First Grow Bluedreamatic & Majin Buu 2020

Oh man pests seem like a pain. Sorry to hear of those troubles.

The butter was GREAT!! Seriously my new favorite thing haha. Once this second grow is done, and yes please join that one too, I may turn all this bud into edibles haha.
I’ve never made edibles myself but I’ve done some pretty decent green dragon and rso too. I love the taste of bud but I’m trying to cut combustion intake and the vape is only so good. Only bad thing about edibles is it takes a lot of produce, other than that it’s all good!

Thanks yeah I’ll nuke them with neem!

I'm pleasantly surprised how easy it was to make the edibles and I used all the "trash" I couldn't really smoke with just sugar leaves and the half formed low level buds. Put them on wax paper on a cookie sheet and decarbed are 220 degree in the oven for 25 minutes. Chopped it up, added to the pot with water and butter and let it simmer very low, but not boil. Strain it through cheese cloth into a bowl, only the liquid goes through and not the plant material, and out it in the fridge. An hour later it's ready. It does smell up the house but in a good way ;)

Two and half hours later it was done. Looks like a stick and a half worth of butter, and a 1/4teaspoon dose was nice. Should last a while so even with putting so many grams into it I feel like I'll get the same amount of "high" sessions from the butter as I would smoke.

I'm trying to quit cigs and smoking pot isn't helping
The Ex, which was low and slow dried in the fridge has been curing in my jars for 25 days. Hydrometers still read 67-68rh. May be time for boveda pack and long term storage? And first smoke of course ;)

These buds looked more dense at harvest then the other two plants and definitely more dense at the end thanks I believe to low &slow.


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