My 1st Grow. Nov/2009

ok it has got much worse within the past few days and stunt the growth i did what you suggested didimauw and found out there "fungus nats" yeh... so i put about 1 table spoon of x2 dawny power soap into a quart of water, mixed it put it in a spray bottle, and covered my plant in about 2 sprays.. will continue that weakly. it dos seem to have a strong effect on the nats they stop flying. "hopfuly it deforms/destroys all the eggs" Also i blended 1 part banana to 3 parts water and just waterd it. i might get some sand to suffocate them if they don't go away. . . Orrrr... something with neem oil in it. will be adding fishfood&milk to the water later tonight to help from all the dmg from those god awful nats!╚▒§█
The plant is dead :scratchinghead: I don't think i should of used organic soil... i'm thinking that's why it didn't pull through.
Sorry to hear about your plant.

I'm moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started another grow that you would like to share with us? If so, remember to post your journal here: Journals in Progress

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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