First BP Grow white widow

Re: First BP grow white widdow

Thx bro i just been so busy past couple of days tryin learn site better as a member and not to mention playin around settin up my closet plus i finally got my good camera so thought id update a little bit maybe start attractin others plus i been postin in different threads tryin get my journal out there
Re: First BP grow white widdow

LOL yeah man im on a very tight budget im not workin luckily i have no car note or rent of anykind i own collectin unemployment though but the plus side to not workin and makin better money is i have all the time in the world dedicated to my girls well girl for now
Re: First BP grow white widdow

Everything looks great bro, EXCEPT you need to get the air pumps ABOVE the tanks. IF the electricity went off for one second, they will suck the water right out of the tank into the floor.
And I finish my Deep Water Culture Tutorial today, (link in my signature). Look at it when you get a chance, from seed to harvest!
Re: First BP grow white widdow

cool man ill get rite to work might be quite a bit of work seeins how much space i have and the way my cords are strung but i deffinatley appreciate the info ill check it out rite now
Re: First BP grow white widdow

Trust me, I know what you mean about tight budgets. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you might be better off with flat white paint. I used a lot of aluminum tape in my first grow, now I just have flat white walls, and it's blinding in my closet with just a few cfls. :goodluck:
Re: First BP grow white widdow

do you really think i should take it all down and paint my walls cause thats goin to take time to paint and to let dry plus with the paint smell that wont suffocate the plants if not ill do it its not a problem
Re: First BP grow white widdow

it's prolly best not to disturb the area at this point to be honest. It really isn't a major enough issue to panic over. =) Didn't mean to make it sound that way. maybe an Idea for round 2!
Re: First BP grow white widdow

yeah thats cool man im not trippin to much i think it should be ok with what i have for time being round two will be better ill be buildin a grow room on my completely enclosed and screened in and goin to insulate and my uncle is a journeyman electricion and going to help put a box out there
Re: First BP grow white widdow

but thx for the info always takin in i am new at this there for i am like a baby and my mind at this moment with learning the growing ways is like a sponge and absorbs everything i read
Re: First BP grow white widdow

well i was mistaken about the two that i thought opened up one isnt doin shit while the other i think is tryin pop out so i have a quick question if nothin came of it and all i had was the one that is growin and been growin should i transfer into a 5 gal diy i have already read the tutorial from roseman how to make one i can easily do that would that be the better thing to do with one or maybe even two plants any thoughts and inputs would be greatly appreciated
Re: First BP grow white widdow

ok well guess no answers well i took it upon myself to go head and transfer to 5 gal bucket so far so good i think it was a success i also have another finally out of the rockwool i feel so much better with em in the 5 gal i will have pictures after a lil of my move if anyone is interested
Re: First BP grow white widdow

well i was mistaken about the two that i thought opened up one isnt doin shit while the other i think is tryin pop out so i have a quick question if nothin came of it and all i had was the one that is growin and been growin should i transfer into a 5 gal diy i have already read the tutorial from roseman how to make one i can easily do that would that be the better thing to do with one or maybe even two plants any thoughts and inputs would be greatly appreciated

yes, I'd put it in the 5 gallon bucket.
Re: First BP grow white widdow

cool thx man i hope ill be ok IDK if my question was read rite or not i hope so i know i dont describe the best still new but we'll see in bout 15 min when pix load if im ok or not
Re: First BP grow white widdow


my new creation lol was to easy specially followin mr roseman

overall setup


all pumps after movin them above plants per rosemans request

See 75degrees and 57% humidity it decreases thru the day no lower then 45%

finally she is here been waitin and waitin on her but she is precious lol

Overhead shot of Ms. Spoiled

And the side shot of her
Re: First BP grow white widdow

Bucket was thuroughly cleaned and steralized nutes added before transfer but water was to pH level before transfer too but my bucket is wrapped with 2 layers or duct tape then i took an old black towel cut it to wrap perfectly around the bucket with one more layer of tape to secure the towel the lid is dark blue when i lift the lid can see no light i need a flash light to look inside
Re: First BP grow white widdow

WOW thanx bro that made my day, lol comin from a great grower such as yourself. i been tryin i spend almost all my time and day back here tryin keep everythin up to par ya know. So you think the two of em together should be fine
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