Colorado High - Soilless - LED/CFL - Skunk Red Hair - 2014

Yeah, I think we are both on the right track with this heat issue. Yes, in fact I add mychorrizae and humates via Doggett & Simpson Growology Step 1 which is added to the medium prior to transplantation. Now I'm using Step 2 for vegging with no problems so far.
Awesome :D. ? Lol just noticed that I already asked you about this. Dammmmmn I'm smoking some good bud this morning, making me repeat myself.. hahah

on my side the heat issue I had to problem with my set up 1. The reflective insulation was reflecting the radiant heat. 2. I was pushing air through the charcoal filter, instead of pulling the air through it.
Whats up ColoradoHigh, I just got done reading you Super Skunk Grow and just caught up on this one. From one Colorado Grower to the other best of luck and that your yield be of high yield. I also think your really going to like the topping method, I have done 2 successful grows now and have topped both times. I am currently on my 3rd grow, I have 2 Tahoe OG under a scrog that were topped and now under a SCROG. Come check it out if you would like. I will be following along to see how this turns out.
Sure go ahead and post away. You mean Step 2 instead of Step 1?

Yes step 2 tell me if you think my plants are behind where they should be
Day 28 since the start of germination and the kids have had their haircuts just above the fourth node leaving the nearby side shoots unmolested. I also removed the damaged leaves at the first and second nodes so they look rather denuded at this point. I'm still noticing yellowing on the larger lower leaves and I find it hard to believe they are this hungry after just being fed a few days ago. The soil has not dried out enough for another watering anyway.

Group shot of the kids on day 28 since the start of germination -


Single shots of the kids in the back row from left to right -




Single shots of the kids in the front row from left to right -




We'll see over the next few days or so how they react to this shave and a haircut for 2 bits! ;) ;)
My first set (sometimes even the second set) of leaves are always a few shades lighter green then the others. Indoors, outside, different mediums, food, etc. Never have figured this one out. I kinda just gave up on it as the rest of the plant always looks great. I never have used a cal/mag supplement other then molasses, could it be a mag deficiency? If you ever get to the bottom of it you would solve this prob for me as well.... :goodluck:
Okay, the more I think about this, the more I come to the realization that this is a pH issue and not having the precise enough pH testing equipment is not helping either. I did a little test to find out what the pH was of the decholorinated tap water I use for my grows along with the nutrients I add each time I feed and water and the results were rather surprising.

~8.0 pH reading of the dechlorinated tap water, DTW, I use for my grows -


~6.5 pH reading of the DTW and Growology Step 2 -


~5.0 pH reading of the DTW, Growology Step 2 and molasses -


It would appear that I've been giving my plants a nutrient solution whose pH is way too low, even for peat moss. I can either raise the pH of each the nutrient solution using ph UP or amend my soil with dolomite lime to bring the pH up to a soil level of 6.5 rather than a hydro/soilless level of 5.8. I'm still not sure I wouldn't have to add pH Up anyways. I'm concerned that my pH testing process is not that precise and I would rather not spend any more money on pH testing equipment. I'm leaning towards adding ph Up to my nutrient solutions to get it to just below a 6.0 pH. Are the pH drops an accurate enough indicator to properly pH balance my nutrient solution? What are members' preferences regarding balancing the pH in the medium over balancing the pH of nutrients solutions?
I tuned out for a little bit on this post because I get impatient and want to see all the posts at once (kind of like waiting until the Breaking Bad season 5 came out on DVD to binge watch them all in a few days).

Why are you concerned with the testing method using Gen Hydro's PH testing solution? Is it flawed? I would think this would be more accurate than most other methods as it's a chemical reaction opposed to electrical readings. I'm just unclear on the best, yet most cost efficient, way to test PH. I do not currently have a PH testing device other than the light/PH/water, 2 pronged tester and it does not ever seem reliable. I'm also using Hempy's original mix and testing it with a soil tester might be incorrect. Since more than half of people's problems start with PH, I figured others might benefit from knowing this.

You're setup is looking awesome, man. Very detailed descriptions as well. Im rooting for you brother! Good lick
harley09 is right. fertilizer is inherently acidic, as is peat moss. if you just do tap water it'll buffer itself out. you did this same thing with your prior grow. what gives? lol
Hey CH, I think if you mix all your nutrients with the water first then check the Ph of your mix, then check your runoffs ph, find the median and consider that your soil-less mediums ph. I actually have a great discussion about ph in Coco in my journal right now, trying to figure out exactly where ph should be for a coco coir medium, feel free to stop by and reference it. Links in my signature.
Grouchy Ocho, my concern with the preciseness of the liquid pH tester is that the color ranges cover anywhere from 0.5-1.0 pH making it difficult to hone in on say 5.8 pH. Additionally, the molasses colors the solution make the final reading a bit difficult since it is already into the orange/red range from the molasses anyway.
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