
When I was a young man... there was this oil boom, had I known anything back then I would have cleaned up. Then there was the dotcom boom, had I known... Then there was the ....boom. Well I woke up one day in the beginning of an obvious boom and had some extra cash laying around and thought...this time I KNOW and I am GOING TO CLEAN UP! So here we are. I'm plugging away and learning and the only real questions are, how long will it take me to figure this out and how many plants will I kill in the process?

The plants are greening up, but some (a dozen or so) are still droopy. Thanks.
You'll know pretty much everything you need to by the end of the grow mate. It's a steep learning curve and the majority of us fuck it up first time round. Just part of the learning process unfortunately.
Oh and re the droop. Re any problems with Coco actually. Quarter strength nutes at pH 5.8. feed to run off every day. Make sure the full pot gets wet, no dry spots.
Pretty much solves just about anything really.
Once the plants are a bit bigger go to half strength nutes and same thing.
Most problems in Coco occur from iether too strong a feed or not watering to run off. The excess builds up in the pot so it gets stronger and causes all sorts of wierd problems. Fucks with the pH, blocks things out, burns the plant with other things.
Feed light and often and you shouldn't get many issues.
Best of Luck mate.
You ever need a hand, theres plenty peeps here know their stuff.
Theres nothing wrong with making money, as long as you cause no harm to others.
I would rather see a man with a plan get ahead than corporate fat cats....
Grow Hard!

Ps....theres a product called drip clean, that is good in coco, using that has helped me keep better to my less feeds, because when I do feed and get run off... Its got all the salts etc in suspension...great for lines in other hydro set ups, while feeding.

You need to water coco every day, preferably several times a day.
Flush with medium strength nute solution, then feed every day from now on.
Sorry mate, thats a myth. Can water coco every few days with no probs and better growth, swings up through ph range as it dries.
Thanks LR72. I'll look into the "drip clean" it sounds like something that would be very helpful.
No prob Bob. Hehe
Just means less flushing. Just get normal 10-15% run off during grow and thats good until you PK, let them drink that for a week, , then a proper flush out and into it again until harvest, 1 week of water and drip clean for first couple days to take crap out of pots... Done....
Sorry mate, thats a myth. Can water coco every few days with no probs and better growth, swings up through ph range as it dries.
You can get away with watering Coco like that mate. I do it when im being lazy.
Get better growth from more feeding though. It also leaves you with the chance of getting nutrient build ups if you treat it like soil. See it happening to way too many new growers . Let it dry out between feeds and burn their plants half to death or get lock outs cos the pH rises too much. Coco is hydro growing and for best results should be treated as such. Think about autopots, Wilma's and all these systems. They use Coco and can produce 1lb autos from a 15L pot because they're fed constantly. Can tell you for a fact that's impossible to do if your only feeding it every few days.
Sorry mate, thats a myth. Can water coco every few days with no probs and better growth, swings up through ph range as it dries.

Edit: it was a bit harsh, I was annoyed...

If coco dries between waterings, there's a salt build up that will poison the plants. Coco should NOT be allowed to dry between waterings, and it needs to be watered every day. Watering every few days is ok occasionally, but doing so continuously will affect the plants in a very negative way that will get worse and worse. I've had some lengthy discussions with the support people at Canna Gardening regarding how to water coco after I poisoned my plants with salt after having watered the plants every few days. Now I water every 3 hours during lights on, and the results are amazing.
Best is to have some kind of automated system that automates both feeding and the removal of run off. Otherwise hand feeding might require hours of labour/day if there are a few plants.
You can get away with watering Coco like that mate. I do it when im being lazy.
Get better growth from more feeding though. It also leaves you with the chance of getting nutrient build ups if you treat it like soil. See it happening to way too many new growers . Let it dry out between feeds and burn their plants half to death or get lock outs cos the pH rises too much. Coco is hydro growing and for best results should be treated as such. Think about autopots, Wilma's and all these systems. They use Coco and can produce 1lb autos from a 15L pot because they're fed constantly. Can tell you for a fact that's impossible to do if your only feeding it every few days.
I may be a lazy gardener Barney but results speak for themselves... Im in 9L and still kickin arse.
I veg for 4 weeks with photo plants not autos.
Most salt build up is caused by grower feed error and bad coco prep, or poor grade coco in first place.

Edit: it was a bit harsh, I was annoyed...

If coco dries between waterings, there's a salt build up that will poison the plants. Coco should NOT be allowed to dry between waterings, and it needs to be watered every day. Watering every few days is ok occasionally, but doing so continuously will affect the plants in a very negative way that will get worse and worse. I've had some lengthy discussions with the support people at Canna Gardening regarding how to water coco after I poisoned my plants with salt after having watered the plants every few days. Now I water every 3 hours during lights on, and the results are amazing.
Best is to have some kind of automated system that automates both feeding and the removal of run off. Otherwise hand feeding might require hours of labour/day if there are a few plants.
That is just not right mate Im sorry. I have been growing in Coco a long time.
I specialize in it. Look at my grow journal, my plants suffering? In tiny 2 gallon pots.

Im sorry but its a balancing act.
NEVER let a coco pot dry past 1/2 weight, it will affect growth, but to keep it constantly wet will affect growth and is a waste of nutes.
Even with no drip clean, 2 feeds and a flush in rotation and you will not get salt build up with coco with coco nutes.

I am using about 25-26 litres every 5-7 days....for 8 plants in 9L buckets, in Week 4 of Flower.
Thats not only economical but also mimicks nature closer.
Its the balance thats the trick.
I may be a lazy gardener Barney but results speak for themselves... Im in 9L and still kickin arse.
I veg for 4 weeks with photo plants not autos.
Most salt build up is caused by grower feed error and bad coco prep, or poor grade coco in first place.

That is just not right mate Im sorry. I have been growing in Coco a long time.
I specialize in it. Look at my grow journal, my plants suffering? In tiny 2 gallon pots.

Im sorry but its a balancing act.
NEVER let a coco pot dry past 1/2 weight, it will affect growth, but to keep it constantly wet will affect growth and is a waste of nutes.
Even with no drip clean, 2 feeds and a flush in rotation and you will not get salt build up with coco with coco nutes.

I am using about 25-26 litres every 5-7 days....for 8 plants in 9L buckets, in Week 4 of Flower.
Thats not only economical but also mimicks nature closer.
Its the balance thats the trick.
Im not saying it doesn't work mate. Like I said, I've done it, I fed properly and gave just water once a week so never got any issues but watering like that is the No1 cause of new Coco growers problems round here. Some things just work for some people.
Fuck I've just fed my rockwool plants at ph6.5 for a month cos I've been lazy.
5 out of 6 had zero side effects from it and the other 1 only got a little cal/mag Def. The blotchy leaves, I can never remember which is which.
Doesn't mean it's right though,
just that I can get away with it because of a lucky combination of the nutes I use and my unusually clean tap water.

To solve the argument though of once every few days Vs feeding fuck loads, here's an auto grown by my buddy on another forum. 15L Coco pot, fed 24/7. He gets them that size 600-800g every time.
I can grow that size feeding 24/7 using a 4" rockwool cube and fresh air. Profile pic ended up a 600 grammer.
It doesn't take skill to grow autos that size, it takes oxygen, water and nutes in very regular doses. Don't even need decent lights. My buddy uses 600w Hps per meter and I use 500w of mars model 1 600s.
It is 100% impossible though to get those results if you only water every couple days.
Can't even do it watering twice a day. Gotta be a constant feed or they end up pokey little 4-5 ouncers.
Same strain, same time frame, same lights, same nutes, same Coco, same size pots, absolutely everything is exactly the same other than the watering schedule. The plants are literally like 500% bigger because of the 24/7 feed.


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Its a friggin auto sunshine, made to yield big strain, running 24/7 light when I run 12/12 on comparison.
If your doing it your way just go DWC, same thing. DWC will make those plants yield even more...and your already doing all the work.
Oh, how much light you smashing that with?
And as always with growers like you, the plants grown by YOUR BUDDY.
Im not here for a pissing comp, I know how coco works instead of smashing it with nutes 24/7...
Its a friggin auto sunshine, made to yield big strain, running 24/7 light when I run 12/12 on comparison.
If your doing it your way just go DWC, same thing. DWC will make those plants yield even more...and your already doing all the work.
Oh, how much light you smashing that with?
And as always with growers like you, the plants grown by YOUR BUDDY.
Im not here for a pissing comp, I know how coco works instead of smashing it with nutes 24/7...
I wasn't here for a pissing comp iether mate. That's why I used someone else's plant as the example.
Seeing as you said "growers like you" though I might aswell slap my offer on the table

See "sunshine " I can grow 600g autos too.
Seed to finish in 108 days.
That wasn't in a 15l autopot though.
That was in a 4 inch X 2 inch rockwool cube balanced precariously on a shelf of fresh air.
Maybe 400-500ml media tops. I could do the same thing with a solo cup stuck on top of there. IN FACT! MATE ! THANK YOU!!!!!!
How much can you produce I a 9l pot feeding it every few days in less than 110 days?

There's a 600 grammer auto from me and a closer to 700 grammer from him you've seen now.

We both used the same grow method as you too....


He's pulling 25oz per auto with 600w of cheap shit HPS LIGHTS per square metre and a 15L pot.

Im pulling 22oz from a 2x4inch rockwool cube and fresh air and only 500w of cheap shit, 10 year old mars 1, 600model blurples.

Both of us can do the 600g in 110 days from 1 plant from seed.

What do your plants produce each in that time frame?

I know the same result can be achieved by feeding numerous plants every few days just like you're doing. Im not arguing about that. I know your probably pulling 1.2gpw at least.
That, I 100% agree with.
But, the point is that in hydro you have to feed as often as possible inorder to get maximum results.

MAXIMUM RESULTS is the point of this discussion.

Myself and "my buddy " both grew strains that ended in over 600g per plant in 110 days.
If you can't get at least half of that yield, around 300g in your 9L pots using photos then mathematically you have absolutely no further use in this conversation.
15L coco pot equals 600g yield under the recomended 500-600w per square metre. As does a 0.5L rockwool.
He used 15L
I used around 0.5L
We both got over 600g in 110 days .
You are roughly in the middle in terms of media vume so I can only assume you're getting around 300g per plant in your 9L pots?
Surely???!gotta be at least that mate or this wl just be a brutal defeat.

Were all mates though my Man.
Im just here to care and share and hopefully learn a few things whilst in at it :) to

See "sunshine " I can grow 600g autos too.
Seed to finish in 108 days.
That wasn't in a 15l autopot though.
That was in a 4 inch X 2 inch rockwool cube balanced precariously on a shelf of fresh air.
Maybe 400-500ml media tops. I could do the same thing with a solo cup stuck on top of there. IN FACT! MATE ! THANK YOU!!!!!!
How much can you produce I a 9l pot feeding it every few days in less than 110 days?

There's a 600 grammer auto from me and a closer to 700 grammer from him you've seen now.

We both used the same grow method as you too....


He's pulling 25oz per auto with 600w of cheap shit HPS LIGHTS per square metre and a 15L pot.

Im pulling 22oz from a 2x4inch rockwool cube and fresh air and only 500w of cheap shit, 10 year old mars 1, 600model blurples.

Both of us can do the 600g in 110 days from 1 plant from seed.

What do your plants produce each in that time frame?

I know the same result can be achieved by feeding numerous plants every few days just like you're doing. Im not arguing about that. I know your probably pulling 1.2gpw at least.
That, I 100% agree with.
But, the point is that in hydro you have to feed as often as possible inorder to get maximum results.

MAXIMUM RESULTS is the point of this discussion.

Myself and "my buddy " both grew strains that ended in over 600g per plant in 110 days.
If you can't get at least half of that yield, around 300g in your 9L pots using photos then mathematically you have absolutely no further use in this conversation.
15L coco pot equals 600g yield under the recomended 500-600w per square metre. As does a 0.5L rockwool.
He used 15L
I used around 0.5L
We both got over 600g in 110 days .
You are roughly in the middle in terms of media vume so I can only assume you're getting around 300g per plant in your 9L pots?
Surely???!gotta be at least that mate or this wl just be a brutal defeat.

Were all mates though my Man.
Im just here to care and share and hopefully learn a few things whilst in at it :) to

Awesome plant, mate!
Sweet to see how a plant can grow when grown by someone who knows what he's doing. :goodjob:
Pullers.... Cant leave it can ya mate.

l got 8 x 9L pots under two 315w in a,1.2m x 2.3m tent... So if I only yield 100g a plant, I still beat your maths.

Now take ya piss off maths and get ya mummy to write ya a permission slip next time you and ya mate wanna play.

You seem to have no understanding that your autos are on 24/7, so I also use half the power....again....poor maths..

By the way, this thread was Bobs, so he could get some help, which I gave him.
Didnt see you flogs help much, but you sure do like swinging it like helicopters.

Drop Mic...Im out...

BobOJ, can PM me if you want REAL help mate.
Pullers.... Cant leave it can ya mate.

l got 4 x 9L pots under one 315w... So if I yield only 200g a plant, I still win.
Now take ya piss off maths and get ya mummy to write ya a permission slip next time you and ya mate wanna play.

By the way, this thread was Bobs, so he could get some help, which I gave him.
Didnt see you flogs help much, but you sure do like swinging it like helicopters.
"If I yield" that means you don't.
Yes it's bobs thread. And you're telling him to treat Coco like soil so he won't get the best out of his grow.
I was just pointing out the best way for him to make the most from his set up and got pulled for it.
When I was a young man... there was this oil boom, had I known anything back then I would have cleaned up. Then there was the dotcom boom, had I known... Then there was the ....boom. Well I woke up one day in the beginning of an obvious boom and had some extra cash laying around and thought...this time I KNOW and I am GOING TO CLEAN UP! So here we are. I'm plugging away and learning and the only real questions are, how long will it take me to figure this out and how many plants will I kill in the process?

The plants are greening up, but some (a dozen or so) are still droopy. Thanks.
Hey @BobOJ I'm happy for you with that license and the MJ BOOM thats taking off.
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