Emmie's Organic Deep Cheese, August 2020

There really isnt a good way to quick dry and get quality smoke out of it... but I find that 15 or 20 minutes in an oven at around 300° will convert enough of the product to a smokeable point. It still tastes green and nothing like what the cured product will taste like, and most of the time you cant even tell what flavor it is going to be. What it does do is give you a quick indication if it is going to be any good, knowing that the quality is going to get much better with the cure. It is also a cool way to call the crew in and let them get an experience that most will never see... fresh off the vine test buds. It is a sort of an event around here, and people are gathering as I type.

May you all enjoy the event of the night. ,)
Bloom, Day 49

This is going to be some good pot once it is cured. We all had a good time last night with the green but suprisingly smooth smoke.

Here is what the rest of the plant looks like today. There are at least a couple more ounces dry sitting on the plant still, with big nugs 2/3 of the way down the plant. She got watered again today and we will wait to see how she finishes out in a week or so.

Hmmm if you're drying it in an oven then are you not decarbing it in the process? If you are decarbing it then I wonder does the quality change? What I mean is if decarb changes the THCA into THC.... well is it more potent? If this were true then that would raise a lot of questions.
Hmmm if you're drying it in an oven then are you not decarbing it in the process? If you are decarbing it then I wonder does the quality change? What I mean is if decarb changes the THCA into THC.... well is it more potent? If this were true then that would raise a lot of questions.
Well yes, absolutely, I am trying to decarb it somewhat in that quick dry process and after trying over and over again to smoke green weed that has not gotten to the correct temperature (I set the oven to 325°), I do think it makes a difference. It sure makes it easier to smoke.
But, it is still not desirable to do this with buds that I know can be slow dried and cured out to be gobs better than what we had last night, and the rest of this kola is hanging to dry for 3-5 days when it is going to go in a 420Magazine medium sized jar, just to get a little bit of improper, but better than nothing, curing time, as we smoke down on it in style.
Bloom, Day 52
Here is Deep Cheese getting ready for harvest #2 in around a week. The main kola has been fun, but there still was some larf at the bottom of it, and normally I would have waited for it all to have finished out. The remaining buds are hardening up just fine now that they can get the light they needed. These we will not harvest until they are actually ready, sometime in the next 8 days... or so.

Bloom, Day 55, or 62 from flip.
The deep cheese looks very tasty!
The first bud that we took has been curing for about 3 days and probably won't survive the weekend. It has been very tasty here at the end, but not nearly as nice as what we expect the properly ripened buds now on the plant to be.

All the remaining buds are rock hard until you get down to the very bottom of the plant... there is very little larf on this plant at this point. There is definitely amber showing at the top, but this time we are going for a good amount of amber... we are going for knock out pot.

At this stage some purple is beginning to show up on the upper leaves and the buds have chunked out very nicely. Depending on what I see in these pictures, I will be pulling this one in the next few days to a week.

Bloom, Day 56
I am seeing amber at the top now with my loupe, and these pictures should confirm what I think I see. Since I have the room to do it, Ms. Cheese will be moved to the small drying tent for a 36 hour dark period where we will not let her see light again until the chop.

She is a beauty
Deep was just harvested and is soon headed to the washing buckets and then to the drying tent. She ended up with beautiful heavy buds and pretty good weight, considering that she was one of the smaller plants in the room.

Total, we ended up with 538.4 grams, which should dry down to around 4 oz dried and cured. Not bad for a vertical untrained grow, at all. I am very pleased with this first harvest in our new house.

Congrats Em, looks very nice. Once you cure the buds, so you ever make anything from them or just stay with the buds mostly?
This batch as well as most of the first coming out of the new bloom room will be going into building back up the house smoking supplies, which over the last 6 months have gotten frightfully low. As production continues to produce more and more pot, we are planning on investigating some of those recipes so as to be much more creative with our Butter Machine than we ever have been before. I have a standing order for some RSO and several ounces of medicinal pot along with requests for gummies, cookies and even brownies in the future. Personally, I want to make my own oil for my own personal vaporizer, once I figure out which one I am going to buy. I am also intrigued by the guys squeezing their own dabs, and I see a hydraulic press in my future too. All in time... for this round, we were just happy to get the walls up in time for the grow.
This batch as well as most of the first coming out of the new bloom room will be going into building back up the house smoking supplies, which over the last 6 months have gotten frightfully low. As production continues to produce more and more pot, we are planning on investigating some of those recipes so as to be much more creative with our Butter Machine than we ever have been before. I have a standing order for some RSO and several ounces of medicinal pot along with requests for gummies, cookies and even brownies in the future. Personally, I want to make my own oil for my own personal vaporizer, once I figure out which one I am going to buy. I am also intrigued by the guys squeezing their own dabs, and I see a hydraulic press in my future too. All in time... for this round, we were just happy to get the walls up in time for the grow.
Well you certainly will have a load of fun making all of this. Heck that's the best part, making new things to try ;) for sure, I'll be here intently following Progress ;)
This batch as well as most of the first coming out of the new bloom room will be going into building back up the house smoking supplies, which over the last 6 months have gotten frightfully low. As production continues to produce more and more pot, we are planning on investigating some of those recipes so as to be much more creative with our Butter Machine than we ever have been before. I have a standing order for some RSO and several ounces of medicinal pot along with requests for gummies, cookies and even brownies in the future. Personally, I want to make my own oil for my own personal vaporizer, once I figure out which one I am going to buy. I am also intrigued by the guys squeezing their own dabs, and I see a hydraulic press in my future too. All in time... for this round, we were just happy to get the walls up in time for the grow.
super cool harvest Emilya I am also interested in the butter machine and hydraulic press. There is so much to learn.
Congratulations Emilia on the first harvest in your new home! Plant looks great I can almost smell the cheese from here.
Thank you Smokey... it definitely smells of cheese, and already as we were drying out the bucket and bathtub washed buds, and quick dried one bud as a reward to the helpers which included my young apprentice, several commented that they could now smell the cheese. The smoke, even quick dried was satisfying and strong... we all decided after several bowls that we had all had enough. Cured out, this is going to be killer stuff. I still have half of that bud in my tray beside me, and I can confirm that it is indeed strong stuff.
The rest of it is now dried out to the point that it can sit in my drying tent for a few days. I will trudge upstairs a couple of times a day to check on it. That reminds me... I need to get to the grocery store and get a couple of clean paper sacks for the next stage.

It is going to be a slow and stoney day here on this Veterans Day. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns went silent, and we as a world vowed to always remember those who served. Wherever you are, thank you for your service!
First harvest in the new house, slow dried and today into the curing jar for the final step of the process. Each day this smoke will get better and better. The pieces of stem laying there on Buddy's lounge... he loves chewing on them.


Note to myself: lowest airfryer setting on our new oven is way too much for sterilizing jars with plastic stopper lids. Just about ruined this one.
Deep is now starting to cure out very nicely as she is officially 8 days into the cure. She has been sitting at 63-64% RH, rock steady after a good controlled slow dry. The smoke is still a bit harsh, but she is starting to get smoother and more tasty. The stone is already almost debilitating... we are finding it hard to get things done after smoking some of it and we both have been taking more naps than usual.

DC's clones are now 60+ days old and have just been moved into the Bloom Room and now three more Deep Cheese reside under the MarsHydro SP-3000. These plants have been strictly trained and should not be able to get very tall, although there will be a lot more buds. Pictures coming soon.
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