Can someone help me with a question


Well-Known Member
Is it better to have multiple node close together at the beginning or not? even after topped 3 times and defoliated twice now.

Seeds arrived March 4
Germinated March 6
Sprouted about half a inch March 13
This pic April 15

@ 6 inches tall, she will be put outside once foliage is reestablished. Trying to get some stretching in, under 23 watt cfls 6500k


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Well I can offer advice based upon my own experiences.
On my last grow I just finished I used the SCROG technique. I topped more times than I kept track of and my canopy was very flat and even with many, many tops. Once in flower the tops all seemed a bit too dense and I believe I may have lost out on some light penetration. On my current grow I did not SCROG and instead super cropped. I topped fewer times and now I have a nice stretch going on being as I am into week 2 of 12/12 schedule. The tops will now be spaced further apart and the canopy will be less dense allowing more light penetration to the lower part of each cola. So I guess what I am saying is I would not top or prune those anymore. Perhaps a defoliation sometime down the road might be beneficial but not for a while. If you want to LST and tie down some of the branches as they get taller just to space things apart more go ahead but I wouldn't do more than that.

Happy growing. :ganjamon:
Staring at your plants there I can't really see a method to the madness. Whatcha doin there bud? Looks like you've defoiled and trimmed,, but,, it's messy. I get they're going outside but the structure you've left isn't,, making sense to me from pictures.

To answer your question. Tight node spacing is one trait I look for when selecting plants I'll keep around. Given the light yer giving them its good to see them nice and compact like that. ;)
I have 30 plants and experimenting with topping and which one does the best form the 6 different strains I have. My Method is that I have only a limited room for them to grow right now, until going outside for another 3 months of veg and 3 months of flowering.

I just wanted to know is it good that they are tight node at the beginning, to create a huge bushy tree or should I have waited and let the nodes space out more? The goal is to have multiple colas to possibly help with mold prevention if the get rained on in flowering.

It’s kinda like let’s see what happens with the resources and knowledge that I do have. I’m hoping to get anywhere from 5-10 or more. They will be flower all in 4-600 gallon pot 16” high and anywhere from 5-8’ in diameter.

I haven’t expected them to do as well as they are but they don’t miss a beat, I’m slowly messing with them all the time and I wait until I see positive growth before doing anything else.

Just wondering do I need them to stretch a lot more for going outside or will the do just fine with being little mini trees going outside.

Here are 4 pics better pics of the girls looked like on April the 7
The fifth pic is from April 12

Meanwhile I have defoliated again trying to get a even top but with the ones I cut about the 5 node or higher is harder to achieve the level top right now and I have nothing to tie down to or long enough stems


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Thanks @Greenlizard for the advice

Well I have another 3 1/2 months to veg outside before folowering and they will be going outside once foliage is reestablished.

On april 12 they looked like the pic below

They will be going in a 5-10 gallon pots and tide down with maybe a few more Lst training. Until I build their final pots which will be 16”-24” high and 5’-8’ in diameter, hopefully achieving 200-600 gallon beds, haven’t done the math yet just using what is relatively available. Looking to achieve anywhere from 5-10 lbs per plant and 2-5 lbs from the 60 clones taken from the first topping / cuttings. Drop lines will be set to night water, with a increasing rate until finishing.


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You’re going to have very well established bases and trees, look forward to your grow! If you don’t have a journal you should consider starting one (either now or as you get closer to flowering season). But since you have so much time between now and flowering, what you do now doesn’t really matter. So much growth is going to occur over the next 3 months and you can shape/ reshape the plants however you want.
Well your ambitions are to be commended but are you planning on growing each plant in it's own bed or all together in the one bed?
If you were to build a bed that is square 2'x8'x8' that would give you 957.5 gallons!!! I don't think any plant would need such a volume.
With a goal of 5-10 pounds per plant in 1000 gallon pots/beds you will have to plan out your trellising. The sheer weight of such a monstrosity would collapse and snap branches off towards the end of bud swell I would think.
I would consider downsizing your pot/bed size. I really don't believe you will need that kind of volume. If I were ever planning on growing monsters I would probably use a 45 gallon drum with plenty of holes drilled around the bottom. A 45 gallon pot is big!
I wish we could fast forward to see what you come up with but for now patience is key. I would like to follow along on this journey if you decide to create a journal at some point.
Those pics and explanation help. The pics help me see what's messy looking, those fan leave stems. I prefer to take the leaf and the stem. You can snap those fan leaves off, stem and all, without hurting the main stalk with some practice. But, that's me. I see others that cut the fans and leave that little bit left. Probably not a big issue in veg, but in flower with poor air circulation and high rh and that's a good area for rot and mold to start....

Sounds like you got a good plan. Good luck!
or will the do just fine with being little mini trees going outside.
They won't be mini trees for long once they go outside-they love it out there.
There's also lots of bugs out there that love cannabis,so be ready for that...
@Growca2268 thats what I figured from the information I have gather wisely from multiple sources but thanks for the reinsurance. Sometimes I like to hear other opinions to calculate with mine an information read.

@Greenlizard lol I’m not going for a 100 gallon just 2-600 gallon, ideally 400 gallon. And there are people frowning 15lb plants I’m just shooting for average lol. And I understand about the supporting and scrogging.
@MassMedMan , yes I understand what you saying about leaving pulling fan leaves stems close to the main stem, just so close and I’m only pinching right now. Thanks for the info, I will clean them up once outside.

@carcass , I had 80 plant and 15 was 7’ tall bag seed 2 years ago and had to cut them down before going into a custody battle, since she knew about them. But they didn’t start of anything like this and I didn’t do any training to them. I have an incomplete journal on them and they bugs around here didn’t effect them really. So hopefully I won’t have that problem now but I will find non chemical products and be pro active. I did have a massive lady bugs come in the storage building and reached them and found they was a good bug, so hopefully I can get something to also lure in the good bugs to help. But it’s all a learning curve.

Note: I don’t have climate control other than being in a building and a large fan to move air around. Also I just started get all the ph tools and playing with that now as of April 14. So I’m happy that they are doing so well under the 23 watt cfl’s at 6500k.
Btw I’m looking for 5-10 lbs per plant, there are people growing 15 lb plants. So if I can fall in the middle I’ll be happy and more I’ll be feeling it in the drying and curing part. Not to mention I have 60 clones that are going to be put in 5-10 gallon pots and try to do a sea of green type method with them. I’m not sure yet until I actually doing it.
lmao good luck with the 5 to 10 lbs per plant if you dont even know what to do with training.

take this advice that i should have followed, leave the plant alone and let it grow for the first couple grows, that way you can understand how the plant grows before fcccking around with complicated trim jobs.
trust me i wish i did
I have 30 plants and experimenting with topping and which one does the best form the 6 different strains I have. My Method is that I have only a limited room for them to grow right now, until going outside for another 3 months of veg and 3 months of flowering.

I just wanted to know is it good that they are tight node at the beginning, to create a huge bushy tree or should I have waited and let the nodes space out more? The goal is to have multiple colas to possibly help with mold prevention if the get rained on in flowering.

It’s kinda like let’s see what happens with the resources and knowledge that I do have. I’m hoping to get anywhere from 5-10 or more. They will be flower all in 4-600 gallon pot 16” high and anywhere from 5-8’ in diameter.

I haven’t expected them to do as well as they are but they don’t miss a beat, I’m slowly messing with them all the time and I wait until I see positive growth before doing anything else.

Just wondering do I need them to stretch a lot more for going outside or will the do just fine with being little mini trees going outside.

Here are 4 pics better pics of the girls looked like on April the 7
The fifth pic is from April 12

Meanwhile I have defoliated again trying to get a even top but with the ones I cut about the 5 node or higher is harder to achieve the level top right now and I have nothing to tie down to or long enough stems

you are severly stunting your plants, you are cutting down all its solar panels at a young age, now they are wasting energy regrowing leaves instead of dedicating that energy to something else
Btw I’m looking for 5-10 lbs per plant, there are people growing 15 lb plants. So if I can fall in the middle I’ll be happy and more I’ll be feeling it in the drying and curing part. Not to mention I have 60 clones that are going to be put in 5-10 gallon pots and try to do a sea of green type method with them. I’m not sure yet until I actually doing it.

you arent going to get anything even close to that per plant if this is your first grow sorry
concentrate on growing a healthy plant, the buds will come
dont concentrate on buds then having a healthy plant as an afterthought
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