First Grow :)

Nice looking buds Brett.Got acouple that look llike that .My others are starting to bush out and strerch.The last pics I took aren't so good .They sur do smmell nice though.
Thanks every body, I love how they are looking. Short and Fat is byfar the best looking and so far best producing plant. Big Mommas buds are developing funny, I think she is a little bit of a mutant probibly because its bag seed, now I realize what genetics mean in a plant. Its nice because I have learned so much from the Cannabible I have been reading, finished volume one yesterday, its an interesting read because of all the background it give you on Cannabis and it explanes everything well. I feel like Mr. King could do a bit of a better job writing about things he does not like, if he thinks its no good thn it is complete trash. It is informative none the less. I'm kinda dissapointed in myself and my friends, but more myself. I bought a new bag last night, different stuff than befor but still good stuff. After smoking about 4 bowls out of my new bag it falls out of my pocket and I lost it. Some one took it because we looked everywhere I was. I smoked it and not 5 min later I realized it was out of my pocket, so I retraced everything for an houre and found nothing. The sad part is every one there knows I just got off probation and I thought all were upright friends. But no returns on the bag, so I'll buy another one and post some pics up.

EDIT: I'm so stoned.
EDIT:Has any one tried the solar toking? and is it as good as he makes it out to be in the Cannabible?
I just found out that Short and fat, see my last post I am talking about short and fat, is a herm.
I have 1 herm, got back to make stoner mistakes since I'm new to smoking again LOL. I left my closet cracked open all weekend when I was gone, the light from my monitors being on must have done it, you can see where the beam of light came in because all the male parts were where the beem would be beeming. I'm trimming the male parts off, maybe I'll leave a few for some polinization of lower shit on the plant. According to Jason King femenized seeds are hermafradite plans that are breed, so it should work we'll see wont we.
whats this solar toking all about I have a different grow bible it's not in there can you put up an article? Thanks please
I called it Solar Toking, don't remember the exact name he called it. Take a magnifing glass and make a lazer of sunlight on your bowl and use that to burn it. He claims that every hit tasts like the first, and nearly no waset because you are just burning the bud without anything else but light. I really want to try it.
He puts his in his pipe and uses that, or in a bong. He said he doesn't use water in his bong either, it takes flavor out of the smoke. Since you are vaporizing it doesn't burn at all either, its pure he claimse. I bought a magnifying glass yesterday and a pair of sissors at the student book store and I charged them to my school account :)
Yeah, I'm dissapointed it is a cloudy day today. Yesterday was tons of sun.

Here is my Herm Plant, I'm going to keep trimmin off the boy parts because this is too pretty for me to kill just yet.


I get a really early test bud because when I was trimming off some balls I snipped off a little bud too, its so premature but I get to give it a shot either way.
EVERYBODY LOVE UPDATE TIME!!! Well I shoed you a pic of my herm plant, thats Short and Fat, she is budding the best by far. The rest of the plants are all femal, so I got 4 females out of this grow :allgood: I am leaving the first 2 runs of branches to grow the male parts so I can ge some free femenized seeds, and I can save them for later use. Here are some pics.

Look at how tall Big Momma is, there are a bunch of sites on her and since I am now LSTing them acrost the closet I'm going to be able to get a good yeild I hope.

Here is Kiddo, who is a female :).

Here is tall and skinney who is now the tallest and skinniest again.

Here are some bud sights.



This is a lower bud sight on Short and Fat.

Here is the main cola.

Hope you enjoyed the pics. Any questions just let me know.
Those look like some nice plants. A few question. You have started flowering right? If so that big one is huge u are going to have to do some crazy tying . How long has it been in flowering for looks like it still has tons of time left . Basically its going to be a tight fit but hope fully all works out.
Yea dude u need to make more room man!!!!! Oh yea and seriously get an ionizer bro it stinks somethin fierce in your hallway!!!!!
Yeah, I got the hall fixed. I decided I am going to LST them over a 600w light rack side ways accrost the closet. It will give them another 3-4' of grow space and that should be pleanty, at that size they will root lock first I assume. Any other coments or questions?
is there a way to test for a plant being root bound? or is it a cross your fingers type deal? haha im high and i was looking at your pics brett, and we both are using the exact same pots. i wish us luck! looking very healthy!

as long as you have drain holes. Just look inside the drain holes if you can see roots your root band or if theres roots coming out. If not use your finger to feel for them. You'll know when there root bound it's pretty obvious
Good to hear you fixed the stink problem. Deff dont need the roomie smellin that shit!!!!lol
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