P9 Hunts For The Unicorn With Mars SP 250s

Hope y'all are pleasantly blazed...

Time to get after it.... I'm headed back outside for more yardwork.
Had one for breakfast, well, a bowl.....or three.
Laughing Buddha was in the running for my last bean order.
It was a heavy yielder, not as heavy on THC, but it was still super good bud.

I wanna run it again, now that I've seen it in action.

I vividly remember it smelling like breakfast sausage during the early flower weeks. LoL

It threw me off a bit. LoL
Hey P, I was stripping a few fans off my Gorillabops as I near harvest and snapped a small branch at day 50. I hung it for 4 days at the grow and brought it home last night and left out on the counter. My wife got up asking what weed was stinking up the house. This pheno is straight DANK. No cure necessary. No fruit at all either. Man that Bop #2 really can let any mom shine when reversed.
What's wrong with dank?.....hits the dank, lol
There is definitely a "funk" surrounding that GG4. LoL, I got one hanging (in the house)... it's a funk-fest in this bitch!
Around here Dank seems to be weed that isn’t dried or cured properly.
Interesting. No, not the case in Texas. We call all the stuff out of Cali and Colorado mids, because that is all they ever send this way. It is what you would call dank, I guess. Pretty gross stuff I would not feed my dog, and we call the high end stanky indoor dank.
Aww man, I’m so sorry I missed your bday! :( hopefully you’re still down for a belated bday sesh! :blunt::blunt:

Nice bday gift from Stank!! I’ve heard such great things about DTF, that would be a great candidate for your big plant grow, imo.
Aww man, I’m so sorry I missed your bday! :( hopefully you’re still down for a belated bday sesh! :blunt::blunt:

Nice bday gift from Stank!! I’ve heard such great things about DTF, that would be a great candidate for your big plant grow, imo.
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