DocBud's Next Medical Grow

Doc, I gotta tell ya; I just REread one of your other journals AGAIN! Lol. Man, this is some good stuff. I've been learning so much more than I thought was possible to know about the most wonderful plant on earth! Thank you. And many thanks to SS, BlueDog,....all hell....everyone that is on rock! And you know who you are.

Hey, I'm with ya SS. Jumpin into those buds would be nice! Someone needs to make a cologne out of THC!

I always thought about that. 420 Cologne. I'd wear it.:tokin:
Thanks Doc.....much appreciated.

Snowstorm contains potassium and a kelp hormone. The combination makes the plant produce more resin, better and more intense smell, etc.

From what I've been able to read, resin production can be enhanced by doing the following:

Lower, dryer temps

the kelp hormones also help, I'm sure.

I've noticed a difference in my plants when I use Snowstorm.

Individual mileage may vary! The product warns not to over fertilize....
Wow, I just stumbled upon this journal, very interesting to say the least! Makes me question quite a bit of what I've learned, amazing what hype and marketing can do.
The kelp is also a great way to buffer out really cold temps.

I have experience with (16 week flowering) grows at temp ranges of 50*F to 63*F(max) temp the whole time, and the key at these temps that would normally result in stunting is to buffer with Kelp.

The informal-experiment on 10 of the same indica-cross clones resulted in the 3 plants without kelp but other nutes withering away and minimal produce whereas the 7 that got kelp survived to the end and the 3 that got kelp every watering were the biggest.
The kelp is also a great way to buffer out really cold temps.

I have experience with (16 week flowering) grows at temp ranges of 50*F to 63*F(max) temp the whole time, and the key at these temps that would normally result in stunting is to buffer with Kelp.

The informal-experiment on 10 of the same indica-cross clones resulted in the 3 plants without kelp but other nutes withering away and minimal produce whereas the 7 that got kelp survived to the end and the 3 that got kelp every watering were the biggest.

I did not know that! Thanks for the info! :goodjob:


Glad to have you aboard!
I am passionate about Cannabis, especially growing it. I'm just getting started on my growing journey, learning more all the time.

One thing I have learned:

Cannabis specific nutes are at best over priced. Mostly, they're a rip off!! Stay away from them. Use real foods and fertilizers for a fraction of the cost and get better results!

Our beloved plant is no different than so many other plants, but the "hype" has made it seem like a black art with magical initiation is required to grow them. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Break away from the hype and welcome to the world of gardening!
I didn't know that either, but I've been using kelp now regularly through the winter, and even the backup mom plants and some clones that I had out in the open garage, with temps in the high 50's/low 60's, did remarkably well.

There's just something about products derived from the ocean.

I just got a little bottle of this because the weather's kept me from going fishing and filling up a bucket at the beach.

Yellow Bottles - Sea Minerals Bloom - Natural Sea Water Mineral Supplement

I guess they remove the sodium from this product, so should prevent that salt from building up. It's only 0.5ml/gal, so it's highly concentrated, and you supplement weekly, so the little 10oz bottle I got is going to last a long time.

I haven't used it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

I'm also seeing some great results from the regular addition of silica. Stems and foliage are sturdier, and the leaves get a waxiness that bugs just hate. Makes the foundation stronger and builds up the immune system. What's not to like?

well, it raises your PH. I use that to my advantage, so I like that feature. It keeps me from having to use PH-up when I use my mostly hydro nutes for my soil plants.
if a grower isnt using seaweed/kelp then their missing out big time. it dose way too many things for out plants to list. it is the best thing that you can add to our gardens. no other organic thing can bet kelp not even EWC. folair spraying the 1st few weeks of flowering wil do wonders also. just make sure to get dry form or cold process so most of the goodies arnt cooked out.

I also have that product, and after doing a bit of research I realized that mixing it per instructions will give you a 5:1 ratio of Fresh/seawater! Exactly what I'm doing with my water!

Of course, buying that bottle is both easier AND more expensive than getting 15 gallons of sea water.....

BTW, I've got a pretty bad case of lockout on two plants....not sure what the deal is. I'll be posting pics maybe tomorrow evening. Everything else is going really well.
Hey Doc, Ive been using Neptunes Harvest for this grow, they got some quality organic nuitrients, and their very inexpensive. Have you used or heard of them before? I really like the seaweed/ fish fert, and for soil amendments I use their crab shell and kelp.
Hey Doc, Ive been using Neptunes Harvest for this grow, they got some quality organic nuitrients, and their very inexpensive. Have you used or heard of them before? I really like the seaweed/ fish fert, and for soil amendments I use their crab shell and kelp.

I've been using the seaweed/fish one on my current grow as well (sparingly). So far no problems with it, and from the reviews I've read it seems pretty legit. The smell, however, I could do without. :Rasta:

Also using in my compost teas. Fish hydrolysate is supposed be superior to emulsion.
I've used Neptune's Harvest products, and I love them.

I've used both the fish and the fish/seaweed combo, and they're quality ferts.

there are basically two kinds of fish ferts, emulsions and hydrolyzed. Hydrolyzed is the better choice.

Organic Fertilizer Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer

Hydrolyzed fish still smells, just less than emulsified, but the higher the percentage of organic matter in your soil, the less it will smell. In a good rich soil, it gets broken down fairly fast.

I'm sure I'm more tolerant of fish smells than average cause of the fishing I do.

I've always wanted to just toss a perch in the blender and see whattup. Doesn't get any more organic than that ;).

Must be done surreptitiously, however ;)
I've always wanted to just toss a perch in the blender and see whattup. Doesn't get any more organic than that ;).

Must be done surreptitiously, however ;)[/QUOTE]

Lol! That would be the organicest!

I probably already know the answer but I have to ask.
Will 35 year old seeds sprout?

I visited an old friend to catch up with and turn to him on to a bud of my NL. He pulled out an old box from back in the day that had all his old bong, pipes etc. AND he had bags of seeds I had given him about 35 years ago.
A huge zip loc bag almost full with old school Oaxacan seeds. And a few other small envelopes with maybe 100 seeds in each marked; Colombian gold, Kono gold, and Hawaiian. I remember each of them being excellent smoke.

What's the chance if any that a few will sprout?
Any advice on how you would go about it to give them the best shot at sprouting?

I probably already know the answer but I have to ask.
Will 35 year old seeds sprout?

I visited an old friend to catch up with and turn to him on to a bud of my NL. He pulled out an old box from back in the day that had all his old bong, pipes etc. AND he had bags of seeds I had given him about 35 years ago.
A huge zip loc bag almost full with old school Oaxacan seeds. And a few other small envelopes with maybe 100 seeds in each marked; Colombian gold, Kono gold, and Hawaiian. I remember each of them being excellent smoke.

What's the chance if any that a few will sprout?
Any advice on how you would go about it to give them the best shot at sprouting?

Oh my.....that's amazing!

My advice is to track down Uncle Ben on another forum somewhere and ask him. He's the most experienced grower on the web who gives NO BS, horticultural answers.

I'll ask one of my associates who's been growing for 35 years and see what he says and get back to you.

Bro.....if you can get these to sprout you've got to get a tissue sample from meristematic tissue AND get a mom, clones, and finally some sort of male Colombian Gold, etc.

I've got some Lumbo Gold seeds and I'm anxious to try them out....I really miss that old school Sativa buzz....especially the Oaxacan! What a great find!

Please journal it when you's historic, IMO.
if a grower isnt using seaweed/kelp then their missing out big time. it dose way too many things for out plants to list. it is the best thing that you can add to our gardens. no other organic thing can bet kelp not even EWC. folair spraying the 1st few weeks of flowering wil do wonders also. just make sure to get dry form or cold process so most of the goodies arnt cooked out.

This is truth... 50% of the time it can fix your problems...

PH too high... Kelp buffers ph and lowers ph
Too hot, too cold... Kelp buffers temps.
p-k uptake problems.... kelp has all the x-X-X you could need.
Flowering flush.... klep
Soil problems, this stuff will make beach sand turn black color.


I probably already know the answer but I have to ask.
Will 35 year old seeds sprout?

I visited an old friend to catch up with and turn to him on to a bud of my NL. He pulled out an old box from back in the day that had all his old bong, pipes etc. AND he had bags of seeds I had given him about 35 years ago.
A huge zip loc bag almost full with old school Oaxacan seeds. And a few other small envelopes with maybe 100 seeds in each marked; Colombian gold, Kono gold, and Hawaiian. I remember each of them being excellent smoke.

What's the chance if any that a few will sprout?
Any advice on how you would go about it to give them the best shot at sprouting?

The answer is yes.
Just don't over-wet the paper-towel when you put them into it. the success rate will be small but some will go.

You are about to use the MJ time machine.

THat is an amazing score and would make any breeding program better. Taking today's strong strains and back-crossing them to an original MEX pheno. Taking the DP, or AK-47, males of today, dusting onto a female from back in the day...

Original Sativas before the hybrids are valuable genetics.

I think those seeds you have are the flower for the city of Atlantis! You have the holy grail of weed in seed form! Go for it and post a journal of the grow.
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