Grnwzrds 2nd Closet Northern Lights Grow, 315W CMH In Coco

Just scrolling back up to the last update with pics, theyve grown decently in six days.

Happy daze.

The clones are on 24/7 for anyone playing at home
Looking awesome mate :) new clone area looks much better, will give them plenty of room :high-five: I have been trying to keep my incredible bulk at least a foot away from the light this time around, finally went out and bought myself some round earth extensions for the hoods so I can drop them right down low if need be ;) how are you finding temps in there without the glass? noticing differences in growth without it?
Hey there! I like your DIY, and your sweet tooth!
A realize I'm a bit late; Feral gave me a link to check out your CMH cupboard grow..
Looks like you're killing it! Gotta go back and read a bit; but what is the size of your cabinet? What kind of fan do you use for extraction?
My cab looks similar size; about 1000 X 600 X 1500.. I mite get a cheap Chinese CMH kit and I'm a bit worried about heat.. Also, I still got my L plates, so I don't wanna bite off more than I can chew with the extra heat/humidity.. Mite build a bigger cab to use it, but I don't want to for financial and laziness reasons..
Now, back to read a bit more..!
Thanks a lot guys.

Feral, I'm much happier with the cloning area, when they get roots,i'll be putting
them in the small pots and starting them in there.How well they'll grow i dont know.
Round earth extensions? might have to check that out, havnt heard of them.
I reckon there's definitely more light without the glass,i'm thinking it's going
to make a pretty good difference in flower.

Thanks ditch, theyre starting to beef up. The stems are crazy thick and the girls
are real staunch. This is the first time ive topped 3 times.

Thanks aussie,were getting there. Always fun changing things and
experimenting and seeing how they respond.

santb, welcome along and thanks for the kind words. I do love my growing
and gummy bears. haha. When the light comes on this after noon i'll take some
pics of my setup to give you and idea.

The whole thing really comes down to the fan. If have decent airflow you
can run pretty big lights in small spaces. I use a 150mm canfan with
a carbon filter. It runs on a speed controller that i manually can
turn up or down. In summer on a real hot day it will run at max,
and keep the temps decent. Also making sure youre dragging air
from the bottom of the cupboard helps.

You can also get humidity packs which have absorbent shit in them
and put them in the room that the cupboard is drawing air from.
Seems to help drop the RH.

Thanks for checking out the thread mate.


I pulled the grid off the girls. The toppings have them not filling it the way i want
so i'm thinking of either chucking some green ties on the branches to pull them out
or just flip the lights and let the girls do their thing and play with them after stretch.

Either way i'll be flipping the lights soon.

Thanks for looking.
I say flip em as they are and let them run wild :rofl: looks like they are ready to go to me :) the round earth extensions are simply a normal extension cable but has the round earth like a reflector does, gives me more distance between my ballast and my hood so I can have my ballasts down low outside the tent and run all the wiring over the top and still have enough to drop my lights right down if I need to :thumb:
Thanks a lot guys.

Feral, I'm much happier with the cloning area, when they get roots,i'll be putting
them in the small pots and starting them in there.How well they'll grow i dont know.
Round earth extensions? might have to check that out, havnt heard of them.
I reckon there's definitely more light without the glass,i'm thinking it's going
to make a pretty good difference in flower.

Thanks ditch, theyre starting to beef up. The stems are crazy thick and the girls
are real staunch. This is the first time ive topped 3 times.

Thanks aussie,were getting there. Always fun changing things and
experimenting and seeing how they respond.

santb, welcome along and thanks for the kind words. I do love my growing
and gummy bears. haha. When the light comes on this after noon i'll take some
pics of my setup to give you and idea.

The whole thing really comes down to the fan. If have decent airflow you
can run pretty big lights in small spaces. I use a 150mm canfan with
a carbon filter. It runs on a speed controller that i manually can
turn up or down. In summer on a real hot day it will run at max,
and keep the temps decent. Also making sure youre dragging air
from the bottom of the cupboard helps.

You can also get humidity packs which have absorbent shit in them
and put them in the room that the cupboard is drawing air from.
Seems to help drop the RH.

Thanks for checking out the thread mate.


I pulled the grid off the girls. The toppings have them not filling it the way i want
so i'm thinking of either chucking some green ties on the branches to pull them out
or just flip the lights and let the girls do their thing and play with them after stretch.

Either way i'll be flipping the lights soon.

Thanks for looking.

Cheers for the info.

Yeah, man.. I's loves me gummi... Any brand'll do... I'm mostly Aldi; which is great stuff, but the Hairbo..drool.. Actually, you can get Hairbo at Aldi (QLD) here sometimes.
I chop it up, and put it in my choc-canna-brownies...or ice-cream..or shovel it in by the handful. Try it...guaranteed results!!!
Yeah; experience is starting to telling me my PC fan setup is not up to scratch. My cab is point 83 cubic metres, or around 30ish c/ft. My last budget-DIY resort is to install a new ceiling and 200mm bathroom fan that does about 120-something CFM, or just under 5 times extracted per minute. I've read that that's the minimum I should have, and I just can't spend the $2-300 retail on a canfan setup, as much as I'd love to.. I'm looking into cheap websites for one, but I already own the bathroom fan, so it's an easy upgrade(?) made hopefully a bit more painless by the cooler weather coming..
That, and I ordered a new light.. No more money for a fan!! Shouldn'ta bought the light...! Not the CMH that I want, but don't have the space for; but a cheap 2 x Cree COB light that I'm hoping will dramatically reduce heat by way of being a good 100 watts less power, plus it has a dimmer... And it perfectly measures up for 2 plants in my cab. At an alleged "24000 Lumens" of "sunlight"-like white light, I reckon I can dim it down to 120-150 watts.. Apparently, these Cree chips are fair dinkum... So I gotta pull the thing apart to check that they are real ones when I get it..sigh..
So, yeah; I'm gonna cross my fingers that the bath-fan does the job for the time being.. I'll be getting a control switch no matter what... Sooner of later I gonna have to buy a good fan/filter. At least I could use a controller in winter...
Thanks!! I'm stoked to see a grow almost identical (in cab size, at least!!) to mine; and you seem to know what you're talking about! Sweet!! I can learn how to deal with MY grow-environment here!!
Thanks for all the comments guys. Been a hectic few days here with life dramas
so i havent been on here. Girls got flipped 28th of last month,so have been
a few days in flower. Theyre looking real bushy. The stems are real thick and





Going to let them stretch for a few weeks and work out what to do from there.
Real happy with the sturdiness of the plants. Like little bushes. I think the the triple
toppings has made them nice and short and staunch.

Thanks for looking.

Santb, I wouldnt bother stuffing around with pc fans. I know people that do it,
honestly i wouldnt bother.


Something like this is ideal and worth every cent. quiet and powerful and plugs straight in.
A mate of mine runs pc fans through a 240v/12v controller and its just a lot of fucking
around for less air movement. The power usage is also questionable. A good can fan with
bearings in it is quite efficient indeed.

Something like this is ideal and worth every cent. quiet and powerful and plugs straight in.
A mate of mine runs pc fans through a 240v/12v controller and its just a lot of fucking
around for less air movement. The power usage is also questionable. A good can fan with
bearings in it is quite efficient indeed.


Looking good, Wiz. I like the little bushes too, but I strap mine down early to get the light right in there... Mine doesn't penetrate all that well..
I run 4 fans off one of those little controllers. I gotta pic somewhere... It's adequate at best, but I have a diy filter on it and that slows it up a bit. You're right. I need a real fan.. I've got both fingers crossed that the new light runs as cool as I'm hoping..
To be honest, I am hoping to build a big shed at some point. A new, bigger grow space will go in there, and I'll have to get a decent one.. That's the main reason I've put it off......
I was hoping the shed was gonna be built by now.. I've picked up a bad habit of not winning the lotto. It's not fair. Every ticket I buy, I'm so SURE I'm gonna win, but then I don't!!! I'm starting to think it's a scam... I mean; on the ads, they got crew driving around in 15-ton dump trucks filled with cash!!! Talk about false advertising.. Might complain to the ACCC...
Find out where they fill the trucks with money and take a revolver. take the truck.
Jokes. Same here mate, most ive won is about 23 bucks.

I had a serious work related injury and surgery through workers comp, turns out
my bodys wrecked now and i cant get on disability because i'm not disabled enough.
Basically having to sell my vehicles and do other things to get by. Took some
old car batterys to the scrap bloke the other day for eleven bucks to fill a jerry can to put
fuel in the car.

The economy is shit,everyones broke, lots of people out of work, pretty hard
days for a lot of poeple ive spoken too. I cant even get a few days work, as
soon as i mention the injury it's all to hard for an employer to bother.

After i resigned, obviously workers comp is finished, private health which
i've paid for over a year and have never used wont cover any scans or
specialist visits. Had an MRI and a specialist appoinment i had to pay for.
600 for the scan and 400 for the specialist out of my own money.

I resigned a year ago and havnt had a cent come in as far as income in that time.
Thank god i dont have a mortgage or any rugrats running around.

Anyway, my mate runs 3 wardrobes connected together, runs about 6 pc fans,
all ducted together,running off a deep cycle battery connected to a smart charger.
Honestly i reckon he could piss off the whole lot and run one small can fan
for the lot if he was clever.

He's done is quite cleverly but it just seems arse about. He doesnt really have
control over the fans either. I can just look at the temps and turn the dial
accordingly to adjust it.

Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement guys. I'm really interested to see
how this training goes compared to my normal method. I like that i have shit loads
of room this time. Even if they stretch two feet and beanstalk it hard ive got room.

Cheers guys. Life can be shit at times, hope you're all safe and happy. ;)
Find out where they fill the trucks with money and take a revolver. take the truck.
Jokes. Same here mate, most ive won is about 23 bucks.

I had a serious work related injury and surgery through workers comp, turns out
my bodys wrecked now and i cant get on disability because i'm not disabled enough.
Basically having to sell my vehicles and do other things to get by. Took some
old car batterys to the scrap bloke the other day for eleven bucks to fill a jerry can to put
fuel in the car.

The economy is shit,everyones broke, lots of people out of work, pretty hard
days for a lot of poeple ive spoken too. I cant even get a few days work, as
soon as i mention the injury it's all to hard for an employer to bother.

After i resigned, obviously workers comp is finished, private health which
i've paid for over a year and have never used wont cover any scans or
specialist visits. Had an MRI and a specialist appoinment i had to pay for.
600 for the scan and 400 for the specialist out of my own money.

I resigned a year ago and havnt had a cent come in as far as income in that time.
Thank god i dont have a mortgage or any rugrats running around.

Anyway, my mate runs 3 wardrobes connected together, runs about 6 pc fans,
all ducted together,running off a deep cycle battery connected to a smart charger.
Honestly i reckon he could piss off the whole lot and run one small can fan
for the lot if he was clever.

He's done is quite cleverly but it just seems arse about. He doesnt really have
control over the fans either. I can just look at the temps and turn the dial
accordingly to adjust it.

Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement guys. I'm really interested to see
how this training goes compared to my normal method. I like that i have shit loads
of room this time. Even if they stretch two feet and beanstalk it hard ive got room.

Cheers guys. Life can be shit at times, hope you're all safe and happy. ;)

Sucks to hear, man.. Was sayin a few months ago to the missus that I can see a day soon when I wont be able to be a labourer... No big accidents, but I'm 46 soon, and the old back and knees and one elbow are pretty much done. My shoulders crunch when I rotate them blah blah... I'm a bit worried, cos I have no idea what the fuck I can do instead, without spending 1000s that I don't have on re-education...
I feel for ya, cos it is tough out there, injury or not; mortgage or not...
Hang tough, brother.
I hear ya about your mates setup... sounds cool but maybe a bit much for only 6 fans! I got 4, but I only use half a wardrobe!!
I built mine small on purpose..Security.. I have a false floor for intake, so it has access to shitloads of air from the bottom. But I've been stuffing too many plants in mine.. Gonna stick to 2 plants at a time from now on. Keep it a bit simpler..
Cheers bro i appreciate it. Without going into a sad sack whinge fest it's been pretty shit.
With the money i got from the settlement i set up a small spray booth at home, got the
welder and tools out and built some custom bikes and scooters. I was lucky to make
any money back.

I had a few ventures i tried out (about half a dozen) which could have been great
but didnt work out. I built heaps of cool shit but i'm still broke as fuck without
any money coming in. I've always been on the tools too mate so i'm going
end up having to get retrained too. Centrelink hopefully can line this up and pay for it.
Should be different swapping a half inch impact gun for a keyboard/pen. :rofl:

Your setup sounds alright, i only run two plants.They seem to fill the cupboard well.

Enough of me whinging about life,

Took some shots of the girls out of the cupboard. The beauty of me not running them through
the net at this stage like i normally would is i can rotate the plants and pull them out
if i have to :)



I reckon they look a lot bigger out of the box. These pics give a good shot of the tops.
There's a few hidden under there too. After stretch i'll be playing with them.

Thanks for looking.
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