Matticusss - White Widow - DWC - 2015 LED Grow Log

Picture Time

Heres WW#1



Heres WW#2



And the Big Bang


Well I can honestly say that they are not looking very well, they are kind of droopy lookin, hopefully some time under the lights will make them feel and look better.
Subscribed Matticuss, close call with the landlord. Good read and lots of info. ++reps
Thanks for the reps:thumb:

Picture Time!

So here is WW#1 her tops are looking great! Internodal growth is growing out nicely, several budding sites already developing 5 finger leafs. Has a very strong Marijuana smell all around the plant, its also starting to grow taller, finally thank god. It was growing at a really messed up angle so I tied the pink line around the ziptie around the stalk and pulled it more straight. Heres the pics I took them all before the light came on.




Here is WW#2, she is doing a lot better as well, it looks like she now has 3 tops because of the fimming, YAY! Her internodal growth is also growing nicely, heres her pics




And lastly heres the big bang,


Light came on at 2 30pm today and will go off at 8 30 am giving it a full 18/6 light schedule, I replaced all the bucket waters and nutes as well as added 2tsp of 3%H2O2 into each bucket, and 8ml of calmag into each bucket. Ph is 5.7-5.9. bucket temps are sitting around 73F Best I can do in 115F+ temps outside, the temp inside the tent is between 79f- and 85F. The air outflow is set to max on the pump and the closest i could get to 45% humidity was 34%. I live in the desert not very humid air here.

I plan on switching to flower in 5 days! I will then change all the water in the buckets and give them flower nutes. Im not concerned about the big bang since its an auto flower and will be done around the same time as these plants and the lighting schedule for the auto flower can be 12/12 from seed. I know Im really shortening my possible yield by not letting them veg as much as I want them to but this recent scare with the landlord has made me want to harvest before our next inspection.

So the wife and I were talking and she brought up the idea of just getting the MB machine on next payday and get an oz or 2 of really good trim from the dispensary, and using the MB machine to make Tinctures in the meantime until harvest. Anyone actually have and use this for making tinctures? how potent are they using this product?
Your temps are ok and everything looks well. MB machine? Like a magic butter machine? I didnt know they could be used for making other stuff, thats interesting!
It's all good Matticuss, the little trees will have lots more light with smaller canopies, I wouldn't recommend trimming anymore for an optimum flowering experience. That WW looks bad ass, hope to see nice buds! keep it up!!

yeah a magic butter machine, were gonna go ahead and get one and try it out making tinctures.

Picture Time!

Heres WW#1, Shes looking beautiful very dark green great intermodal growth, the topping is looking very nice, I will be changing nute water again tonight, but its because starting tomorrow its going on a flower schedule, which means light wont be going on until 8pm. the light currently shuts off at 8 am which will put the plant on a 12/12 light schedule, I will be doing this with all 3 plants tonight, so that tomorrow they already have their flower nutes, well heres the pics of WW#1





Heres is WW#2 her fimming is looking better, but im noticing some tears on some of the fan leaves, they are very small im wondering if its from me pressing the fan leaves down to bend the plant? but heres her pics as well she has developed most of these roots over the last 2 days.






And here is the Big Bang, it still has not grown very much yet, still waiting for it to take off.

I have also been adding in 2tsp of H2O2 every day into each bucket to help prevent root rot from high temps, the ice thing works but only for about 15 minutes then the temps are back up near 80F again. I am also stopping foliar spray since I want the plants to produce a lot of resin in flower. for all waterings that I do to keep the rockwool moist will just be done with a syringe and soaking the rockwool at the base of the stalk of each plant. I also plan on raising the light to around 28in above the plants to help induce a larger stretch. If im wrong please let me know.

Thanks vlad WW#1 is by far looking the best hopefully it keeps it up!
Alright so heres an update. Me and the wife just finished changing out all the buckets, cleaning them, and the AIT Spyder for the air bubbles. Added 7ml CALMAG+ to each bucket. 2tsp of H2O2 to each bucket. The Big Bang got 5ml of FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom. WW#1 and WW#2 got 15ml of FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom each. PPMs are 1050 for WW#1 and WW#2. PPM for Big Bang 485. PH is 5.7 - 5.9. Room temp is 83F and Humidity is 37%. Bucket temps stay above 75F. I cant freeze ice fast enough to keep the temps down, and water chillers are kinda pricey at the moment. So im supplementing my adding 2tsp of H2O2 to each bucket everyday.
tomorrow morning the light will turn off at 8am. I will then start its 12 hour dark cycle to make it start flowering. Turning its light on at 8pm. Should I be having the fan and filter be running 24/7? I do have a fan at the bottom of the tent as well, so I was wondering if it should be on 24/7 as well?
tomorrow morning the light will turn off at 8am. I will then start its 12 hour dark cycle to make it start flowering. Turning its light on at 8pm. Should I be having the fan and filter be running 24/7? I do have a fan at the bottom of the tent as well, so I was wondering if it should be on 24/7 as well?

Yes keep the fans going all the time. Plants like to have co2 supplement but if that is not possible, stirring the air around them is next best thing. Good job keeping your pH and ppm in line

Alright so heres another update.

So today counts as flower day 1. WW#1 went from seed to flower in 29 days, WW#2 went from seed to flower in 22 days, and big bang in just over 10 days, since big bnag is auto flower im not really concerned about or counting veg and flower days. im a few weeks short on all of them of what I intended to veg them for, hopefully I will make it up by keeping the lights raised to 28 inches above the tops of the plants making them stretch a little more to put on more size.

Next Monday I will be changing the nutrient buckets with a better N P K ratio for flowering, this week I used the recommended dosage of each nute for transition week.

I am anxious to see if there is a difference in growth and in the plants in general after keeping them in the dark for 12 hours. I am also looking into the best way to monster crop plants. I figure I can get away with an inspection with the grow box growing some clones, that is easy to conceal as a gun cabinet. And it would be perfect timing to, I would have taken the clones and harvest the plants before inspection, clones would be growing in the box until after inspection for stealth reasons. then I would grow out all my clones in the tent after inspection. By George I think I got it figured out! If all goes to plan, I would be able to do a full grow with the clones off these plants. And If you could possibly yield more by monster cropping then I figure why the hell not give it a shot. I will take 8 clones, if all 8 take then ill buy 4 more bucket, but if I lose half of them, then I am still set to grow!
Thanks guys, Im working hard on having a decent harvest with all the roadbumps im having. I am a little concerned about taking the leafs off but it look really cramped and those stems and leafs were blocking light from getting to lower branches. Hope it recovers. I will update tomorrow with more pics when I turn on the light. until then good luck with everyones grows, may we all grow 1 pounders!
Picture Time!

Heres WW#1




Heres WW#2




And here is the Big Bang


I added 2tsp of H2O2 to each bucket. I also PHd every bucket to 6.0. I adjusted the light from 28in above the canopy to around 17in above the canopy of both WW#1 and WW#2. I will take a video and post it in the next hour or so. stay tuned
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