Deep Chunkolate by Canacopia

Oops lawnmower been busy......

My personal reminder to WRITE SHIT DOWN!

Most ppl would leave a msg on a sticky note..... u leave a pencil on a cannabis plant :)

Congratulations on the finished article
Most ppl would leave a msg on a sticky note..... u leave a pencil on a cannabis plant :)

Congratulations on the finished article

Ya I am touched so to speak ;) hahaha always gotta do stuff different , keeps it fresh and interesting , HAPPY WEED ALL!
looks alot different then mine did

Slide Show Of My First Grow - YouTube
Hi Dankerbudzz! There are some similarities in the stalks but yea our plants look totally different! How did your tester bud taste?
My buds have a slight fruity spicey flavor very mild and some nugs do taste sorta like mild chocolate but nothing special. The buzz is fast to the front of my head and creeps in a nice body stone. Cheers Dankerbudzz! :Namaste:
Hopefully I get to check on those clones , getting eager to do another one of these so I hope buddy bushed out the clones I gave him hehe
Sooo tasty looking
Ok I admit they were delicous but they did not last long :( seems a phenomenon occur I could not keep my hand out of that cookie jar ;)

Thanks for all the support guys!
I felt so alone till I did a journal thanks for taking the time damn! I wish I could reply more to threads but makes my head spin a lot! Doin my best please do not be offended if I am slow n keep a eye out for my likes and reps!
A friend of mine in Ecuador has just harvested his Punto Rojo a couple weeks ago I wanted to share cus he crossed it with another Colombian strain for me , my seeds are in that bud!
What is nug of the month.....
Sorry I just noticed you replied. I gues you figured it out for yourself sir with the pm you sent me :)
The monthly contests are great here at 420 and that nug of yours would be a contender
I will have to keep a eye out for that nug of the month entry for next month lol I will also inform my friend from Ecuador he will be pleased. I will also look for the live plant picture he sent me....
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