Hash Fart's Trying His First Auto

I have basically the same setup from Kingbrite on AliExpress and my driver sits on top of the heat sink. My darn tent is so short it really holds in the heat, but the driver has been fine. My plants on the other hand suffered from heat stress this grow, but that’s because my tent is too short. GGT 6’11” tall 2x4 tent is my next purchase.
My tent ended up dropping in temp with the new light! So im really lucky ,, it's so dry where I live keeping my humidity up is the problem
I think I effed up those auto seeds... they weren’t sprouting... so I tried to gently help it... my fat fingers weren’t gentle... ended up squishing them...the one might make it but idk... I’ll leave it for another night see how they look tomorrow.

it’s funny, we’ve been having nice weather lately... this time two weeks ago, maybe even a week in a half, there was still hella snow In my back yard!
I think I effed up those auto seeds... they weren’t sprouting... so I tried to gently help it... my fat fingers weren’t gentle... ended up squishing them...the one might make it but idk... I’ll leave it for another night see how they look tomorrow.

it’s funny, we’ve been having nice weather lately... this time two weeks ago, maybe even a week in a half, there was still hella snow In my back yard!
My truck said 110°f this evening.
I know what you mean, I've got my man fingers crossed for your babies. :goodluck:
My truck said 110°f this evening.
I know what you mean, I've got my man fingers crossed for your babies. :goodluck:
Damn! 43 degrees Celsius!! We sometimes see that hot weather, but not very often!! Right now it’s 7C (44.6F)
Thanks for your man fingers being crossed for me!! I really needed the extra man fingers being crossed! No women fingers being crossed though! That shits no good to me! Lmao jk women or man fingers it doesn’t matter! It’s all appreciated :high-five:
Well I chopped down the one and the other 2 are still going , my leaves are turning yellow ? ,,,,,, My white Tahoe cookies grew today and are getting close to the light I might have to put it in the tent soon
Congrats on the cut, mate. She looks a beauty! The new growth came back nicely by the end.
for the beer can auto im very impressed with the size but looking at the trichomes the other 2 plants are far ahead
THis is good it means the beer can buds will be kegs by the finish.
Good to see it going well
Congrats on the cut, mate. She looks a beauty! The new growth came back nicely by the end.

THis is good it means the beer can buds will be kegs by the finish.
Good to see it going well
Thanks for reading the entire journal DD !!! Yes all is well in hashfart land I might start another journal for my cookies tips on transplant and when to do it would be cool my long hung friend
Mmm cookies.
I’ve never had an issue with transplanting before, then recently had two critical purple kush clones go weird on an up pot. One got a funky root thing which curled its leaves. I tried to cut clones off it, but not hopeful for any survivors. Then another, same strain, sulked for a week and is only looking up today. She’s just a sensitive sausage. (How is our dumpling doggy btw?)
I’ll put soil down in the new pot and stand the plant (still in her old pot) on it. Sight across the lip of the pots to where you want the soil surface to be (also allow for burying some stem if she hit an early stretch) and adjust soil amount up or down to suit.
If the new pot is big enough you can leave the old pot in there while you fill the new pot around the old one. (Just fill one side if new pot isn’t much bigger, and do this on an angle).
With the hole ready, sprinkle some myco thrive mychorizae innoculant down, then she drops into the new hole nicely, the root ball gets a kick start and everything goes smoothly. Usually.
Let the plant dry out a little to keep a coherent shape between cans.
You’re going great HF you’ll be gold.
Great job with the harvest... congrats man! :bravo: it’s always best to have the plant hanging in the dark when drying.

the yellowing on the leaves, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It’s the plants natural reaction when in flower. Pulling all the nutrients from the old leaves moving them to the colas. Where it really matters.

mom transplanting, is way your good for a while. Normally the rule of thumb is when the leaves reach the outside of the pot. But not always... I like to transplant early because it’s easier to do when the plant is younger/smaller. But your still good for a while brother!!
Tuck when u can, I do beleave In defoliation so don't block bud sites as they will
turn into colas in the future. At that time u can ether leave her alone or remove
unwanted or inferior colas. Letting her concentrate on fewer but larger colas In the end it’s dealers choice and up to u what to do. I’ve done autos both ways let me find a cupple of pics. For u these are a few autos I’ve done in the past.
Those look awesome!! I'm doing my first auto grow and have been afraid to defoliate... I didn't want to stress them out.. but they are taking over and stepping on each other.. after seeing your photos I'm going to defoliate in about 10 minutes.. :) thank you for sharing.


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