Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

pretty cool finding the waste baby. hope it's a girl hahah.

I do too. I saved her tonight. Waste Baby lives! :yahoo:

Hey 420,

Know I'm going back a little bit but in most of your journals you say you use PH'd water for your aero cloners. What has been the most successful PH range? I got my water @ 6.3 right now and was wondering if the water would need more PH Down

Thanks and great journal!
if fied doesnt mind i'll chime in here.if u are going to root clones and take out then u dont need to ph water. u only need to ph if u plan on vegging clones up in cloner too. i use tap water not ph'd on my systems but i have an experimental 105 site cloner that i add enzymes, beneficial fungus and bacteria too so that when roots first spout the grow thicker and faster. early signs are looking good but too early to say if its better one way or the other. plain water is my answer.
if fied doesnt mind i'll chime in here.if u are going to root clones and take out then u dont need to ph water. u only need to ph if u plan on vegging clones up in cloner too. i use tap water not ph'd on my systems but i have an experimental 105 site cloner that i add enzymes, beneficial fungus and bacteria too so that when roots first spout the grow thicker and faster. early signs are looking good but too early to say if its better one way or the other. plain water is my answer.

Actually, I do mind. I'd like the first opportunity to answer questions asked to me in my own grow journal. I both value and enjoy your feedback, but I'd appreciate the opportunity to answer for myself. I wouldn't answer for you in your journal. It's rude.

That said, I agree with your premise that PHing the water in the cloners doesn't matter. My water runs out of the tap at 6.8 and 110PPM. I leave it alone and have encountered no problems.
Hey 420,

Know I'm going back a little bit but in most of your journals you say you use PH'd water for your aero cloners. What has been the most successful PH range? I got my water @ 6.3 right now and was wondering if the water would need more PH Down

Thanks and great journal!

At one point I did ph the water in the cloners but found it unnecessary. Your water is fine. Mine runs out of the spigot at 110PPM and 6.8 . I leave it alone and it does fine for me.
no worries bro. of course he was asking ur opinion not mine. i'll keep quiet in future mate.

Hey there 420fied and Cultivator not stiring the pot here just wanted you guys to know I was interested in this a little, I'm still learning the ropes around here and I noticed 420 getting a little upset that C would answer his question. I just wanted to tell you guys that I was wondering how people felt about this? I have seen this kinda activity in other journals and was a little puzzled sometimes and not so puzzled other times. When People started chiming in on anthers "journal". some didnt really seem to mind or just moved right past/over it never even acknowledge it. Some I felt that the guys knew each other well enough. With me doing my first journal, I kinda want this behavior. I wont be able to answer all the questions people have about growing. With such a very little amount of experience I wouldnt feel confident in doing so.
I do think that if (2) people have built up a good enough friendship and understood each others grows so well that they knew exactly what the other would say and then "assumed" it would be okay with the other person. I have gotten very good advice from both of you.
I wouldnt mind one bit if either one of you answered any questions on my journal! Now of course, it goes with out saying no one should answer any question directed to a specific person about there specific grow system/operation.
Hey there 420fied and Cultivator not stiring the pot here just wanted you guys to know I was interested in this a little, I'm still learning the ropes around here and I noticed 420 getting a little upset that C would answer his question. I just wanted to tell you guys that I was wondering how people felt about this? I have seen this kinda activity in other journals and was a little puzzled sometimes and not so puzzled other times. When People started chiming in on anthers "journal". some didnt really seem to mind or just moved right past/over it never even acknowledge it. Some I felt that the guys knew each other well enough. With me doing my first journal, I kinda want this behavior. I wont be able to answer all the questions people have about growing. With such a very little amount of experience I wouldnt feel confident in doing so.
I do think that if (2) people have built up a good enough friendship and understood each others grows so well that they knew exactly what the other would say and then "assumed" it would be okay with the other person. I have gotten very good advice from both of you.
I wouldnt mind one bit if either one of you answered any questions on my journal! Now of course, it goes with out saying no one should answer any question directed to a specific person about there specific grow system/operation.

If someone asks me a question in my own grow journal, I'd like the opportunity to answer it before others chime in. If I can't answer the question asked, I'll gladly invite others in the know to answer it for me. However, to just answer questions asked to the author in a grow journal that isn't yours is a bit rude. It's one of the main reasons that I avoid others' grow journals. Too many experts who know nothing. I'm not saying that C is one of those, only that those types are the reasons I avoid chiming in on other grow journals. Heck, Many growers will object to other posters even posting their pictures in their grow journal as they want to keep it focused on their own project.

I don't mind the interaction and exchange of info and even posting pictures. In fact, I invite it. However, if someone asks me a question in this journal I want the opportunity to be the first to address it. If I don't know the answer, I'll invite the input of those who do.

I mean no offense to anyone but I don't think I'm being unreasonable in asking for that.

You, being inexperienced may not have a problem with others speaking for you simply because at times you don't know the answer -- and that's ok.
If someone asks me a question in my own grow journal, I'd like the opportunity to answer it before others chime in. If I can't answer the question asked, I'll gladly invite others in the know to answer it for me. However, to just answer questions asked to the author in a grow journal that isn't yours is a bit rude. It's one of the main reasons that I avoid others' grow journals. Too many experts who know nothing. I'm not saying that C is one of those, only that those types are the reasons I avoid chiming in on other grow journals. Heck, Many growers will object to other posters even posting their pictures in their grow journal as they want to keep it focused on their own project.

I don't mind the interaction and exchange of info and even posting pictures. In fact, I invite it. However, if someone asks me a question in this journal I want the opportunity to be the first to address it. If I don't know the answer, I'll invite the input of those who do.

I mean no offense to anyone but I don't think I'm being unreasonable in asking for that.

You, being inexperienced may not have a problem with others speaking for you simply because at times you don't know the answer -- and that's ok.

Absolutely 100% on the same page 420fied! Im so glad you said something it makes the future a little easier on here. Thats just common sense stuff to me! Basic "manors" & "respect" towards others.

I can understand about posting pics, that did confuse me sometimes reading thru others journals. BUT I found that if you actually read them you are not confused for long. LOL! I believe it was you that said "Im convinced no one reads these journals I feel like I have answered the same question a 100X". or something like that!:rofl:
The plants on table 1 range in age from days 30-58. The plants closest to the camera are obviously the youngest but they're starting to nug up pretty good.


Table 2 plants range in age from 7-20 days. The oldest are nearest the camera.


The light mover on table 1 has the bulb within 6 inches of the tops as I am pushing to test my limits.

Good growing everyone.
Lovely garden you got there that will be a month of harvest its like an extended Christmas made just for you bro, best wishes here. Keep growing:Namaste:
Nice journal. Surprised it took me so long to find.. busy in here..a grow journal with titties IS the place to be.
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