Help wDIY ways to lower humidity and when to use this towards the end of flowering

Hey again people, just wanted to know what peoples thoughts were about lowering the humidity in last week or two of flowering. Ive read that it will make the bud increase its resin. Should it be just in last week or last two?

I have no dehumidifier and was considering putting trays of salt and sugar all around my cuboard grow area. Would this work? And also it wouldntt hurt the the crop would it? You know as in the salt reacting with the air then affecting THC negatively production?
Thanks for any of your thoughts
Re: Help wDIY ways to lower humidity and when to use this towards the end of flowerin

last weeks of flowering period you need %40 humidity.
The place were I live here we have " dehumidifier stone " search for that. use them. but its performance not %100.
use cartoon boxes in your grow tent, they will absorb the humidity without causing problems like salt.
but be careful the cartoons not be insected. use "new cartoon boxes" not old ones.
%35-40 humidity is enough for resin production. so less humidity is not very good for your plants..

All the time of flowering period you need %35-40 humidity.
Not last 1 or 2 weeks. During all the period.

Dont use salt and sugar. It can causes insects near your plant.

Stay green, high and happy!
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