DWC Bubbler Grow Tent First Attempt

thanks dread me too bro... yeah they do dont they??

bud - cool cool man i get it.. like i said in your thread, i worry too much bout the technical nonsense n forget to just let it ride
bud - cool cool man i get it.. like i said in your thread, i worry too much bout the technical nonsense n forget to just let it ride[/QUOTE]

Just be sure to get all the info before trying new things its always fun to let things ride till you run out of money lol :smokin:
bud- aint that the truth?

ok so i cracked open my res to check it out n im worried bout this shizznat.. idk if its
A. just nute build-up
B. Algae
C. or dust from the hydroton (i hastily setup the hydroton in the net pots in the res.. and the stuff feels like hydroton dust?? looks jus like it too)

either way, im probly gonna make a new rez tonight n see if it comes back


could be hydroton crap, looks like it. or nute residue, its not algae.

one thing about your babies, overwatering is just as dangerous as drying out. you should let the RW get to the point where its damp but not soaked between waterings. otherwise looks good Bro.
? damn did not know that.. ive been soaking the rw like 3x a day!!!

i figured if theyre hydro, that overwatering isnt even comprehensible right now!
thanks brooo
Yeah man you seem to have a start to a nasty build op of algae. You should be keeping the tub clean. I would take to plants out for a short time and be sure to cover the roots in a damp clean dry towel. You dont want the roots to see any light, very bad.

Take some bleach and mix a bit with water scrub out the inside of the tub and rinse out very well.

After that you will want to go to the hydro store soon or order online a filter unit. Also take a look at you ph levels and are you using tap water? tap water will grow fungis if it is not cleaned first.

Water that isnt clean should only be used after it has been sitting out for 24 hours to allow for the imperoties to evaporate more then anything Chlorine will be removed.

I use salt water fish tank filters in my Med room they work very well and i just hang them off my rez and they keep every thing nice and clean. Only have to change filters every month or so. Make sure that its a nice strong filtration unit with good filters. The cleaner the water the better. Most filters wont strip water of nutes but be sure to see how much the filter is able to filter out imperoties. A Charcoal filter is no good.

Just cut a small hole to put the pump 1''-1....1 1/2" end into and then make an opening for the water to flow back in 2" by 4". It will only use about 6" of space max.

Love the set up though and the big ass air stone is great man +rep your girls will love all that air as there roots get bigger.
yeah if you didnt wash the hydrotron it could be the dust off them, it could be nute build up. i swap out frozen 2 liters to keep my red temp down, and i just use my arm and kinda move the water aroud to stir all the shit up, dont know if this is bad, but i know its nutes, since i washed the hydroton pretty good and what not.
soo idk if you guys use liquid seaweed but i think that stuff in my rez was that.. the water in my res turned this Same brown just after i put the liquid seaweed in it

and heres my current starting lineup

and idk how to rotate pics i guess but heres like the whole veg room scene

anyone else use liquid seaweed? weedy? anybody?
I can't give you much advice but just wanted to wish you luck with the rest of your grow. your remind me of myself, incessantly checking up on my girls every few hours during the first stages of veg.

You have a couple of options with your water. Either keep using tap water but let it sit in an open container overnight before adding it to your res, or purchase some sort of filter. Aquarium filters are good, some people even purchase reverse osmosis water filters (relatively cheap on ebay).
that build up impretty sure is a combo hydroton dust and the seaweed, definetly not algea. Alge forms a darker film at first then goes from there.But either way like everyone said change out time.If ir persist after the cleaning then more then likely its just the seaweed extract.Things are lookin up atleaast. When you roots get bigger yougoing to eventully add another air stone the roots will block air bubbles in certian areas.but thats later when the roots are going crazy..
alienbob: i forgot to clarify earlier, im aactually using distilled water. ill get a r/o machine down the line for sure.. im already annoyed with buying 2 2.5gal of water from the store only twice now.. eventually ill need to buy like 2 5gal culligan jugs haaa.. thanks for checkin the grow out dood

butcher: dude i love your name by the way.. takes me back to diablo1 for sure =D .. but yeah i think its the seaweed.. ill prolly jus go in there by hand and remix it every other day or so if its gonna settle like that.. thats pretty lame i must admit..... yeah i will get another airstone as well, ill probly get it when i buy a bigger tub.. i can get the same kinda tub that THAT lid will fit buts a lot deeper, kinda like weedy's... when i get that ill probably get another airstone... thank you sir

does stickin your hands in the water known to increase ph?... cuz i have a few times now n it bumped up to 6.6 ? i was like Damn... idk no biggie, jus curious
thanks for props on the name.hers something you'll get :

i use gloves wheni mix nutes. and a seperate set if i do anything in the rez. you could you hand sanitizer but that tend to go toward the use of rubbing alcohol, which my play withthe p.h a lil. but i doubt that. gloves for eachtask tend to work better for me at least. iwhen i'm done i have a storage bag that i use for each pair. this helps to keep me esured that theres been no cross contamination of ANY sort.just a thought.

p.s the name came from an occupation choice..Its a fun job at that
Sorry if i gave you bad info about whats growing in your tank bro. I clean my hydro sytem alot and never seem to have alot of problems with build up. I guess i was right about cleaning it at least lol :smokin:
Butcher: first, awesome pic, takes me back for sure aaa <sigh>... is that how you think of yourself while your cuttin shit up?? haa all baked up like mwahaha.... ok my b anyway ---> good idea ill getta box today for sure thanks man

bud: haha man dont sweat it dude! this site is just one great body of knowledge, thanks for contributing! ... yeah ima keep mine clean for sure.. my flower tub is like 27 gallons solid black plastic, and its like ribbed on in the inside, which A will be cool cuz it probably wont grow any algae iss so thick, but B is gonna be a bitch to clean cuz all the "riblets" haha

well ive come up with a revelation in my room setup.. my flower tent 100cm x 100 cm x 200 cm at the current moment outside of the closet in this bedroom.. the veg is IN the closet in the corner.. the closet is about 5.5ft wide and about the same deep and has shelves along the walls up high (you can see where i stash all the nutes)... i kept my tent out of the closet b/c 1. it wouldnt fit and 2. the damn closet would get way too hot! itd b much easier to vent the tent alone than the closet alone ya?

Well what ive come to realize is 1. the tent WILL fit and there will be a lil room on the outside of it to keep the veg in there and 2. i can just keep the closet door open and all kindsa fans in there if need be and i think ill be able to keep the temps down.... if i put that tent in there then i can have alllll my growing accessories in there n keep it all neat n tidy .. just have to find a place to put the shit thats in that closet right now :/ haha..

its gonna be tight quarters for that tent in there .. and i was thinkin i could also (since im gonna be leaving the door open as of right now to cool it down) just run both exhaust ductwork like outside of the closet (not out the window :( but outside the closet nonetheless) which SHOULD keep it cool i think .. its not too big of a light ill have, just 400w

idk if any of this really matters to yall but i was excited when i realized it today haaa had to tell sumbody i guess

anyone have experience housing a tent like that in small quarters?...
yeah it is a good idea .Anythingn to keep your spot clean is a great idea. A clean room is less of a chance of getting ANY infestion. THis is the biggest key to growing.Keeping a clean room assures you of no pest, no spores and so forth.

Oh and yeah i laugh cause i have to wear the apron and coat on the cutting floor. Oh man and if you saw the knive i use..DAMN!!..Its pretty ironic to be honest. Slaughter all day then peacefulness when i walk into the garden, the only noise is me smoking and the pump going on and off..ahh
day 6!


plant B - looking a lil healthier than its mate

plant a - new leaves looking a lil distorted/contorted kinda concave, funny looking?... hope its no big deal.. never had this happen b4 in soil


also: i didnt want to take a pic cuz i wasnt tryin to keep the roots out of solution for long.. always tryna be super fast about doin anything in the res (like puttin the suckers on that g*damn stupid air stone tube back on the floor of the res...as;dighas;ldkghas!!!) but there are some roots chillin in the water =D.. i was pretty excited about that, more on plant a, it has lil "rootlets" on its long root.. also not completely white, so the next product will be some hygrozyme
Nice Set Up. I am brand new at this and am doing DWC myself. It seems like the easiest and maintenance free ways to grow indoor hydro. I also utilize the Lucas Method of maintaining PH and PPM. I picked up a 35$ pen that has been working great at reading the TDS from my hydro shop. I will be harvesting soon. I wish that I had more information on SCROG's because for my situation and for yours I think a SCROG can help to maximize efficiency of the growth of the plants for maximum yield.
Anyhow good luck in your grow and I can't wait myself to see how things pan out for you. I am sorry for your loss on those two, I myself just lost a sprout in the same fashion. I did like you and started 4 and lost 1. Kind of part of the grow. :cool:

Musik \\\vVv///:goodjob::slide::grinjoint::roorrip:
so i leave the fan off at night, during dark period, cuz thats when the last 2 got killed cuz it dried out.. when i went to turn it back on this morning, temp was up to 99! thats probably a lil exaggerated b/c the sensor is sitting on black duct tape duh but still... which is probably why those 2 leaves look a lil funky .. prolly cuzza heat!... im keeping my flouros nice n close cuz theyre jus babies still as they get older itll raise up n the fan will put even more air flow in b/w n it will be chill B)
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