How to hang?


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow will be 6 weeks in flower for my Purple Kush and they look spectacular!

This is my first grow and I'm preparing for harvest in the next few weeks, but being a newb even the simplest things aren't so simple for me yet.

I'm in a 4x8 and planned to remove the lights and hang in there as I should be able to control the environment pretty good.

What I'm not sure about is how to attach the buds to string that I planned to stretch across the tent. I was also going to see if I have enough wire coat hangers to use.

Do I buy clothes pins to clamp the stems to the string or coat hangers, or is there some other tip/trick to this?
If you are going to hang dry them, I always used the crotch between stem and branch and just hung it over the line nothing fancy
Ok, so there will be something like a wishbone or a V when I chop? I'm trying to visualize this.
I use gardening string and hang it over like some of the rest of these guys are talking about, and I give it room to swing/breathe with the circulating air.


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I was going to tell you my way but after reading these other ways I realize how difficult I've been making it for myself!!!

But I've always had to hand from nails in my shed wall...

Think I'm going to string a line and hang using the joints of the plant.

All my best,
I myself cut off the water leaves ( fan) and hang the whole plant, which then i have to dry trim, thats just the way i do it, so what ever way you want to go. I do it this way just so i get more days drying so dosen't dry to quickly. :cool:
I myself cut off the water leaves ( fan) and hang the whole plant, which then i have to dry trim, thats just the way i do it, so what ever way you want to go. I do it this way just so i get more days drying so dosen't dry to quickly. :cool:
I've heard of hanging the entire plant, though I had read that you want to keep space between the buds for air flow . I might be able to do that with the clones that I have, though the parents have been topped twice and are pretty tight to each other. I do like the idea of hanging an entire plant and will see what's what when I get there.

I actually have so much going on in my tent that I may have to make 2 levels to hang on, though that could be me being overly optimistic!

Thank you to everyone for responding, this is much less of a mystery to me now.
I bought one of those hanging multi-tiered mesh baskets to dry with a few years back.
It makes for some flat-spot buds. They flatten where they lay on their sides..

Wet trimming seems so much easier.
I bought one of those hanging multi-tiered mesh baskets to dry with a few years back.
It makes for some flat-spot buds. They flatten where they lay on their sides..

Wet trimming seems so much easier.
I just ordered a hanging mesh basket yesterday. I was thinking this might be good for the smaller popcorn buds.
I just ordered a hanging mesh basket yesterday. I was thinking this might be good for the smaller popcorn buds.

It is great for popcorn. You can take branches and hang around the rim as well.(much like the string method)
I just ordered a hanging mesh basket yesterday. I was thinking this might be good for the smaller popcorn buds.
Take a look at the wedryer it let's no light in so can be hung anywhere..internal fan and built in filter which can be changed. I've done some research and it's got good reviews..I'm getting one..:ciao:
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