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I was very seriously considering a move there...I love the outdoors and the Summers are breathtakingly beautiful. I haven't been there yet but the only time I truly feel at piece is when I'm out in nature...and you really can't get any further out there than in Alaska. But now I'm reading about sea mammals dying and fishermen with their hair falling out from the Fukushima radiation. It all makes me very sad.


Damn! You live in FEMA Region 1 ... as do I. It is the most beautiful place in the world! I might like to move north but I will stay right here in FR1 :cheesygrinsmiley:
Mmmm...cherries sound good right about now!

I'm the exact same way with the heat. It's 95º here at the moment...but some areas were supposed to hit 3 digits today. When it's that hot, I only do what absolutely has to be done, and then go back an lock myself in an air conditioned room!

I did some work in the vegetable garden yesterday and ended up with my first migraine in months. Then I had to go to the store to pick something up and ended up in a verbal confrontation with a crazy woman in the store parking lot...which led to a pleasant conversation with a surprisingly nice police officer. Next time I'm staying in the A/C!

Yep! Stay out of the crazy ladies and no police. :high-five:
Nice Lights OMM! Welcome to team Advanced LED! I think you're right to be cautious, they are super bright, and 1000w is 1000w whether it's HPS or LED, so you're bill will be what it will be... but you'll get more usable light with LED's than HPS, which is what matters to the babies!

Hi SurfBuddy. Glad to be part of the the Advanced Team. Good old American Technology. The lights are well engineered and built to last. Yes indeed super bright.....that's why I'm being careful. Their coverage is so large, I may start a couple of more girls. Already see the girls love em. About the bill..glad I paid off my car last month! :Namaste:
I've been sitting here waiting for you OMM, I'm locked up in my bedroom trying to stay out of the heat 98 degrees, (I'm using my jewish mother bitching right now.) Where have you been. Hey, guess what, I was just sharing a J with Heirloom at this new kids site, anyway, long story short, I burned that J right down to my lip, now I got a blister on my upper right lip/oww, need to buy a bong tomorrow. Smoke report DNA Lemon Shunk, very nice, smooth, buzzy and not yet cured, but not couchlocked. I'm off to watch Brighton Beach MemoirsON HBO to practice my Jewish mother accent some more, I'm recording it.
Hi SurfBuddy. Glad to be part of the the Advanced Team. Goodold American Technology. The lights are well engineered and built to last. Yes indeed super bright.....that's why I'm being careful. Their coverage is so large, I may start a couple of more girls. Already see the girls love em. About the bill..glad I paid off my car last month! :Namaste:

Isn't that the best feeling? No car loan payments. I'm gonna ask for some LED lights for christmas, I'll get them even if I buy them for myself from my husband of course. He never knows what to buy me, so I go out and buy it and he's so relieved he didn't have to do it that I can ask for anything, of course I know not to go overboard, it's something for me to start saving for.
Yeah...your approach would have been the better route to take, but with a full-blown migraine It was all I could do to not throw a shopping cart through her windshield. I did catch myself and walk away when her young daughter came out of the store...but she didn't. Then when I stopped and told her she should be ashamed of speaking like that in front of a 9-10 year old...her daughter gave me the finger and told me to F*ck-off! :straightface:

I'd say screw it and move out to a cabin in the Alaskan wilderness where I wouldn't have to deal with people, but where would I plug in my grow lights?

It's so nice to see such graceful family values! :circle-of-love:
Hey, Thanks Cronic ! :Namaste:

That's a beauty! How long was hook to boat?

Thanks for caching up! :thumb:

ok im all caught up again
took about 30 minutes hook to in the boat
oh btw the grow tent is looking good with those led's
Wow that's the first I heard of that in Alaska, my niece lives in Anchorage, she loves it, good jobs there, high pay, lots of government jobs, military jobs, her husband just retired from police force, now is a private investigator dealing with the elderly, they get pensions of $10,000/mo and lots of them are taken advantage of by caretakers and family/sad situation

That's sad Grace, being one of those elderly, I feel for them. I get email, phone calls, and other stupid offers all the time. Jo too. She reports them or just interrogates them until they hang up. She has reported many of them to the FBI. You don't mess with Jo.

They think we are easy prey.

You said in one of your posts, that you were waiting for me...sorry about that. When I put in a long putting the new lights in the tent. The next day I usually sleep allot, in fact I just woke up. I'm way behind on visiting others journals......I'll catch up folks! Got another Doctors appointment tomorrow for my breathing.

I hate being away from my journal, however if I don't do these things, there would be no journal and that's not going to happen!

10 watt LEDs yeehaa! I have just looked and found them up to 200 watts!! I think you mis-took my message. I meant move the lights further away ... but... turn them up. I don't suggest a "set it and forget it" either, watch em like a hawk.

I know you don't want hurt your babies and I don't want you to!!!


Hey Buckshot! :surf: 200 watts! Wow! I think I did read it wrong, Buddy. Either way...I knew you were just trying to help me. No harm my friend. :Namaste:
Well Been home now for about 6 hours or so. They have me on loratabs. I sure don't like they way they make me feel.
Well just wanted you to know I'll be checking in on some of you this week.
I recently attended one of the retreats in Colorado.I'll be back on feet in no time.

I've been sitting here waiting for you OMM, I'm locked up in my bedroom trying to stay out of the heat 98 degrees, (I'm using my jewish mother bitching right now.) Where have you been. Hey, guess what, I was just sharing a J with Heirloom at this new kids site, anyway, long story short, I burned that J right down to my lip, now I got a blister on my upper right lip/oww, need to buy a bong tomorrow. Smoke report DNA Lemon Shunk, very nice, smooth, buzzy and not yet cured, but not couchlocked. I'm off to watch Brighton Beach MemoirsON HBO to practice my Jewish mother accent some more, I'm recording it.

Hi Grace.:love: That must have been one good joint. I guess mmj can actually hurt you. :yummy: Buy a small vape...much better for you, in the long run. No waste either. I love Lemon Skunk too.

As you know, I've dated 3 JAPs and none of them ever did the the "Jewish Mother Bitching", maybe I didn't know them long enough! :cheesygrinsmiley: Enjoy your show.....practice makes perfect! :Namaste:
Isn't that the best feeling? No car loan payments. I'm gonna ask for some LED lights for christmas, I'll get them even if I buy them for myself from my husband of course. He never knows what to buy me, so I go out and buy it and he's so relieved he didn't have to do it that I can ask for anything, of course I know not to go overboard, it's something for me to start saving for.

You are right Grace! Nice feeling!

I bought Jo some really nice diamond ear rings once. She hated them, she doesn't like diamonds. Since then, she picks out her own gifts...that way we are both happy.

LEDs would be a nice self gift......even though Hubby actually pays for them....your both happy in the end. I think they would be perfect for you......much less heat in your space and good lights. Would be a Happy Christmas for you! :xmas:
ok im all caught up again
took about 30 minutes hook to in the boat
oh btw the grow tent is looking good with those led's

What fun that was Chronic! Bet you sat down and smoked one after that! Thanks about the tent. Those Medi-Bombs are a trip. Never a doubt about when to water them...they look dead!

C U ! :high-five:
Well Been home now for about 6 hours or so. They have me on loratabs. I sure don't like they way they make me feel.
Well just wanted you to know I'll be checking in on some of you this week.
I recently attended one of the retreats in Colorado.I'll be back on feet in no time.


Well "Hello" Seagem ! Glad your back home! Loratabs don't sound good at all. Colorado sounds good. I have no doubt that you will be on your feet soon. Your a tough Lady! :high-five:
Less than a month old and already 50 pages. I have a lot of catching up to do!


Hey Buddy...sure good to see you. There is some good stuff back in those pages, however, I think the best is just starting. A big welcome to you Brother, you have been missed. :welcome:
Thank you OMM & jandre2K3,

Yep they make me very scatter brained. Im glad Im home too, the hospital was okay until yesterday when they told me I could go home. liquid diet, looking like I'll be getting some of the Ensure too. Even with the phenergan they make me sick and nauseous.

Might not be to into the journals today, need to get some rest since the hospital. They let my machine beep for well over 45 minutes, then they cam in and took me off everything. Had nothing for pain for about 5 hours and then they finally sent in some pain meds.

Im glad your getting your room fixed. Im going to try some seeds a wonderful friend gave me...
Your plants are looking great, how did the Critical do out side with the storms?

Have some fun today and be good. :thumb:
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