Ganesha's Evolution

And why half strength nutes?
As it thought that was the protocol after flush and possible lockout, buildup, refeed half
I mean I have definitely been feeding these plants lots.. as I was feeding them two lines.. the GHE in the res and extra Biocanna on top.
The tips are yellow and brown, but only the smallest area at the ends.
And well sometimes feeding more makes for a happier plant, and sometimes feeding less.
Leaf Miners look like little houseflies and they lay eggs that you can’t see. The larvae live inside the leaves and they leave the little trails on the leaves. CL🍀
Yeah I did have a couple of leaves with longer trails.. and I also saw a bunch of extra little black flies on the sticky trap.. there was one fly on there and two gnats but else pretty clean.. but now on the other side were 5 little black flies.. different from the others.
Think I got them though, that's what ya get for putting something outside.. as well if put the plant out there's like instant arieal traffic around it.
Yeah I did have a couple of leaves with longer trails.. and I also saw a bunch of extra little black flies on the sticky trap.. there was one fly on there and two gnats but else pretty clean.. but now on the other side were 5 little black flies.. different from the others.
Think I got them though, that's what ya get for putting something outside.. as well if put the plant out there's like instant arieal traffic around it.
It was the same way when I was growing outdoors. They were hovering around my plants waiting for me to stop shoowing them away. The little bastards! lol CL🍀
No overall degeneration like was going on previous days on the lower layers...
Some pistils turned brown though after neeming.
White dots and Halo Spots are still appearing though :confused:
Neemed some more, made sure I got on top and under all the leaves.
Put out more sticky traps.. I'm not ruling out pests.
All have calmag and food.
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Well.. not much left it seems.
https __static.standaard.be_Assets_Images_Upload_2023_10_18_b3f86ab8-92af-466f-8214-887e4b12f3e8.jpg
Yup.. and that's just a few, 20 more exploded.. and charging stations.. and fuel ones.

More worrying.. rings still appearing and I'm seeing these underneath leaves the tiniest of white dots... if I smear them they are a bit wooly..
So I'd say something lousy.. literally and figuratively...

Are they mites under the leaf ?
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