JustMeds' Fruity Chronic Juice, Quadline, Organic, DBHB, KNF, 2019

Not really sure. Would 16 be to much or not enough? I am open to all suggestions here.
I think it really just depends on the stretch of the strain? To be safe, I would let them go north a few inches. They should really go nuts here soon JM.

Oh and cause you asked...
You're putting on a clinic with the training, JM.

I try not to get too medicated before going after those little bud sites I want to pinch off... it's easy to get too into it and take too much... :lot-o-toke:

I got the clinic, you got the full on Hospital. Your gals are looking awesome.
Not really sure. Would 16 be to much or not enough? I am open to all suggestions here.
im thinking grow it up to about half way to the total plant height you want then flip unless that strain is known for stretching a lot then your guess is as good as mine im sure shes going to be a thing of beauty good luck!:)
theres a lot of plant there so its going to take some time to get where you want it how big is that pot she could need more room for roots?

That is a 7 gallon. I think she is good there. I think she is just not a vigorous grower in VEG. When we get to stretch we could be in a whole different ball park.
That is a 7 gallon. I think she is good there. I think she is just not a vigorous grower in VEG. When we get to stretch we could be in a whole different ball park.
I just did a little research on that plant and it says that if given enough time to build a good root system they can put some stretch on so I think you have that going on there should be a good system of roots under her!
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