Guys what the hell is up with my plants


420 Member
they are just under a month on and they are just growing so slowly and now starting to look like they are dying. what did i do wrong?!

What Strain is it? tweed baker street
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? indica
How Many Plants? 2
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? seedling still for some reason
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 350 watt x 1
Is it Air Cooled?
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 70 degrees
RH of Room/Cabinet? wardrobe
Any Pests? no
How Often are you Watering? when pot is lighter
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? none


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I’d start here. :high-five:
I can't tell with the details provided or the pictures, but by the pictures alone, I will say that if you're using a cheap LED grow light (Not a Mars Hydro), a cheap Chinese one, you will need that thing way closer.

Get that light closer, and I mean close, 6-10 inches from the top (I can already see stretching). In the meantime, tell me what light you're using, what brand, what does the sticker on it say? I started off with LED, and switched to HPS lights, because of all these cheap and nasty LEDs going around on the internet. If it says 350 watt, and it's a cheap one, it will be more like 80 watts, not enough to get you through. Also get rid of that foil.

Secondly, what are you feeding them? Get down to your local hydro shop, pick up some full mother plant nutrients, not the seedling one, the full mother plant version, any brand you like. Then immediately give them a litre of water with the nutrients in, and continue a regular feed each day, letting it dry a bit, but not completely.

See if this helps at all, give it 7 days, and if it doesn't pick up, time to start again.
You might need more light. I am assuming your light is LED. When you say 350 watts is that what the maker advertises it at. Any idea on what kind of draw from the wall.
Yes its 350 watt from the wall input. it was advertised at 1000w so i started it high but then lowered it a lot when reading the small print and finding it was actually only 350
With cab temps in the low 70s your root zone is probably too cold to take up anything. They look overwatered which is compounded with the temps. Work on your watering and temps. Run your light by manufacturers suggestions.
This light 'might' get you through veg, but like I said, move it 6-10 inches from the top of the plant, as I doubt it is what they told you in watts, even 350 seems too high for a Chinese LED. I bought one from Amazon and it said 800w, but it is actually 100w, so I told them it had a fault, and they sent me another one for free... two of them didn't even do the job, especially in flowering.

This light you have might be the problem, or at least one of the problems. The other might be nutrients, you need to get some proper mother plant nutrients designed for Cannabis.

Before you get to flowering, I would highly advise you get another light. Mars Hydro do 'real' LEDs, but they're expensive.
I got a HPS light, the full light kit, and it cost me 60. They do budget ones. You would get more wattage and power from an HPS, at a fraction of the price. Dual Spectrum bulb.

Just trying to help you out, but honestly, the light needs to go. I made the same mistake, seedlings never grew. A good light will also bring temperature up. I try to keep between 70 and 83, that range.
What kind of medium are you using????
I think Chris asked that question right away and got no response.
It isn't a lighting issue at this stage. There is plenty of light for veg plants.
Also...scrap the foil. Your white walls are better than that. Foil gives hot spots unless it is absolutely straight and perfect.
Can't really help you until we know what you're growing in.
I'm guessing some kind of mineralized soil if they look overwatered.
Don't see any perlite for drainage.
Soil then. Possibly hot soil not meant for seedlings. It says added nutrients.....
Can you get a pic of the back if there is any info?
When you use a soil such as this you are going to want to add something for drainage such as perlite. You will want 1/3 of your new mix to be perlite.
It's easy to over water if you have insufficient drainage and cool temps.
Soil then. Possibly hot soil not meant for seedlings. It says added nutrients.....
Can you get a pic of the back if there is any info?

I just did a web search and found it:

Not much info and the fertilizer added is quite vague as no NPK listed with it that I could tell: "Fast and slow release fertilizers are added to assist in the optimum growth of plants".
I used Miracle Grow at the start. That stuff is waay too moist right out of the bag. Go try Fox Farms Ocean type soil. Seems to have a lot of Perlite and boy does it drain well. Dry to the touch right from the bag. Correct ph. Think of how small roots are with plants your size. Drier is better. I have my two bags above the tent floor. After watering the other day some water wet right through the bad and dripped on floor. I doubt your average soil will drain that quickly. Good luck.
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