TimHomeagrow G13 Haze & Majin Buu In Soil

nice catch on the watering schedule @Mr. Sauga

it's a bit late in the game, but a little cal mag at about 1/2 or under strength could help. some plants struggle with the higher levels of MC and the cal mag simply makes the other nutes more available.

the issues usually don't show until flower. it's best to start the cal mag a wk or two after flip. my clone run was already showing a need at flip. this far in you are probably getting all the way there no matter, the plants may get a bit ugly, but it will not affect yield.
nice catch on the watering schedule @Mr. Sauga

it's a bit late in the game, but a little cal mag at about 1/2 or under strength could help. some plants struggle with the higher levels of MC and the cal mag simply makes the other nutes more available.

the issues usually don't show until flower. it's best to start the cal mag a wk or two after flip. my clone run was already showing a need at flip. this far in you are probably getting all the way there no matter, the plants may get a bit ugly, but it will not affect yield.
Unfortunately I'm used to ugly plants ha. But they still get the job done when smoked ;)
Unfortunately I'm used to ugly plants ha. But they still get the job done when smoked

i've been running MC for a while and it's pretty normal for stuff to get a bit ugly at the end.
i ran AN as well and had some pretty tough looking plants at the end as well.

with growers i think a lot it comes down to how pretty they like stuff, not how the bud is ... :p
i've been running MC for a while and it's pretty normal for stuff to get a bit ugly at the end.
i ran AN as well and had some pretty tough looking plants at the end as well.

with growers i think a lot it comes down to how pretty they like stuff, not how the bud is ... :p
That was my goal this grow....try and have pretty plants as long as possible....missed it by a mile ha
That was my goal this grow....try and have pretty plants as long as possible....missed it by a mile ha

some plants go fall colours as a good thing. it's not always who dies with the greenest leaves.
piles of it is strain dependent and conditions. not just nutes.

I can't tell if my leaf color is improving or not since upping my watering schedule. Plants are still taking 2 gals with a tad more runoff but now watering every 3 days instead of 4 days....so I think I was making them too thirsty. Leaf color may be a lost cause.

G13 Haze #1. She's a beast. While leaves are too light and yellowish they are otherwise healthy. The bottom right cola is her sister, also G13, and her leaves are pretty dark but green for sure ;)

Majin Buu Burnt is now her name ha. She's been weird the entire grow. Not sure if she will be worth smoking, looks worse in person than in the pic.


The other Majin Buu looks pretty good minus the leaf spotting. Her pistils are starting to turn as well. Smells amazing ;)

The other Majin Buu, MB#3...vegged for 3 months, flipped about 12 days ago. She's in my old 32"X32" tent. May try and see if I can add her to the big tent and move the burnt one into here. ...just not sure this one would fit ha.

And of course my favorite angle. The G13 on the right stretched from some light leak but I think I like that! Those main colas are long and filling in. May end up the best ha
I can't tell if my leaf color is improving or not since upping my watering schedule.
Any leaves that were already turning yellow will never gain that color back. You can only stop the progression of yellowing by correcting the issue. If the damage appears to have stopped then you're on the right track.

Overall they look great Tim. Some great looking colas!
Majin Buu side tent ....16 days since flip. She's looking great! Trimmed off a few sucker branches and lower buds and just a couple of big fan leaves blocking some bud sites. She also had a more severe defoliation prior to flip.

Her main branch split when she was young so she was dense inside and needed a more severe defoliation. Was a pain to train too ha


As much as I would like to move her into the big tent.....she just won't fit. Fills up the 32"x32" tent. Wish I out her in a larger pot too, not sure this 5gal will suffice .

She's under a 220w light, reading 25k-38k on the Lux meter. Turning on the second light helps (38-48k), but raisies the temp (80-81) and I think gives her too much light. When I added the second light two grows ago on the Blue Dreamatic it made the buds airy and foxtail. The GSC was under just one light and was good....but she wasn't as big and fit under the strongest beam. She came out great with dense buds.

I think I'll leave well enough alone for now. One of the MB in the big tent may just be two weeks away from harvest, when that happens I can move this one into the big tent and move the burnt MB into the small tent. That's the plan I think ha.
Day 55 from flip

Things seem to be going good in the main tent. Majin Buu #1 has lots of amber/brownish/reddish pistils.....still lots of clear tricomes but she's getting closer and will be the first to meet her maker ;)

Up close

Some of her upper growth is looking a bit crispy. Should I be backing off from the 5.25g of MC a little?

Big G13 Haze, her buds are really starting to swell. I did notice some strange coloring on just a few leaves but otherwise looks good. She's telling me something isn't exactly right.....Im just unsure what it is



And of course....the money shot, full tent
I've gotten pretty good raising a girl right, into flower. This Majin Buu is two weeks from flip and filling in nicely....hope I can keep her looking her best hahaha. She has run higher on MC then my previous grows and it seems to be helping.

That's a 32"x32" tent for reference and she's still stretching. I may have another 6" of vertical movement for my light, should be good (fingers crossed)
Hey @Mr. Sauga sorry to bother you again haha. I kept my MC at 5.5g the last two feedings with my increased watering schedule (every 3 days instead of 4), overall look healthy but I'm noticing this on my G13 Haze....should I back up to 5.25g with the increased watering?

Hey @Mr. Sauga sorry to bother you again haha. I kept my MC at 5.5g the last two feedings with my increased watering schedule (every 3 days instead of 4), overall look healthy but I'm noticing this on my G13 Haze....should I back up to 5.25g with the increased watering?

Not a bother at all. Typically once they start showing those signs this late in flower there's not much going to help. Ideally you would do a reset on your media and flush out any excess nutes causing the problem. Reducing to 5 or 5.25 g will balance the ratios a bit, but honestly the balancing won't fix it.

I'd keep on watering the way you have. Dropping to 5.25 should still give you enough N where the leaves won't turn yellow all of a sudden. If your colas are fattening up, then the look of the plant may be something you need to run out til he end. One grower said they are growing buds now, not leaves.

Although I don't agree with that statement, it's really difficult to turn them around appearance wise.
Not a bother at all. Typically once they start showing those signs this late in flower there's not much going to help. Ideally you would do a reset on your media and flush out any excess nutes causing the problem. Reducing to 5 or 5.25 g will balance the ratios a bit, but honestly the balancing won't fix it.

I'd keep on watering the way you have. Dropping to 5.25 should still give you enough N where the leaves won't turn yellow all of a sudden. If your colas are fattening up, then the look of the plant may be something you need to run out til he end. One grower said they are growing buds now, not leaves.

Although I don't agree with that statement, it's really difficult to turn them around appearance wise.
Thanks! That's what I thought, at this stage it is what it is ;)

Appreciate the help!
Can you post some more pics of the G13? I never really got to take a good look at the image above until now. Is it mostly the top of the plant?
It's the top, only on like two or three colas. On those colas it seems to be working it's way down.



Actually it doesn't look bad at all Tim. If anything it's starting to show a Ca def. You can drop to 5g and give 5mL/gal of calmag if you have it kicking around. At 5g of MC you are running around 200 PPM of K, which works fine in flower.
You may just want to leave well enough alone. It doesn't look that bad from what I can see. You can see the changes as they happen better than me so there's a couple of options for you.

Nothing too high on the N with the calmag. 1 or 2% N is ideal.
Actually it doesn't look bad at all Tim. If anything it's starting to show a Ca def. You can drop to 5g and give 5mL/gal of calmag if you have it kicking around. At 5g of MC you are running around 200 PPM of K, which works fine in flower.
You may just want to leave well enough alone. It doesn't look that bad from what I can see. You can see the changes as they happen better than me so there's a couple of options for you.

Nothing too high on the N with the calmag. 1 or 2% N is ideal.
I have two cal/mags, one with N (2-0-0) and one without. The one without I think has double (4% I think) the Calcium and same magnesium. I may try a drop or two. Thanks!

The one majin Buu I think I cooked, she was my guinea pig with cal/mag and changing nute dosages throughout her life....she's had it rough ;)

The light leak G13 is doing great as is the Majin Buu in the other tent and both went from 4g to 5g at flip. Thanks so much for that tip!!!
I have two cal/mags, one with N (2-0-0) and one without. The one without I think has double (4% I think) the Calcium and same magnesium.
You'll need one with N. When you drop down to 5g you are dropping the N as well, which comes in at 135 PPM. You'd like to have equal amounts of N as K so 5mL/gal makes up for that loss and boosts the Ca. Ideally the Ca to Mg ratio in the calmag should be around 2 to 1.
Hey Tim, your garden's looking great, it should give you a very nice harvest. The leaf condition is a little rough but I guess at this late flowering stage that it isn't going to stop those buds!
Hey Tim, your garden's looking great, it should give you a very nice harvest. The leaf condition is a little rough but I guess at this late flowering stage that it isn't going to stop those buds!
I'm sure the harvest will be nice, was nice the last big grow and they were rough too. Hoping my side tent turns into the pretty lady that I ultimately want;)

The GSC I grew was pretty good, three weeks into cure she tasted lovely with hints on chocolate. Defitely better than what I was buying ha
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