Mel's ViparSpectra XS 2000 Sponsored Grow - Blueberry & Northern Lights

Took my time with the snow, so I'm not sore today, but it does mean I didn't get in there to place the carhooks last night.
I'll do it after supper.
I also might have jumped the gun saying I needed to give the Blueberry calmag. We'll see, but those yellow leaves with the rust spots don't seem to be progressing, so I'm going to stay the course with the mag nitrate for now.

ViparSpectra XS2000

@Canuk Seeds

@Herbies Seeds

Girls looking healthy
Thanks Jack!
ya see :) I'm so glad you took them!
So am I!
Don't injure yourself playing in the snow, the Carhooks® await your return!
Thanks Shed, no injuries! It did snow for almost 24 hours though!
Carhooks are in. We'll see how long it takes for the leaves to reorient themselves.
There are a couple of leaves touching the soil now, so I'll be trimming them off. There are also a lot of tiny shoots that are getting some light now, and with the branches horizontal again I'm hoping to see them start shooting up.

ViparSpectra XS2000

@Canuk Seeds

@Herbies Seeds

Hey @Melville Hobbes! Just got caught up on everything! The xs is working out great for you! I also have an xs going right now, along with a p1000. I'm still trying to dial in my light but not sure if I can depend on Photone app or not.. Tent Buddy app was way different readings. Oh well. Yours look great and love the LST. I think I'm going back to photos next grow to try something like that.
They're back up!
I'm starting to tuck the fans to get light to the shoots, and the Blueberry is mostly cooperating, she has a nicely even canopy so far.
The Zkittlez wants to grow wild, and is growing really fast. I'm thinking I might end up topping her main shoots to get the others growing, and to slow her down a bit. Let the Blueberry catch up in height.
Of course doing that hasn't really worked out well in the past.

ViparSpectra XS2000

@Canuk Seeds

@Herbies Seeds

Hey @Melville Hobbes! Just got caught up on everything! The xs is working out great for you! I also have an xs going right now, along with a p1000. I'm still trying to dial in my light but not sure if I can depend on Photone app or not.. Tent Buddy app was way different readings. Oh well. Yours look great and love the LST. I think I'm going back to photos next grow to try something like that.
Thanks Renaissance Man!
Good to have you here! I haven't used Photone yet. I mostly adjust the lights based on what the plants are telling me. So far these two seem pretty happy, but it might be smart to find out what the readings are just the same.
I've only grown one auto so far, but I'll be trying some outdoors this summer. I'd like to find out if they're a good fit for this area. The season came come to a pretty abrupt halt some years!
The young ladies are looking lush and green! :thumb:
end up topping her main shoots to get the others growing, and to slow her down a bit
I really had a proper laugh when I saw her. Wow! Now, if you do cut those tops.... how wide is this chick going to get? Won't they multiply?
Of course doing that hasn't really worked out well in the past.
What went wrong? Remind me please.
The young ladies are looking lush and green! :thumb:
Thanks CM!
I really had a proper laugh when I saw her. Wow! Now, if you do cut those tops.... how wide is this chick going to get? Won't they multiply?

What went wrong? Remind me please.
Yeah, she would get wider, but for now I still have room for that. I just don't want to have to sort out something to raise the Blueberry up if Zkittlez gets too much taller than her. Of course I won't know if I need to do that until stretch is over, lol.
It's like the DSD grow, when I topped the DSD #33 to try to let the DSD catch up.
She didn't really slow down, and stretched more than the DSD anyway. So she ended up both wider and taller.
I’d like to see them too. CL🍀
The clones?
Here you go!
Great job Mel👍CL🍀
Thanks Cap!
Might need to get the other half of @Carcass' pool noodle in there!
Postage might be a bit much!
I'll probably be putting in a dowel or two. They're 60cm long so they'll definitely fit on the diagonal.
Hey Mel, what are you using to take your pics?

Such crisp shots of your lovely veg girls are just a delight to look at.

Its also nice to following along your grow with similar strains.
Thanks DV8!
I'm using my new phone, Samsung Galaxy A13. I'm not sure how many megapixels it sets itself at for standard pics, but it can go as high as 50mp if I choose to.
When I do that the pics are about 12mb, where the standard ones are 2.5 before I crop them.
Two days in a row I've been a little late turning the lights on. I'd better make sure I don't keep doing that. It shouldn't be a problem, it's just two days and they still got a bit over 14 hours of light, but I'm kind of counting on giving them at least two more weeks of veg.
They're still rolling right along though.

ViparSpectra XS2000

@Canuk Seeds

@Herbies Seeds

All three Blueberry clones have been put into soil, as have all three of the rooted Zkittlez clones. There are two more Zkittlez cuttings still waiting on roots.
The tops of both have rooted, and been put into soil.

ViparSpectra XS2000

@Canuk Seeds

Blueberry Clones

@Herbies Seeds

Zkittlez Clones

There you go Shed!
Very healthy looking roots 😍 are you using Myco?CL🍀
I loved that blueberry from canuk so much, that I'm going to have to pop a seed of it. A year and a half later... I'm down to my last 7g in a Mason jar. I personally grow with Gaia Green, and continuously re-ammend my medium.. so I use blue labs pulse probe to show me where my ec/moisture/temp is at in my medium. And one of the things I remember, was that this strain required less nutrition than most of my other strains.
They seem to have greened up really well Mel :welldone:I also really like watching you place the hooks. They are always so neat and symmetrical. It must be cold there now.... how many degrees?
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