Millertm's Outdoor Grow

Few after feed shots (yesterday), all looks well. Pictures.


Few after feed shots (yesterday), all looks well. Pictures.


Hell yeah man!!! Getting frosty too!!! The rain is about to be here, hope you got your gh settled up!!
I meant for the rain. It's supposed to get here tomorrow.
I'm trying to be funny, ha. Green house on way, hopefully tomorrow or next day. Light rain here now, not enough to worry about mold yet. How's it going at your place. I'll come by in a few.

I'm trying to be funny, ha. Green house on way, hopefully tomorrow or next day. Light rain here now, not enough to worry about mold yet. How's it going at your place. I'll come by in a few.

Yeah, I was thinking the rain was going to be a little worse lol

My place is chuggin along. Hoping the temp stays in the 50s at night. Looks like a Greenhouse heater will be soon.
Hi millertm

Just finished reading through your journal. I'm on the other side of the country. Has been very humid here off and on. At least it goes away for a day or so. Can get plants to dry out. I bet you're real glad you didn't cut them when looking at the amount of bud there now. They look awesome as they always do laden with bud! Your greenhouse should do the trick. Must be pretty brutal.

Well, just wanted to introduce myself (a newb) and express how much I learned from your journal. Thank you.
morning miller,i've been gone for eleven days and wow what a difference your girls are looking good budding up nice and frosty good job love it!:thumb:

Man, its raining hard today, I need my greenhouse very soon. 2" in two days is a lot of rain.

If your around the house and the rain stops,, go shake your plants... Or hit the main stem with a rolled up newspaper or something of that nature. I have my 3 larger plants out there in it.. I'm thinking the buds aren't rock hard and should dry as soon as it stops. Even by dragging some plants under the patio,, it doesn't help alot. Sure keeps them dry and that's a big thing,,, but as temps drop and humidity climbs,,, mold spores are on the hunt for a host. And any bud will do,,, come dew point in the mornings,,, everything is wet enough to germinate them suckers..... You could make one of them hoop houses pretty cheap,, if your going to go that far.

I swear next year I'm going with these fast plants.. Could've done harvested them by now. And here I still haven't sampled it yet.. Oh well... GL with the girls and Keepem Green
Thanks, I'll go out and do that now, that green cleaner is also for PM, so im already somewhat protected.

If you repeat your outdoor grow next year you should look into anti-mould bacterial sprays like Serenade (that's just one of the products). They really work well as a preventive measure.
If you repeat your outdoor grow next year you should look into anti-mould bacterial sprays like Serenade (that's just one of the products). They really work well as a preventive measure.
They push that here, its costly though. Lots of Gorilla grower here use that due to the large amounts of rain in the Forrest around here. I'll have my green house to help next year. I'll start out in open and move into GH when needed.

They push that here, its costly though. Lots of Gorilla grower here use that due to the large amounts of rain in the Forrest around here. I'll have my green house to help next year. I'll start out in open and move into GH when needed.

When it dries out I have some you can blast your ladies with, if you want
Another product that is alittle cheaper than the Green cleaner is SM-90. Stuff runs 20 bucks a liter. I've never used it myself.. it's called a wetting agent,, but works on PM as well. I've used the serenade before with some results. But it's hard to kill it off once it sets in. Buds are kind of water resistant making it hard to every spray a buds center. Takes abit of rain to really soak a bud totally thru and thru. And I don't think a spray bottle wood ever do it, to treat the center of a bud. I'm spraying any plants I bring in with the green cleaner. I do have acouple small 5 gallon plant out there that are going to finish inside.
GL and Keepem Green
So, my Black is leaning over some, but all looks ok so far. Tent tomorrow will be a bit of work but its needed now. Few pictures.


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