex and magnetic water softener I could easily get over 10 lbs. but I’m getting my drip line, soil, and I might buy the 400 or 600 gallon fabric pots first.

This isn’t my only project going on right now so I have to prioritize everything and take what I get.

But I like y’all doubters, give me more of a chance to prove y’all wrong lol. But it’s all fun and games. I have done some research and personally talked to some growers in person. So anything is possible. The only problem is I pissed some of them off when they heard what types of training I’m doing, so they won’t talk to me right now lol.
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