Nuttyprofessor & The Red Light & Pot District

In this journal ill be using the seeds i made from the colloidal silver , there are 13 seedlings just a few days old
These are THC bombs auto. ( If i did the job right these should be mostly female ) :thumb:

The soil
multipurpose compost
worm cast compost
Irish peat moss

I added to the Bottom of the pots
fish blood and bone
bone meal
Norway lobster
crab meal
composting activator
i soaked the soil with seaweed extract and molasses .

Only going to use mainly water on these
I am also using another product on 8 of these plants , if i get no problems cal/mag as im only using led then ill let my secret out to all you good people :thumb: the clue is POO JUICE lol :Namaste::Namaste:


My Little twins

re: Nuttyprofessor & The Red Light & Pot District

thank you for joining , i shall make this an everlasting journal as ive just too many going lol. plus the fact i made over 600 seeds from my 2 bombs , one i reversed and one i used to pollinate from the reversed :) so its going to be a long thread if all goes well for me

i am looking forward to growing my twins ive name them cagney and lacey :thumb:
re: Nuttyprofessor & The Red Light & Pot District

Right on Prof! I'm along for the ride! :popcorn:

I don't know why you would use Irish peat moss when Canadian sphagnum is much better, but then I'm Scottish and you know what the Scots think about them Irish. ;) Like my uncle's bumper sticker, If it tain't Scottish, It's crrrrrap!

I'm interested in trying the CS route myself with the CS I make so I'll have to peruse your CS thread. :passitleft:

yes mate , soon as they broke a tap root i felt like a daddy all over again lol , its great to watch your own hard work pay off and hope to reap the rewards down the line when i have the perfect bomb growing , its was a bonus getting nearly 2 os of good smoke and over 600 seeds , couldnt beat that , :)
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