Mars II 1600! Super Monster Scrog Pounder

Depends on what you are trying to do and other factors about your grow. How big is the grow area in sq feet? Do you have a separate veg and bloom areas or just one grow area which will do both? Etc. The application you desire will dictate the tool you need, in this case the lamp size/number.

Yeah.. Then they have the Reflector series and its switchable at the lower Watts that I found.

But I guess my next question would be.. Is there really a need for that switch? Is it really worth it? or should you just get the standard and be happy lol.
dont want to be answering all of the questions in CoF's journal

..for the 1600 the nice thing about the switch is you draw about a 1/3 less of the watts as you would with the bloom on as well. so when you want to just veg, you have the option to leave the same light up and draw less power. then when time to flower, with a flick of a switch you can increase the power and dont have to change a light out.

can you get by with a standard and be happy, yes. its just up to the buyer and what needs you have to be met.

Going to do a 4x4 space for right now. Yeah Veg and Flower all in same space. I wanna go LED have had other people tell me its not worth it. I think it would be.

Thinking about going with this one. Reflector led grow light

But here was the other one that I was looking at. Mars II 900w

The first one is cheaper has the 3 chip instead of the 5 but it covers a lil more area. and has the switch
But hps and led have their benefits. Its completely preference. I use hps and get massive frosty yield, but people can do the same with LED. HPS uses up more nutrients in the plants than LED so you're going to use more nutrients if you go the hps way. But personally I'd like to try out a full LED grow because they look amazing, but I'm going to stick with hps. They are just better for growing faster.
Gee whiz! Glad I had a day off. Many thx 4 all your hard work and patience w/us newbies. Also thx to many of the folx who jumped in w/their good advice. Feel like I took a Master's Course in Herbology in a (full) day. As we say in Hungarian "Koszonom szepen." Thx.

One question: Are these lights made in China? While I have a great respect for the Chinese people and culture, I don't like giving my hard-earned $ to the PRC.

Thx and congratulations on a superb grow.
Gee whiz! Glad I had a day off. Many thx 4 all your hard work and patience w/us newbies. Also thx to many of the folx who jumped in w/their good advice. Feel like I took a Master's Course in Herbology in a (full) day. As we say in Hungarian "Koszonom szepen." Thx.

One question: Are these lights made in China? While I have a great respect for the Chinese people and culture, I don't like giving my hard-earned $ to the PRC.

Thx and congratulations on a superb grow.

To tell you the truth I do not know one Led light being made in the usa and I would bet all others have a china part in them. Yes all of the lights I have are made in china. You can give your money to a usa company that sale's china lights for three times the price. The US market in led has been a huge rip off as far as I am concerned. Two of them have been caught saying made in USA and are made in china. One of them tried to cover it up and say the used all USA parts and shipped them to china to assemble lmao.. Not saying any names (B.D). Other then that, that is my true words and what ever I can do to help just let me know and I will do what I can. I may not respond right away for the next few days being outdoor harvest time but I will as soon as I get a break. I appreciate you stopping by checking out my grow. Keep it growing green..
Well that will put a end to this journal. I would like to thank every one of you that have stopped by and joined me threw this grow. It was a blast. I would also like to thank Hydro grow for making these lights and having them at such a good price. I am truly impressed with the Mars 1600 and it did outstanding on the 5 foot by 5 foot scrog as well as the 144x3 reflectors. I can not wait to see the next round. I hope you all enjoyed the journal and I hope to see you all on the two new journals (maybe three lol) Thank you 420mag and I wish you all the best. CO Finest Is over and out...
Congratulations on your harvest CO Finest, and thank you for all of your teachings.:adore:
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

In the future, whenever you complete a journal, please use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post, so we can be alerted to move it for you.

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

Starting of with Bomb berry aka Godzilla.
It has a light blue berry taste and is very strong berry smell in the vault.
5 min from smoking It had me in the couch relaxed. They say there is some sativa effects witch on this batch I really did not find true.
Now it does have blueberry mother and it could just be that seed had more bomb #1 in it. Every seed is a little different.
Only needed a few puffs and it did the job. I would use as a nap time or sack time smoke. They say it turns purple real easy. I would not know. I am not a fan of making plants cold at night just to change color. The sad part is I have seen people win bud of the month just for making there buds purple lol. If your that hard up throw your plant in the fridge. I smoke green not color crap.
Ash was nice and wight too light gray (flushed very well).
Now This strain is one of the easiest ones to grow hands down. If you are looking for a berry plant and do not want pay a lot of attention to it this is the plant for you. She does drink a ton of water so be ready to feed the beast. Awesome for scrog. Now the best part is the HEAVY bud weight. A 1/4 oz looks like a 1/8. They are nice and heavy if grown right.

Hawaiian Haze aka Mothra.
Now this plant was some crazy work.
It smells fruit with flower's and taste like fruit cocktail in a can.
I took a few hits and felt like I was on speed. Going non stop.
Ash was white.
Now for the growing it is on another level.
It likes to lolly pop it self and make one heck of a mess. It will drop tons of leafs it feels it does not need so be ready to clean twice a week or more. It wanted twice as much cal/mag as any normal plant I have grown. Now this plant likes to bush up no matter how you are growing it so be ready to trim her a lot so she does not give you a ton of pop corn. Even on the top of net she will need to be trimmed to keep her from making busy spots. She also loves to stretch in the first two weeks about 12" under a scrog. She also like extra nitrogen and phosphorus during veg and the first two weeks of flower. I would say DO NOT grow this plant if you are new to growing or if you do not have a lot of room for her to grow. Be ready for a very LONG flower. This girl can take three months under hps or outside. It did about 10 weeks under LED. My Hps it took 12 weeks...
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