How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

I have a question when I water my ph is 5.6-5.9 but when I just checked my run off it is a high 6.7. My girls look good but it has me really worried for their future any help please
So I been following your method to the T other than what Nutes I'm using and I can say my girls are loving it. They have grown so much this past 3 days it's crazy. Thanks for probably the best post on 420.
a few pics to show off my ladies, and to show that your method works amazingly.
so I was looking at my seedlings and they look like they might have a problem coming on. If possible can anyone see where I'm talking about on the leafs they looks like they have a light spot on them. I water 2-3x a day with distilled RO water with a ppm of 350-400 ph 5.5-5.8 I will go back and forth with ph like one water I do 5.8 the next 5.6 and so on. I'm using the GH Go Box for Nutes . They might not be the best but it's what I got and I'm already to switch nutes because been using them from beginning. Sorry for taking over the thread, but I have gotten some amazing help on this post lol. If anyone has advice or am I just thinking about it to much? Thanks
Have a important question? Is it ok for me to switch from using General Hydroponics Gobox to General Hydroponics Flora series. I have been using the Go box which is organic but feel I will need way more than the go box to get through to flower and for the same price I can get 2x as much of the flora series. So can I go from organic to none organic
Hey stoney it shouldn't be a problem to switch nutes. If your any bit worried just flush your coco and the start with the flora series

Man I feel silly didn't even think about a flush haha. I just don't see paying 40 Bucks for the go box when I can pay 35 for the 3 part flora series. Not that the go box is not good it has been awesome the girls really seem to love it. now I might just get the bigger bottles of the go box and keep going with them. Thanks for the reply. This is a great community
It's all good stoney! And yeah its really up to you on which nutes you want to use. Either one of those would be good for your girls, good luck brother ! ;)

Hey how would you handle the run off water when using grow bags (walmart bags)? Do you think it's ok to let some sit at the bottom not like a puddle but it seems pretty impossible to get it completely dry like when using pots. Is that ok to be there? And thanks again for all the help
So far, I am liking the Blue Labs better, but time will tell if it lasts as long. Also the probes are cheaper. So far, I only had to calibrate it a few time when I first got it. Now it is staying calibrated.
Before I had a flood tray, which has nice deep channels for the runoff to go into so that the bag doesn't soak it back up again, I used to set my walmart bags or airpots on top of two by fours.

Soaking up runoff can lead to issues. I don't like issues.
Before I had a flood tray, which has nice deep channels for the runoff to go into so that the bag doesn't soak it back up again, I used to set my walmart bags or airpots on top of two by fours.

Soaking up runoff can lead to issues. I don't like issues.

Alright so I need to get them raised up a little so they don't soak up runoff . Shit I have nothing to do that with. Looks like u have a mission for today lol. Thanks for the help
Before I had a flood tray, which has nice deep channels for the runoff to go into so that the bag doesn't soak it back up again, I used to set my walmart bags or airpots on top of two by fours.

Soaking up runoff can lead to issues. I don't like issues.

So with the two by fours did you just put like two or three across or how did you use them. I only have 5 gallon buckets so I put them on them until I can get something better. I am about to say screw it and order a ebb tray and system for the 300 Bucks it would make life so much easier and all my pproblems will probably go away. Lol
Milk crate/soda crate from the grocery store. Or just put 2x4s down and sat the pots on them like LEDRF said. Laying 2 or 3 across would bring it up off the ground enough to not sit in run off stoney

I swear without you and LEDRF this would have been over a few weeks ago haha I am learning as I go with this coco and bag grow. I have grown in soil 2x Before for a ttotal of 12 ladies not including this grow. So thanks so much for all the help. Tomorrow I will go to home depot and get some 2x4s and all will be stable . They look so great the best looking plants I have grown so far. I also took the one I had in soil and soaked it in ph 5.8 water until late all the soil fell off and then put in 100% coco so now all is in coco and doing great .
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