My First Time Growing

OK Dennise, I took some pic's and I hope they are what you are looking for. First up is a bud on her (couldn't get a good pic in daylight, they all kept coming up really hard to see, So I took a pic of the bud with my helper holding a flashlight) The others are in daylight:


Next up is a couple pic's between the stalks

And here's a couple more of the center to be sure I got what you wanted.

Sorry the pic's aren't better. But get better first Dennise, This is just about a plant, your health is the most important thing! I hope they got your B-S's back down to a safe level.
:passitleft: High Smoke... I do exactly the same except I find it easier to completely trim my buds when I first harvest then I put them in the drying racks and let them dry for about 72 hours with a ceiling fan going... then I jar it up loosely with the humidity packs and open it for 30 minutes twice a day for a week then burp it every day for about a week or 10 days then once the stems are dry enough to snap... I seal her up and let her cook...:yahoo:... Hope you are having a blessed and green day....:circllove:

Like Dennise, I completely on harvest day. I trim off all leaves without trichomes and leaf tips without trichomes.
Then I hang or mesh hamper until dry ... except I leave them hanging until the stems snap when bent. It usually takes my room 8-14 days to dry. Once dry, this bodacious herb (spice technically) is either smoked fresh, jarred with a Boveda pack, or both. When the stems snap, no more burping needed.

Some people like closely trimmed buds and trim off leaves to make the buds look pretty. If you do a close, pretty trim, do it after the stems snap - and remember to smoke those trichome ladden leaf tips you trim off - It's the tastiest part of the bud.

I have an entiely different aesthetic than people who like trimming their buds to look neatly machine trimmed . Some people neatly trim grass lawns, while I let my grasses go to seed and encourage volunteer herbs to mix in. The birds and rodents like it uneven, a touch wild ,and tasty - so do I.
Like Dennise, I completely on harvest day. I trim off all leaves without trichomes and leaf tips without trichomes.
Then I hang or mesh hamper until dry ... except I leave them hanging until the stems snap when bent. It usually takes my room 8-14 days to dry. Once dry, this bodacious herb (spice technically) is either smoked fresh, jarred with a Boveda pack, or both. When the stems snap, no more burping needed.

Some people like closely trimmed buds and trim off leaves to make the buds look pretty. If you do a close, pretty trim, do it after the stems snap - and remember to smoke those trichome ladden leaf tips you trim off - It's the tastiest part of the bud.

I have an entiely different aesthetic than people who like trimming their buds to look neatly machine trimmed . Some people neatly trim grass lawns, while I let my grasses go to seed and encourage volunteer herbs to mix in. The birds and rodents like it uneven, a touch wild ,and tasty - so do I.

Thanks Rad! I love the way you look at it. That's the same way I feel, If it's there and can make me hurt less and feel better, why trim it off to look pretty? I just want it to work.
By any chance, Does anyone know if the Boveda 62% humidity packs are reusable or a one time use only? I'm trying to figure out the cheapest but effective way to keep up the humidity where I store my harvests after drying. I'm not using any right now and the weed is starting to get real dry. Thanks!
Absolutely reusable. They can be re hydrated or dried out. I have never done either but for sure it can be done. google "re hydrate or recharge boveda"

I think/hope they last a good long time !

Does your camera have a macro setting?The macro is what get close focus. just curious if i could help.

Thanks Keltic, but the camera doesn't have many setting including no macro settings.
Please help! I'm a new grower and new to the page. My plant was doing great now it's dying I'm not sure how to post a new question and/or post pics so I can get help

Korjaxaud, I'm fairly new to when it comes to growing (In fact I'm growing only to get off the narcotics my Doc has me on) , and I am still learning stuff all the time. The best way to get your questions answered is by starting a grow journal of your own to keep track of your grow, adding it's URL into your signature so that people can jump to your page. You will also want to ask question's on different Journals to get people to notice you.

My journal has really slowed down and I don't know how much help you'll find here but your welcome to ask anything here, But the one thing your going to need if you want help, is a camera. The great growers here thrive on pic's to help diagnose or see your plant and anything unusual.

Just out of curiosity, what is your soil (store/dug up or did you make it yourself?)? But try to get a pic of your plant and post it so the really good growers can see what they think is wrong. I'm most definitely not trying to make it sound complicated and if your having difficulties uploading pic's, Here are the directions I typed up before for other people having troubles with pic's. But right now :420:is having problems with their uploads, it sounds like nobody can upload pic's right now. Oh well, here's the directions for uploading a pic.

Thank you and Welcome! The way I upload a photo is :
First, make sure the file is a .JPG, Then at the top hit Gallery along the top bar, A drop down window will appear. Select (towards the bottom of the drop down menu) Upload Photo's .

It will take you to a page that towards the bottom it says select files for upload. Hit that selection where it says select files for upload.
That will show you your drives, Choose the file(s) you want to upload. Repeat that step until you have the all the photos you want to upload,

Then at the bottom, it says upload submit, You need to hit that. It will take you to another page where it shows your Photo(s) you have selected.

At the bottom is a button that says Process. Hit Process.

After that, when you want to upload your photo(s), start a post and at the bottom of your post is a box that says My Photo's . Hit that.
A window will pop up that shows all your pic's you just uploaded, Just click once on each photo(s) you want to put in the post.
It will insert a line of code that shows the photo location. Once you have done all that and entered your text, You should hit post quick reply like you did to send this post.
It sounds complicated, but unless I'm missing something (I'm sure someone will correct me if I skipped a step) it is pretty easy and you should be all set.

One tip, when I was learning to upload pic's, I copied and pasted directions like this into notebook or a wordpad new file and printed it up. Just follow the steps and you should be all set.

BTW, You can ask me anything about your grow and if I know the answer, I'll help as much as I can.Growing can be expensive (I was told it works out to about $80.00 an oz.). What type of light(s) are you using and what is the time schedule you have for the lights on/off, In other words, how long is your plants light on in 24 hours?Are you growing in a tent, closet, etc.?
From looking around I hope my Bovedas last a year.
Boveda web site says you watch for the pack to become rigid.

Thanks Keltic! As soon as I can afford to get them I'll keep that in mind. Right now, I'm just drying my weed in a side panel of a dresser. It works good for drying, but if I leave it in there too long it REALLY dries out. I'm planning on putting a little humidifier in with the weed after it's dried out to keep it fresh.
That sounds great Smoke. I dry mine in a paper bag. Drying is the hardest for me. My first really great plant got all screwed up dried too much. But it is better than getting moldy which I did too. So I stress over the post harvest a bit.

I guess the cigar people have been keeping fresh smoke for a long time so Bovedas make a lot of sense to me. I got the Bovedas this year, bovedas 62. They are supposed to keep humidity around 62% so they can both add or subtract humidity. That is just pure magic to me. I have not had a large harvest yet to stick in my jar with one yet, My wife is smoking it as fast as I dry it. Which is what it is for. But I have not had to store any dry bud for longer than 2 weeks since I got them. I guess i need more bud:hmmmm:
I cannot say they are the bees knees yet. But I have hope.
That sounds great Smoke. I dry mine in a paper bag. Drying is the hardest for me. My first really great plant got all screwed up dried too much. But it is better than getting moldy which I did too. So I stress over the post harvest a bit.

I guess the cigar people have been keeping fresh smoke for a long time so Bovedas make a lot of sense to me. I got the Bovedas this year, bovedas 62. They are supposed to keep humidity around 62% so they can both add or subtract humidity. That is just pure magic to me. I have not had a large harvest yet to stick in my jar with one yet, My wife is smoking it as fast as I dry it. Which is what it is for. But I have not had to store any dry bud for longer than 2 weeks since I got them. I guess i need more bud:hmmmm:
I cannot say they are the bees knees yet. But I have hope.

As soon as I can afford it, I'm going to order a few of those Bovedas 62 packs. My last harvests got a little too dry and I want to keep the ones coming up (like the Truthband that I started harvesting this morning - just giving my back a break right now) that I want to keep from drying out so much. Thanks Keltic, I appreciate the input!
Absolutely reusable. They can be re hydrated or dried out. I have never done either but for sure it can be done. google "re hydrate or recharge boveda"

I think/hope they last a good long time !

Does your camera have a macro setting?The macro is what get close focus. just curious if i could help.

Yep. I reuse them all the time - a little over 2 years so far.

By any chance, Does anyone know if the Boveda 62% humidity packs are reusable or a one time use only? I'm trying to figure out the cheapest but effective way to keep up the humidity where I store my harvests after drying. I'm not using any right now and the weed is starting to get real dry. Thanks!

The Boveda packs make small changes easily over long periods of time. They are not good for storing too wet cannabis, it has to dry first. They are good at slowly adding moisture back into too dry cannabis.

From looking around I hope my Bovedas last a year.
Boveda web site says you watch for the pack to become rigid.

When the pack becomes dry and rigid it is time to rehydrate. This happens to mee a lot when someone takes the top off a jar, finishes the weed inside, and leaves the top off or loose. Some weeks or months later I find a jar with 3 leaves and a dry biveda pack.

That sounds great Smoke. I dry mine in a paper bag. Drying is the hardest for me. My first really great plant got all screwed up dried too much. But it is better than getting moldy which I did too. So I stress over the post harvest a bit.

I guess the cigar people have been keeping fresh smoke for a long time so Bovedas make a lot of sense to me. I got the Bovedas this year, bovedas 62. They are supposed to keep humidity around 62% so they can both add or subtract humidity. That is just pure magic to me. I have not had a large harvest yet to stick in my jar with one yet, My wife is smoking it as fast as I dry it. Which is what it is for. But I have not had to store any dry bud for longer than 2 weeks since I got them. I guess i need more bud:hmmmm:
I cannot say they are the bees knees yet. But I have hope.

One small boveda pack seems about right for up to 2 oz of herb. We have had good success with a 'nug jar' where buds from several different harvests are stored in labelled baggies and tossed in the same jar. Maybe not for ziplock baggies, but for the old-fashiened foldover sandwich bags, one boveda pack works for a jar of baggies.

- - - -

My simple Boveda pack rehydration technique

1. Place the dry packs into a glass full of water for 1-4 days (until they feel like a smooth gel inside.)
2. Set them on the counter to dry for 2 days.

No worries about placing the packs directy in water. The colors don't run. The 'paper' bag doesn't tear.
Thanks Radogast! I was wondering about those things. I'm drying it first, but the Boveda packs will come in handy later once I get it dried out and I can get some packs. Thanks again Rad, I'm going to miss you during your time away for your move. You have treated me so good, and taught me so much. I can't express how grateful I am!
Thanks Radogast! I was wondering about those things. I'm drying it first, but the Boveda packs will come in handy later once I get it dried out and I can get some packs. Thanks again Rad, I'm going to miss you during your time away for your move. You have treated me so good, and taught me so much. I can't express how grateful I am!

I'll probably be around . It's hard to say when I'm not actually growing.

Sorry I talk so 'teachy' most of the time.

when I say
1. Place the dry packs into a glass full of water for 1-4 days
what I really do is
Look through all the coffee mugs and try to decide which coffee cup fits my mood... Willie Nelson 'First Aid' in cannabis green is the obvious choice, but there is also something to be said for 'flags of famous pirates' and 'Niagara Falls.' ... Because when you place the Boveda packs into Willie's mug the little hydration engineers inside the pack just relax and listen to good tunes... but when those water engineers are facing Edward Teach and walking the plank the packs often dive headfirst into the mug of water with insouciance only to face Davey Jones... and when those watery buggers tumble over Niagara Falls they might run into a plessyosaurus like Nessie or a river monster of a catfish where they thrash around in desperation.
so I usually just say .. "Place the dry packs into a glass full of water"
What Rad said all the way...:high-five: the 62% humidity packs works amazingly well and the packs stay liquid for a really long time... I've got some I have been using for over 2 years and they aren't crispy in the least... Out of all of them I have I think maybe 2 got hard on me and that's because I left them out of any kind of container in the secretary and this is an old drafty house... They didn't last to long.... don't do that...:thedoubletake:
The pics you posted for me were perfect and IMO she is ready to chop.... She doesn't look like she is swollen still and I don't see any new pistols so I think you're there my friend....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:
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