Hey all


New Member
I am a new member and a novice grower. Simple setup and my growing is soil based and nothing fancy. I have made every mistake in the book and some more than once, for that reason, advice from me will be non-existent. My house is where cannabis runs a good chance of dying early. At this point, my success rate is pretty good but I have a pug that goes ape shit crazy on marijuana, including seeds. The other day he ran off with an expensive pack of seeds and destroyed them. On more than one occasion he has gotten into my basement and destroyed a whole crop, he just tears up the plants into little bits and then will stand there and bark at the remains. I have never seen anything like it, it's as if he has a personal vendetta against weed.

As I said, advice on growing will not be coming from me but I am always good for supporting the cause in other ways so feel free to contact me.

Welcome to :420: you are in good hands here, there are many

top-notch growers that will be along that will help out in every

way except for your wayward pug. There is even an off topic

dog thread to post a picture of the little devil. We also have an off topic

virtual couch where we have music and off topic fun. Cannafan will probably be

along with her box of links to hook you up with these.

Good to have you along for the ride. :ciao:

I'm not a complete idiot

there are some parts missing
Hello Billyjack nice to have you here. LI like the dog story not good but F in funny. My freaking 180 pound rottweiler loves roots of any plant. I stopped growing out side because of her. She would not just jump over any fence I put up she would have fun ripping it apart and putting in right by the door and act like she had no idea what happen.
:ciao: Billyjack, and :welcome: to the great community here at :420:

Congratulations on your ventures into growing this wonderful plant! I'm sorry to hear what the dog is doing though! Wow, I think the dog would not make it long in my house. LOL

We would love to see how you are doing with your growing as you go along...
One great way to get feedback and comments is to start a grow journal. Members will follow along with you and help when needed. Great way to make friends here too!

Here's how to start a journal and post photos to your posts. Pictures are great for members to truly understand what you have going on:

How to Make a Grow Journal

Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Note: the most common problem on uploading photos is the user not completing all of the steps involved. Be absolutely sure to get that final "process" pics page completed.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Here's a great thread for posting general grow questions too:

Frequently Asked Questions

Bluefly mentioned the Virtual Couch hangout, if you are intersted...

Good Luck and most of all have fun! :thumb
:ciao: Billyjack, and :welcome: to the great community here at :420:

Congratulations on your ventures into growing this wonderful plant! I'm sorry to hear what the dog is doing though! Wow, I think the dog would not make it long in my house. LOL

We would love to see how you are doing with your growing as you go along...
One great way to get feedback and comments is to start a grow journal. Members will follow along with you and help when needed. Great way to make friends here too!

Here's how to start a journal and post photos to your posts. Pictures are great for members to truly understand what you have going on:

How to Make a Grow Journal

Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Note: the most common problem on uploading photos is the user not completing all of the steps involved. Be absolutely sure to get that final "process" pics page completed.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Here's a great thread for posting general grow questions too:

Frequently Asked Questions

Bluefly mentioned the Virtual Couch hangout, if you are intersted...

Good Luck and most of all have fun! :thumb

I am a month into my current grow so I will do a journal on my next one. It is a good time anyway as I will be using LED for the first time. I actually got them from one of the sponsors here. Honestly, i almost never post questions because they have already been asked by someone else. One of the reasons I joined here was because when I do a search on the web for some question, most times I end up here. It's actually how I found the LED from the sites sponsor. I came across the 230+ page thread that discussed it and finally decided to pull the trigger.
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