Need help please second grow and first time in soilless showing deficiencies


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm on my second grow, first time using soilless medium, strain is Pineapple Express from extremely rootbound clones. I put them In my 3 x 3 sgroged down and vegged for 3 weeks. I think they are ok but should be better. I see signs of nutrient deficiencies and I have been told to ph to 6.2. I know I may have over watered and it is most likely why I have droopy leaves. All plants get the same gh flora series nutes. And currently on flip/ transition schedule right off the bottle. Using tap water that start at 60-70 ppm so I use 2/3 the recommended cal mag and I mix 5 gallons at a time using the guide in the bottle. Based on 4 gal one so it's about 80% strength. Watering is usually about once per week. Pots are 3 gallons I think. To me it looks like a little cal mag issue. And maybe nitrogen. The plant on the left are a little more pale green and droopy, It's growing a bit slow. The light is new bridgelux eb2 build putting out 300 watts. Supplemented with lizard uvb bulbs. For the missing uv. It's just starting flower in the first few days and like to make sure I make the best decision to clear this up rather than make it worse as flower and stretch starts. At first I thought it was only the old leafs from stressed clones however those few leaves just started to appear over the last week. I'm thinking I need to let plants dry out more and drop the ph as I believe I was given wrong info and go back to 5.8. I just want to make sure It's not a lock out as I believe I been trying to play it safe . Nutes per gallon used are 1 tsp calmag, 2 micro, 2 grow,2 bloom, 1 liquid koolbloom bloom. That is x4 in 5 gal of water roughly weekly. Over the last 3 weeks( was using aggressive grow schedule last week). Will be adding in floralishis(however you spell that) starting next watering. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Hey Sonman - their overall healthy looks good to me. Nice and green. They are looking rather droopy - how often are you watering? Heading into flower now you'll have a couple leaves fading slowly but surely on the lower end :yummy: Have you got a grow journal going? :headbanger:
Hi Sonman,
As Emilya already pointed out it would be helpful to know what type of medium you have exactly?
I run soilless (Sunshine Mix #4) and really like it. You treat it the same as regular soil. Coco is a different animal though. You need to water and ph differently with coco compared to other soilless mixes.
Sunshine Mix #4 is mostly peat mixed with a bit of lime and perlite.
From my understanding most soiless mixes with the exception of coco is to be ph'ed at 6.5. The acceptable range is 6.3 - 6.7. I keep my ph within this range but usually try to get spot on 6.5 most of the time.
At the end of the day a couple discolored leaves is usually not a big deal. Your plants look healthy other than a slight wilt but perhaps this photo was taken at the end of a dry cycle? or perhaps you have been overwatering a little?
Have you read Emilya's post on watering? It's a great read. The only time you don't want to let your plants get too dry is during flower. You want to keep a more consistent moisture level during flower but again... don't over do it. There is a fine balance between sufficient moisture and too wet.
I'm running sunshinemix #4 as well. That's where I'm getting mixed info. Some say 5.8 others say 6.2+ I have been setting to 6.2 ad run off that come out is 6.0 and 6.1 (mig range between both recommendations). this pic it definitely is a bit over watered and won't be due for another feed and water for maybe 3-4 days. Light just came on in so tent it is cooler , it goes up about to 26ish grow log yet though I may do one next grow. Friend of mine that gave me the clones said the pineapples are sensitive. So I'm trying to be a little extra proactive. My first run was dwc. It way easier in some ways however much more work overall. Next run I think I'm dropping the scrog and sticking with LST as I'm way too hurtin to be crawling under for lollypoping.
Well I dried the plant out well, dropped the ph back to 5.8 added a tiny bit of silicia and all is well. Guess the plants want to be cozy at the hydro ph. It's only day 10 of flower. Just for the record here is the results basically a week later. The kids are happy :) . before and after pics together. And I'm happy thanks @Emilya, solid advise.


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Hi, I'm on my second grow, first time using soilless medium, strain is Pineapple Express from extremely rootbound clones. I put them In my 3 x 3 sgroged down and vegged for 3 weeks. I think they are ok but should be better. I see signs of nutrient deficiencies and I have been told to ph to 6.2. I know I may have over watered and it is most likely why I have droopy leaves. All plants get the same gh flora series nutes. And currently on flip/ transition schedule right off the bottle. Using tap water that start at 60-70 ppm so I use 2/3 the recommended cal mag and I mix 5 gallons at a time using the guide in the bottle. Based on 4 gal one so it's about 80% strength. Watering is usually about once per week. Pots are 3 gallons I think. To me it looks like a little cal mag issue. And maybe nitrogen. The plant on the left are a little more pale green and droopy, It's growing a bit slow. The light is new bridgelux eb2 build putting out 300 watts. Supplemented with lizard uvb bulbs. For the missing uv. It's just starting flower in the first few days and like to make sure I make the best decision to clear this up rather than make it worse as flower and stretch starts. At first I thought it was only the old leafs from stressed clones however those few leaves just started to appear over the last week. I'm thinking I need to let plants dry out more and drop the ph as I believe I was given wrong info and go back to 5.8. I just want to make sure It's not a lock out as I believe I been trying to play it safe . Nutes per gallon used are 1 tsp calmag, 2 micro, 2 grow,2 bloom, 1 liquid koolbloom bloom. That is x4 in 5 gal of water roughly weekly. Over the last 3 weeks( was using aggressive grow schedule last week). Will be adding in floralishis(however you spell that) starting next watering. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.

I did post a comment. But I misread your post and thought you were using PH perfect stuff. So my comments are invalid! Good luck
They are much happier Sonman :yummy:
Yeah I can't wrap my head around that soiless stuff iether. Its not soil, it's not Coco and it's not hydro. How the hell are you meant to treat the stuff?
Some say the treat it like Coco, others swear that kills them and it's to be treated like soil.
I've given up trying to advise on the stuff. Been at this 4 years and honestly can't figure it out at all. Seems to be all the worst traits of all the methods thrown into one.
@Johnny5thesim, I appreciate all feedback regardless. I was on the fence and considered but this plant clearly loves the lower ph. Think my ph was drifting up which is why I chose to go lower. Nothing else crumpled back after the change and looks better then ever. Thanks either way. Gives me more to think about , cheers.
just tossing out an update, things are going well . Just finished week 5 of flower. Looks like should be right in track, may 3-4 weeks left. Just flushed out some excess nutes before the final push with dry koolbloom Only regret is not using 5 gallon pots.


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I grow in Sunshine#4 as well. I use the hydro PH range and aim for between 5.6 and 5.8.
Anything over 5.9 is pushing the limit for me. I spent a few misguided years running the plants at 6.5 ish and they always showed issues in flowering. I did a side by test run once using (if I remember right) PH 5.5 for one clone and 6.5 for the other. After a month the high ph one was so sickly it got tossed, while the low ph clone was twice as big and in perfect health.

I don’t see any confusion around soilless Barney. To me it’s similar to coco as far as it’s a (mostly) inert hydroponic medium. The difference is it isn’t nearly as aerated so is watered much less often, therefore usually on a weekly feeding schedule rather than a daily one.
just tossing out an update, things are going well . Just finished week 5 of flower. Looks like should be right in track, may 3-4 weeks left. Just flushed out some excess nutes before the final push with dry koolbloom Only regret is not using 5 gallon pots.
You mean your not happy with that being your second grow???
You wish the roots had more room so they'd be even bigger?
You've smashed as much as can be smashed mate.
[QUOrTE="Weaselcracker, post: 4525171, member: 222044"]
I grow in Sunshine#4 as well. I use the hydro PH range and aim for between 5.6 and 5.8.
Anything over 5.9 is pushing the limit for me. I spent a few misguided years running the plants at 6.5 ish and they always showed issues in flowering. I did a side by test run once using (if I remember right) PH 5.5 for one clone and 6.5 for the other. After a month the high ph one was so sickly it got tossed, while the low ph clone was twice as big and in perfect health.

I don’t see any confusion around soilless Barney. To me it’s similar to coco as far as it’s a (mostly) inert hydroponic medium. The difference is it isn’t nearly as aerated so is watered much less often, therefore usually on a weekly feeding schedule rather than a daily one.
Good to know. What nutrients do you use? I'm using gh flora. hoping to sem lots more swelling. Before this is done
You mean your not happy with that being your second grow???
You wish the roots had more room so they'd be even bigger?
You've smashed as much as can be smashed mate.
Well my new light and new to soil I was not sure what to expect. I see what my friends get from the same strain and looks like it will be damn close to what he gets. I'm very impressed either way. Thanks.
[QUOrTE="Weaselcracker, post: 4525171, member: 222044"]
I grow in Sunshine#4 as well. I use the hydro PH range and aim for between 5.6 and 5.8.
Anything over 5.9 is pushing the limit for me. I spent a few misguided years running the plants at 6.5 ish and they always showed issues in flowering. I did a side by test run once using (if I remember right) PH 5.5 for one clone and 6.5 for the other. After a month the high ph one was so sickly it got tossed, while the low ph clone was twice as big and in perfect health.

I don’t see any confusion around soilless Barney. To me it’s similar to coco as far as it’s a (mostly) inert hydroponic medium. The difference is it isn’t nearly as aerated so is watered much less often, therefore usually on a weekly feeding schedule rather than a daily one.
Good to know. What nutrients do you use? I'm using gh flora. hoping to sem lots more swelling. Before this is done

Botanicare, for the moment anyway.
just tossing out an update, things are going well . Just finished week 5 of flower. Looks like should be right in track, may 3-4 weeks left. Just flushed out some excess nutes before the final push with dry koolbloom Only regret is not using 5 gallon pots.

Nice recovery! Hope you have smooth sailing from here.
just tossing out an update, things are going well . Just finished week 5 of flower. Looks like should be right in track, may 3-4 weeks left. Just flushed out some excess nutes before the final push with dry koolbloom Only regret is not using 5 gallon pots.
Beautiful flowers Sonman! Really good flower development on those girls. These are gonna be some FAT buds! :headbanger::passitleft:
That's real impressive brother! :adore: :passitleft:
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