How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

i agree with not checking run off. I never check it. on the rare occasion i used to it would be as high as 5.0. Yet plants always healthy. coco isnt soil. it only a problem if plants become so dry that they droop, then the salt will burn the roots. Just apply your nutes at the right ec. between 1.4 and 2.2 is good and you be fine.
Thanks for the videos and taking the time to make them.

One thing I've noticed throughout all of your videos is you seem to be changing what kind of pots you use. Have you found one that you like over others?
Hey, here is the next part in the series of growing marijuana. like for free content. :)


I'm growing right now with the Black Diamond Perfect Sun 1000.
Another great video man! Keep em coming

You mentioned soil in the video, what soil do you recommend? I know a lot of growers like the fox farm but I think it's so hot with nutes it's harder on seedlings
I have gained a lot of understanding from your videos but I'm still confused about watering/feeding frequencies.
I notice you feed daily but when I did this in my last grow I had issues. PPM rising uncontrollably and ph issues.
This time I have been advised to feed only when top inch of coco is dry and give plain ro water in between feeds. I have a lot better results this time too. No ppm or ph issues and haven't had any lockouts or large deficiencies.

I use a coco/perlite mix at 75/25 and use GH Flora 3-part (non lucas) with CaliMagic and Silica.

I also notice most people seem to feed daily or even several times a day but I can't seem to do this. Any chance you might be able to explain why this is?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
How old were the plants when you watered daily and with how much water? When they are young I only water with enough to keep the Rockwood in th3 center moist.
About mid vege is when I started. They would have been about 5 weeks old I think. I can't remember how much I had to use but I just tried to make sure I always got 20% run off.
I don't use rockwool, just put sprouted seeds straight in to coco in a small plastic cup.
That's odd. Were they drinking a lot of water? I don't add silica. It does raise PH, but if you water daily and PH after you add it to 5.8, you shouldn't ever get PH issues.

Maybe the brand of coco. Was it pure coco? What brand?
That's odd. Were they drinking a lot of water? I don't add silica. It does raise PH, but if you water daily and PH after you add it to 5.8, you shouldn't ever get PH issues.

Maybe the brand of coco. Was it pure coco? What brand?

They were drinking a lot. But I found the ph stuck at 6.0 and wouldnt move no matter how low or high it was when I watered.
Yes the silica does raise but I always check ph last before feeding.
I found giving 200% run off or giving plain RO between feeds really helped a lot.
I have a feeling it may have been due to more than one issue though as this time around I have made several changes and results are a lot better.

Next round I will l try feeding one plant daily and the other two on the same schedule as I am now and see the difference.

Not sure of the coco brand off the top of my head but I was advised it was decent and wasn't full of salty crap

Quick question do you ever just water? So the schedule would be FEED, FEED, WATER. How much cal/mag should you use if you start getting purple stems (petiole). Should you just use a water/ cal/mag mix?
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