First Grow Bluedreamatic & Majin Buu 2020

Today was The Ex's turn to get the chop after 48hrs in the dark. Wow she is dense with some big buds!!!

I never trimmed her and think she is more representative to what this auto should do. I did try some LST to open up the main branches and those were the biggest colas, more so than the main.

Then she got a bath and is now hanging. Should have gotten a bigger fridge for the slow and low dry haha.

@013 @013 should I cut each bud off the branch or is it ok to leave them attached on the main branch? See pic, not sure if I should break that one down to the 4 buds on it . Also, how important is it to be on a shelf that allows air under it in the fridge? May need to build some more for this beast or try to hang vertically in the fridge ha


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I did trim more of the buds off the main branches. Filled up this mini fridge....hope I did it right haha


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Hey Tim,

Sorry I missed yesterday! Looking great, congrats on latest harvest... more bud in the jar. Dang that mini fridge is stacked up. Once I do the budwash I use pretty much everything that remains except for the stalk. Don’t waste those burnt up fans or sugar leaves, save them for smoke, cobs or oil.

Thanks, but I think I'm having an issue with the fridge. Humidity was 50 before putting the buds in and then went to 80. This morning was 77. Took the buds out, humidity right back down to 50, out buds back in and it went up to 78 again. Is this normal?

I may build some racks and out them in the crisper of my big fridge.
Well the frost free dorm fridge I bought really isn't frost free grrrr. Got ice buildup on the back. So I cut the buds down smaller and moved about half to my kitchen fridge in the vegetable crisper. Still 80 plus on humidity. Hope I don't screw this up ha


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This is so strange to just leave and ignore them ha. Indo see the ones in my main fridge crisper when I get a beer ;). Temps 36-39, hope I don't freeze them but they smell and look great!!!

The girls in the dorm fridge are out of sight but not out of mind ;)
i know the feeling, it’s hard to not check them!
Just got a beer from the main fridge....81 RH. Just about 48 hrs. I have them in the crisper draw, if I open the draw a hair it will get to 75 RH. Looking and smelling great!!
Well, final smoke report. I'm surprised how different each plant turned out.

Big Bertha and Lil Bitch were hang dried and cured the same way. Big Bertha is very smooth and smells/tastes great while Lil Bitch is a bit harsh but I think more potent, although not as nice smelling/tasting. Both give a nice head high....may go longer in the next grow to see more amber.

The Ex was low and slow in the fridge and wow! What a difference, and she is only 3 weeks into cure right now. The smell and taste, and bud density is so much better. I'd out this one up there as some of the best tasting/smelling/smoking bud I've had in a while.
The mad scientist is up to no good today. Cannabutter round one commence ha

1 cup water
1 cup butter
5 gr sugar leaves decarbed
8gr airy buds from low on plant, decarbed

Simmering very low for the next three hours, time to pack a bowl ;)


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Tim, long time no see!! How are you?

I’m excited to hear your smoke report and thrilled that you split the cure up. It gives options should one batch be harsh or whatevs. Butter looks and sounds potent.

How much was your final yields - if you don’t mind me asking?

13 what's up!!! How's your grow and life?

It was like 180g dry not counting the really airy buds. Not great for 3 plants but happy with it for the first grow. The buds were so light and airy they didn't weigh much....but filled up 15 Mason jars haha

Grow 2 is almost a month in so plenty of buds to last .
I don't put my stock into this $30 test kit that can test three plants.....but fun to see the results anu way.

Looks like it may be pushing the 16-20% range. Sweet ;)


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180g is nothing to sneeze at! That’s an excellent harvest shit I’ve had plants that barely yielded 1g and that’s cuz I weighed the stem!! Light and airy is ok too.

Crap I didn’t realize you had cranked out another journal, wow I will jump in there too if that’s ok?

Hey um mind passing the butter? Breakfast of champions, that looks fantastic!

Well my latest developments is a major dose of the borg, I’ve got mites on everything now in 3 grow areas. I’m outdoors all the time & have pets too so yeah. I’m just not in a good position to nuke everything the way it needs to be nuked. I will have to haul a bunch of soil, clean tents and grow rooms then treat and move plants too.
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